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Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She tilted her head softly, “Do you run into danger often?” She asked curiously. She was use to danger.. how bad could it be?
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He smiled warmly, following behind her. It was a bit cute how she bounced around. “Best beach destination anywhere.” He said cheerfully, watching her.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She blinked a few times, watching the Doctor curiously. Someone she just met wanted her to travel around and explore? She was a bit speechless, if she was being honest with herself. “You.. want me to travel with you?” She asked softly, biting her lip.

She wouldn’t have to try, and possibly fail, at making a life for herself on another planet? At least not yet? “I would love to.. if I’m not going to be too much of a burden..” she said gently. It did sound too good to be true.. “Is there a catch..?”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He glanced over to make sure she was definitely holding on before pulling the last lever and holding on himself. Once they landed, he motioned to the doors, wanting to see the look on her face. “After you.”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She went a little red, “Both. I was hoping.. maybe I’d find a better life on another planet.. and could work for a place to stay...” She said softly, rubbing her arm shyly.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The tardis beeped warmly, happy she joined them in their travels. “You might want to hold on tight.” He said mischievously, moving around the console now and getting her flying.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She wandered a little deeper into the room, looking at all of the clothing and picking things that might be her size. She moved to the little dressing room, setting everything down carefully and looking at herself in the mirror. She looked.. scraggly, at best. You could tell she had been on the streets before coming here.

Biting her lip she turned away from the mirror, stripping and setting her clothes in a folded pile away from the clean ones. She moved to the new pile and tried on a few things, looking in the mirror each time. It was like a whole different person reflected back at her and she wondered how long she might be allowed to stay.. to have clean clothes and a warm bed.

After settling on a pair of jeans, a tank top, a boho shirt that hung off one shoulder, and a pair of converse, she folded the rest back up and moved to put them back in their spots, looking for a hair tie in the process so she could get it out of the way. “Thank you...” she said, stepping out of the room and into the hallway.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“Because she trusts you.” He said warmly, nodding towards the console as he walked up to it, punching in some coordinates.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
“I can.. try on anything?” She asked curiously, glancing back at the Doctor and then over to the clothes. Something in here had to fit her, right? Her attention wandered to the male clothing all hung up very neatly. There was an outfit with a very long looking scarf, a colorful one and even a fez in this section. Interesting choices.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He grinned, watching her. He loved this bit. The tardis beeped again softly in a hello. “So off to Space Florida?”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Once they reached the wardrobe, which was down a confusing maze of hallways, her eyes went a little wide seeing the enormous room. Every shelf and closet had tons of clothing to choose from, most of it had been organized by size recently thanks to the TARDIS. She looked around a bit shyly, wondering what she might be able to wear. “Wow..”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He smiled gently, opening up the door for her. “Her name is the TARDIS, and she’s delighted to hear you love the color.” He said softly as a beep came from inside.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She bit her lip lightly, “Oh- I.. Alright..” What was she supposed to say to that? “Sorry about mine..” she said gently, moving over to the console.

“She’s beautiful by the way..” She said softly, motioning to the console. The tardis beeped warmly at that, lighting up happily. She really liked this companion.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He nodded, smiling warmly. “She loves making new friends.” He said softly, leading her to a big blue box.