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Posted in Painting my nails Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: really? Glad to know I’m not the only one lol!

I’ve kinda been shy about going to mani/pedi places since my wedding, honestly. I love the pamper day.. but I can’t do the UV light curing, it burns my hands.. makes them hot.. my nails are too thin for much of anything they do..

And, when I had my nails done for my wedding a few years ago, the place we went to I am pretty sure ruined one of my toenails. All of the other ones grew just fine and the polish came off over time. One of them.. stayed as it was. I won’t let them touch my feet with polish anymore. It sucks.
Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago
Nah this is my spot.
Posted in Animals A - Z Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
Very.. dark and mysterious.. those eyes are soul piercing.
Posted in Which AAY do you like better? Posted 5 years ago
Hard call. I like the interesting design that is Vermii.. but Bum is cute.

Both! :p
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
That wonderful hair <3
Posted in Painting my nails Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: I’ll look for that this weekend <3 Gotta get stuff for the new apartment anyway
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago
@Tuijp: I mean... you get what you pay for though..? Can’t cheap out on something like that..

Wall; Not much, you? Nice outfit :D
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Lufi: ah that sucks! I’m sorry they can’t come fix it yet.

I would like to stop packing. Can we be done yet? Although I think as I pack the rest we are weeding out what we don’t use.. so that’s a good thing.. but.. LOL
Posted in How Did You Come Up With Your Username? Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: They’ll always stick with me. <3

@onsenmark: that actually sounds better than what I was doing haha
Posted in ErRoR Posted 5 years ago
@Kairu: what adorable jacket is that? :0

Also I love the error signs lol
Posted in Painting my nails Posted 5 years ago
I love the matte look of that color!

I love getting my nails done at a salon.. but even with JUST a color (no gel, SNS, etc) my nails act badly. I’m trying to grow them and they just want to break at any opportunity. They’re so thin.

When I do them myself, seems to be fine- although a crappy done job because my hands are not steady when I do it. I don’t understand it.
Posted in Talk with me so I can stay active Posted 5 years ago
@DragonicKittens: LOL yes. I’m pretty sure the Palm of my hand went to my face after.
Posted in Talk with me so I can stay active Posted 5 years ago
@DragonicKittens: oh ha, thank you!- I thought so but I wasn’t sure. I’m guilty of that. I have said “BRB” out loud to someone calling me as I was typing “coming!” Online.