Artemis's posts
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
She blinked a few times and smiled gently. “I’m glad they turned out ok.” She said shyly.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired?
Posted 6 years ago
He led her around the dance floor, glad she was having fun. It had probably been a while since he had had fun too..
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
Arty stepped out of the hallway, having been ready to turn back around if the conversation continued. She didn’t want to eavesdrop. She rubbed her arm a little, looking over to the Doctor and smiling a bit. “Were... they any good?” She asked quietly.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired?
Posted 6 years ago
He tilted his head a bit and nodded, smiling and gently leading her back to the floor. Now that he had done it earlier, it was much easier to remember how to dance properly.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
‘You never know until you ask..’ she beeped softly.
Arty had faintly heard her talking and didn’t want to interrupt her conversation with the tardis. She lingered just out of hearing range, which was by her bedroom and then slowly started walking down the hall to the console.
Arty had faintly heard her talking and didn’t want to interrupt her conversation with the tardis. She lingered just out of hearing range, which was by her bedroom and then slowly started walking down the hall to the console.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired?
Posted 6 years ago
He grinned, “Would you like to go back out there? Or would you like to find something to eat?”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
The tardis was quiet for a moment and then, ‘Did you want to?’ She was curious too!
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired?
Posted 6 years ago
“You’re quite welcome.” He said warmly, smiling. “Any time you want to do it we can come back.”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
The tardis beeped again, ‘What was she saying?’
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired?
Posted 6 years ago
He smiled warmly hearing that, “I’m glad you had fun. Takes a minute to get use to dancing again.”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
The tardis beeped softly, ‘Are they good?’
Arty paused in her room, setting the bag, still fully packed in case of another emergency, down near her bed. She was really glad to have her memories back, but wondered about Trin’s comment. Was she just poking fun? She bit her lip and shook her head, turning and heading back to the console.
Arty paused in her room, setting the bag, still fully packed in case of another emergency, down near her bed. She was really glad to have her memories back, but wondered about Trin’s comment. Was she just poking fun? She bit her lip and shook her head, turning and heading back to the console.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired?
Posted 6 years ago
After a while of dancing, he gently pulled her to the side so she could rest. It had been a while.. but she looked like she had enjoyed it, even if he didn’t remember all of the dance moves.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time
Posted 6 years ago
She smiled softly, “Yeah, a bit.” She handed her the cookies. “I’m going to put my bag away..” she said softly, heading for her room.
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@TheGreatPretender: Legs freedom!