Eruca's posts
Posted in Neon Junkyard [now without rats]
Posted 7 years ago
@Yandere: I just threw them up in the air.


Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Well, I guess that's another way to get what you want.

Posted in Where are my trans?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: what do they know about nature and what's right?

Posted in OOC: keef look over here!
Posted 7 years ago
@keef: I think Karen was originally pretty clueless, so the alien that replaced her is just emulating that, however badly. As for Ronnie, well... Aliens don't really know how human babies behave. lol So Perfect for a botched child rescue! Love that actually! Maybe alien Ronnie's Actually alien Karen's baby, so alien Karen and alien Ronnie have extra motivation to go after our human protagonists (apart from being extreme alt-space alien supremacists).
I'm thinking Mr. Brown is actually human who is working for the aliens because they "brought his wife back from the dead". Maybe we should have human townsfolk who's in the middle of being replaced too so they can have memory issues and what not. Maybe some tinfoil hat paranoid conspiracy theorist who tries to escape the evil aliens' clutches but ultimately fails.
And then of course there are the aliens who try to assume the identities of our main characters - maybe that's for later.
I'm thinking Mr. Brown is actually human who is working for the aliens because they "brought his wife back from the dead". Maybe we should have human townsfolk who's in the middle of being replaced too so they can have memory issues and what not. Maybe some tinfoil hat paranoid conspiracy theorist who tries to escape the evil aliens' clutches but ultimately fails.
And then of course there are the aliens who try to assume the identities of our main characters - maybe that's for later.

Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: So instead of marrying the prince, you raid the palace and overthrow the monarchy?
@RainbowPanda: But it's SO COOL. Literally, combine numbers that are complex and impossible into a weird concoction, then add 1 and you get Nothing.
What kind of math do you like?
@RainbowPanda: But it's SO COOL. Literally, combine numbers that are complex and impossible into a weird concoction, then add 1 and you get Nothing.
What kind of math do you like?

Posted in Neon Junkyard [now without rats]
Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: there's no rule against double posting is there? I do it all the time. lol...
@Yandere: here, have the whole box! *cookies fall from the sky

@Yandere: here, have the whole box! *cookies fall from the sky

Posted in Where are my trans?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Oh like, the "not today satan" stuff. Those people are just unfortunate.
I guess that's the difference. I can dismiss people like that and forget about them but you don't need to be reminded.
I guess that's the difference. I can dismiss people like that and forget about them but you don't need to be reminded.

Posted in Where are my trans?
Posted 7 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I thought T in LGBTQ+ was for was for spilling. :D

Posted in There is this big...
Posted 7 years ago
indeed. thanks for pointing that out.

Posted in Where are my trans?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Maybe you disagree, but I don't think that's a problem unique to LGBTQ+ community. The only privilege I'm missing is being a middle-class white male and people butt in on my life all the time too. I think that people's regular go-to advice is more glaringly problematic for the LGBTQ+ community.
@Saeyra: I acknowledge that advice givers probably have good intentions. It just bugs me when people assume they know better than you, when they hardly know diddly squat about you.
@Saeyra: I acknowledge that advice givers probably have good intentions. It just bugs me when people assume they know better than you, when they hardly know diddly squat about you.

Posted in There is this big...
Posted 7 years ago
damn it. oh well.

Posted in We all eventually die
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Behold my kitty!
Posted 7 years ago
So cute~ What a beautiful dear~
Good photography op.
Good photography op.

Posted in There is this big...
Posted 7 years ago
@Appollo Im Burning:
This thread was made for you.
This thread was made for you.