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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago
I'm actually at a decent temperature for once; the weather has been switching between summer and snow and it's driving me crazy.
Posted in There is a mouse . . . Posted 6 years ago
Ahahaha, right! Since we moved in here we heard noises in the night that we thought were the neighbor's cat, but now I'm like . . . so it's mice then.

I'll be setting traps at night trying to get the little things out of here. I don't want then up during the day since my dog is very good at sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and I don't want him setting the traps off.
Posted in The Surge: March Crates! Posted 6 years ago
Ohhhh, these are fun! I love how creative the items are each month!
Posted in Lock please Posted 6 years ago
I'm too weak for hot wings; just thinking about it is making my mouth water in a bad way ahahaha.

Hi Shadami! I don't know if I've posted in this particular thread before, but I've also been away from the site for awhile. How's it going?
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago
Dang, everybody's avatars got so nice while I was away from the site.

How is everyone?
Posted in Getting back into writing Posted 6 years ago
Both of those tips are good. I have been frustrated as I don't have as much time to write as I used to, but I do try to set aside 10-20 minutes each morning before work. Some days I only get a few sentences out, and sometimes those sentences are utter garbage, but it's better than nothing.

Another tip I've seen is this: When you do your daily writing, don't look back on what you've written before. Especially if this is a first draft, your only job is to get words onto paper. You can review it later. Personally I can get bogged down by editing what I've written previously, or sometimes rereading it can make me sad enough to stop writing the story altogether.

At the same time, I know some people prefer to warm up their brain by editing what they wrote the day before, and in a world where I am a professional author and have that kind of time, I can see how that would be a good way to get the ol' word machine going.
Posted in Gentleman's Dreams [ a writing contest ] Posted 6 years ago
Whaaa, just missed it! I would've written something if I hadn't missed the deadline, and I'd be interested to enter future contests. Fun to read through the entries received :D
Posted in Pillow talk Posted 6 years ago
All my life I had 1-2 pillows for my head. Then I moved in with my girlfriend who believes more is better. We have 2 body pillows, 3-4 regular pillows, and a pair of those pillow pets now. It's fine for her since she's so short, but when arranged a certain way the pillows take up too much space in the bed and my feet hang over the end lmao.

I do like them though; I just sometimes have to destroy her display in the name of a good night's sleep. I never did that when we were dating/only just moved in together, but it's been 5 years and we're getting married so you gotta do what you gotta do.
Posted in There is a mouse . . . Posted 6 years ago
Just wanted to let you all know there is a mouse in my bathroom. I put out a trap (makes me sad but I can't catch that thing and can't afford to have it wreck my pantry when I'm so broke), but it's also first thing in the morning and I have to pee; the last time I saw the mouse, it was on top of the shelf above the toilet and I really don't want a mouse dropping onto my head when I'm doing my business.

Posted in How do you make friends on the internet? Posted 6 years ago
@guttedbunny: Yeah I just joined the Voltra Discord and people recognized and welcomed me and it was a really nice experience! Nice enough that maybe I'll change my username back. I have a habit of "rebranding" myself when I come back to a site because I don't like who I used to be, and I guess I should stop doing that lol.

Good idea on kik. I'll download that again and keep it handy. I guess it's all about putting the work in, huh? Pretty daunting to be starting from nothing, but I guess it beats sitting alone in silence all day. Thanks for the tips!
Posted in signed up for classes for my 2nd semester Posted 6 years ago
@Dread Pirate: Ahhhhh I should have known!

When I took computer classes it was basic stuff like how to use a word processor and how to not download a virus lol. I don't know if that's still the case or not but I'll be curious to hear what you get up to. I took a psychology course once and enjoyed it even though I think it was a bit above me.
Posted in How do you make friends on the internet? Posted 6 years ago
Hey all. I'm coming back to the internet after living off grid and letting all my connections die lol and I'm struggling to reconnect and make friends. It seems like people have really moved on. Discord wasn't a thing the last time I was active, at least not a popular thing.

I really miss having friends and am trying to find ways to connect to people, but fandom in tumblr used to be my main gateway and I'm not really into fandom anymore, so I don't know what to do. When I try googling this I mostly get results about how to find romantic interests and that's not what I'm looking for.

How do you make friends online? How do you keep those friendships going? Any sites you use or recommend? Thanks!
Posted in signed up for classes for my 2nd semester Posted 6 years ago
That sounds like a fun combination. What are computer literacy classes like these days? I wonder what kind of thing they teach as "literacy" since computers have changed so much since I was in school.
So like I'm talking about gender and sexuality as it comes up in roleplay, such as people not playing their own gender/sexuality, etc. Nothing explicit, but thought I should warn you in case it squicks you out. I'm not trying to start a fight, just looking for another opinion. Anyway --

I want to get back into roleplaying, so I went to a roleplay site and everything was going well until I started to fill out my preferences. There's a section where you can choose what genders you'd like to play and which genders you'd like your partner to play. Which is fine and understandable, however.

They listed "futanari" as a gender, which just squicked me because I've usually seen it used in porn as a kind of tasteless way of exploiting transwomen. I googled it to see if I should actually be offended, and the "similar searches" offered by Wikipedia were outdated words for transgender/transexual people that are now considered somewhat offensive, so it's kinda like, okay yeah, I think I'm okay to feel this way?

Am I being a weenie or does it make sense that it squicks me? The fact that it's listed like that (and they also listed "transgender" as a play preference, which was weird to me - I am transgender, if you haven't picked up on that) is enough to make me reconsider using the site at all. It has a very "straight/cis people playing at being gay/trans because they're into it" vibe. I mean, I know roleplay and fanfic is full of that sort of thing (I think a lot of it has to do with people figuring out their own gender/sexuality, and it isn't always a fetish thing), but it just made me feel . . . gross?

Anyway let me know what you think. Shout out to any mod who moves or deletes this; not sure if it's okay to talk about in broad terms like this.
