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Posted in Hereditary Posted 6 years ago
Oh boy. I just watched this juggernaut and it messed me up. To be fair, it preyed on some specific fears and traumas of mine and I spent most of the movie in a panic attack. That said, I can’t really comment on it since I was very out of my mind for most of it. It looked good and I’d like to rewatch it now that I know what to expect.

My girlfriend just read that the director’s goal was to “open a chute under the audience and drop them into Hell” and I certainly think that’s accurate lmao.

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Posted in Buying a Few Items Posted 6 years ago
Hi there! I don’t have anything in your freebie post yet and would love some items if you still have some.
Posted in Apparently she wants her kid dead Posted 6 years ago
People have gotten really stupid, especially with their kids. I almost took out a whole family because mom decided to let her 4 elementary age kids walk down the damn road on a blind corner. The sidewalk is right there??
Posted in Oh hi hello have a cookie Posted 6 years ago
Hey there and welcome!
Posted in Bby newbie here reporting for duty Posted 6 years ago
Hey there and welcome! Voltra’s a really great website with a wonderful community and lovely items. I hope you enjoy it here!
Posted in Wild Food Posted 6 years ago
Wild blackberries are so nice and sweet. Around here we mostly have the bigger invasive kind and the little native guys are a great treat
Posted in Hii Posted 6 years ago
Hey there. That’s unfortunate :(
Posted in the Final Countdown.. Posted 6 years ago
@Mousy: yeah I’ve been wanting to start a blog and a public Instagram anyway and this seems like a good way to start off
Posted in [B] Ohms w/ 10k volts Posted 6 years ago
Now buying ohms.
Posted in The Surge: Plasma Orbs!? Posted 6 years ago
Love that you guys keep adding new items and features!

And I know I’m late to the party but Sparks design is great!
Posted in the Final Countdown.. Posted 6 years ago
Damn your school gets out early. In a few weeks I’ll quit my job and my gf and I will camp our way down the coast to California, where we’ll be living with her family in August and hopefully in fall I’ll get to start art school.
Posted in My ceiling was bleeding last night. Posted 6 years ago
Jeeeez that’s terrible. I’ve never had a leak like that, I’d be sad.
Posted in OOC: keef look over here! Posted 6 years ago
@Eruca: Hey! Sorry I’ve been gone 200 years, things have been pretty rough. I like the look of your map and I’ll try and have a real look at it when I’ve got time. Are you still interested in rping with me being gone so much?
Posted in I'm probably not a psychopath after all Posted 6 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: yeah that’s where I’m now. A few years ago I did view people as useful (or useless) idiots for awhile but I was going thru some shit and I’ve mostly chilled with that working at McDonald’s doesn’t help. Maybe it’s a mix.