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Posted in Thinking about trade school/apprenticing Posted 6 years ago
It’s time for the ol keef train to further himself, and I’m looking at being an electrician via an apprenticeship. The ones i’m looking at pay you for your time as they train you for 3-5 years, then you enter the workforce as a journeyman and your rate of pay goes up (doubles or more in some cases). I think it would be a fun job, and i’m freakin tired of being poor. Once I got working I could look into finishing my 4 year degree and teaching, but for now I need something more stable and fulfilling than juggling multiple minimum wage part time gigs. And heck, I might just like being a tradesman and working on my art as a hobby. Electricians make bank! I could buy a lot of art supplies!

Thoughts? What’s your career if you have one and how did you get there, or what are you thinking about for a future job?
Posted in Pokemon Revolution Online Posted 6 years ago
“zombie charizard mount”
well im sold

if i ever get time to download it I’ll check it out.
Posted in I was in a very bad accident today. Posted 6 years ago
Holy crap that’s so scary. I’m glad you’re okay but so sorry about your car. I wish I could help.
Posted in [B] Ohms w/ 10k volts Posted 6 years ago
Also reserved

Post away
Posted in [B] Ohms w/ 10k volts Posted 6 years ago
Reserved in case I make this a real shop
Posted in [B] Ohms w/ 10k volts Posted 6 years ago
Idk man. I’ve been gone a month and I need to buy some of those shiny new orbs. Make me offers, thanks.
Posted in Name change Posted 6 years ago
I plan on changing my real name at some point. Right now I have 0 creativity for usernames— watch me finally choose one in a few months after someone else has claimed it.
Posted in We all eventually die Posted 6 years ago

Im so fricking tired, I read this whole page but I still thought, “wow, like the ice cream?”

Also i’m 25 and most people think i’m 16 which is annoying. I work at McDonalds and my managers are all younger than me but think they’re older which is an interesting dynamic.

I used to be very scared of death but i’m not anymore. Like, it’s a thing that happens. Doesn’t mean I want it to happen anytime soon. I’m mostly sad that leaving this life means leaving my girlfriend behind, but i’m a buddhist and believe in reincarnation and I hope we’ll be a couple again. It just feels right.
Posted in Dungeons and Dragons Posted 6 years ago
That is beautiful.
One of my favorite moments from a recent game is when my wizard in training tried to stealth into a suspected dragon lair. He’s the stealthiest on the team so we thought we’d have him check it out before we charged in. But he rolled a 1, so he instead tripped into the nest and was immediately clawed to 1 hit point by the baby dragon. He spent the rest of the fight hiding in the brush and casting magic missile from a wide distance. He would later go on to die 3 times during a boss battle against a god, constantly revived by the cleric only to be one hit killed again. Useless, but I love him.
Posted in Chat? Posted 6 years ago
I should be drawing requests but my drawing stuff is in the bedroom and I can’t get it without waking my girlfriend up so i’m just chilling on the forums instead.
Posted in Howdy! Posted 6 years ago
Nice! This site is so new the name Lizard wasn’t even taken?? Welcome!!
Posted in Hi <3 Posted 6 years ago
Hello and welcome! I like your username! This site is really friendly and fun
Posted in [temp closed] Experimental freebies Posted 6 years ago
@KeirenKiren: That’s up to you about the old avatar. I didn’t start on you yet because I’m painfully slow lol
Posted in [temp closed] Experimental freebies Posted 6 years ago
This is a cut off post to preserve my sanity! If you posted before now i’ll work on your request, but I make no promises of timeliness or quality.

Thank you for your interest!