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Posted in [Request] Ideas for 1x1 or group threads Posted 6 years ago
@Eruca: !!! I like this a lot! I don't remember if that was an episode honestly, it's been a long time since I watched Doctor Who and I don't think I've seen the most recent season. But yeah, I'm down for that!
Posted in A random night shift?? Waaaaah Posted 6 years ago
I managed to sneak in a nap so it wasn't terrible. And someone in the drive thru tipped me a couple of bucks, which I donated to the site to get a crate
So that's cool.
Posted in Applied for a new job! Posted 6 years ago
@Addy: That's so awesome!
Posted in More of a Wishlist than an actual Quest Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Okay, so I think I accepted it all the way through.
Posted in More of a Wishlist than an actual Quest Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Okay that makes sense to me.
@Panda: Hey! I'm all right! Just got back from night shift, gonna eat a sandwich and head to bed.
Posted in Hey Posted 6 years ago
@Kami: Thank you! Yeah so far it's my favorite site in a long time.
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Names A to Z Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Count to 100 before the moderators catch us!!! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Count to 1 million Posted 6 years ago
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 6 years ago
Coming up on 4.4k now.
I love seeing people's crazy high numbers in threads like this
Posted in Pokemon A - Z Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Applied for a new job! Posted 6 years ago
Ahhhh I scrolled all the way down hoping I'd see that you got it :O
Good luck! That's exciting!
Posted in A random night shift?? Waaaaah Posted 6 years ago
@Panda: Yooooooo that's the way to do it!
I'm debating if I should go find another job or just stay with this one. I'll be moving away in June anyway and I suppose it's good to learn skills and get references that'll help me later. But lord I don't enjoy it and the job market is really hard out here. I don't mind working in service/food and it kinda makes me want to try being a waiter or something at a sit down restaurant. Nothing fancy, just like a Denny's or a diner or something. That way you get tips too.