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Posted in The Battery is filled!! But... Posted 6 years ago
I can't tell if it's completely filled or if there's just a tiiiiiiiiiiny little sliver of it that still needs to be filled up.
Posted in The Curious Case of Vontell Posted 6 years ago
I'm very stressed out and anxious to see what happens!
Posted in Names A to Z Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Pokemon A - Z Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Count to 100 before the moderators catch us!!! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 6 years ago
Am I bad for enjoying really long and involved math problems?
Posted in Where are my trans? Posted 6 years ago
I am in the process of budgeting dollars for an initial hormone appointment because I don't think my insurance will cover it, and being jealous of a childhood friend who hit his 1 month on T mark today, ahahaha. I'm moving states in about 3 months and I would love to be partially transitioning by then so I can just be me from the start, you know?
Posted in It was 2 years ago?!? Posted 6 years ago
I recently found an old sketchbook from 2011 when I was taking an art class. My sketches are TERRIBLE compared to what I"m doing now, so that's nice to see. I have an old crappy self portrait and a better new one I did just a few months ago that I keep meaning to photograph side by side.
Posted in Storm Storm, Go away Posted 6 years ago
You can keep the snow, but I love a good wind/rain storm. Growing up they lulled me right the heck to sleep. Except when the house got to rocking and shuddering, that could get scary. Used to be scared my windows were gonna crash in on me in my sleep.
Posted in Where are my trans? Posted 6 years ago
Any other trans people on this site?
I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight be having a gender related freakout and wouldn't mind talking to some people in the same boat lol.
And it's just good to know anyway. Least I think it is.
Posted in Hey Posted 6 years ago
@Raxton: Thank you! Your avatar is cool!
Posted in A random night shift?? Waaaaah Posted 6 years ago
Update: oh right, I'm an insomniac with a household who gets up at 6. So now I'll wake with 3 hours of sleep, have to go to work in 3 hours, not sure if I should try to force a nap or call out while I can. guess I'll die.
Posted in BOOM BABY!! Posted 6 years ago
Hey welcome back! I've only just joined but I feel like I've seen your name mentioned around the site