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Posted in I'm probably not a psychopath after all Posted 6 years ago
And yes, I did genuinely think I was a psychopath of some level because of the way I think and my lack of emotion/interest in things. But autism is a more accurate diagnosis.
Posted in I'm probably not a psychopath after all Posted 6 years ago
Yeah I know ppl in the diagnosis field so I’m going to talk to them about a diagnosis. If I ever have energy again.

To clear things up, I don’t consider autism a bad thing. It’s how “normal” society reacts to it that is unfortunate, just as being trans isn’t bad but makes life more difficult because social norms are shit. I do have many symptoms and people I know with autism or who know an autistic person think I have it as well. I’m not so much considering it a shitty diagnosis as I am glad and relieved to have a label for my weird shit. I’m not a “little weird” or “a bit odd” — it’s more like “near debilitatingly strange to the point where most people can’t interact with me.”

I’m very different offline. I have trouble verbalizing and don’t talk nearly as much as I write in forums. Speech is a chore. A sometimes painful one.

Idk what else was said bc the first page is a mess, but yeah. Whatever.

Posted in Happy Monday! Posted 6 years ago
Man my work schedule has gotten so irregular and whack, I never know what day it is anymore.
Posted in I'm probably not a psychopath after all Posted 6 years ago
I think I'm just autistic. This has been a revelation. Between learning I'm transgender and recently researching autism and applying it to myself, it just explains every single weird thing about me and my past. It's a lot to take in, and thinking about how it will affect my future is daunting, but it's good to know. I guess. At least when I get discriminated against now I'll know why exactly lel. Idk if this is tmi; I just needed somewhere casual to post about it.
Posted in A Quiet Place Posted 6 years ago
Lmaooooooooooooooooooo at the guy shouting at the end. That's great. I haven't seen it yet but I really want to. My gf and I keep trying to go but our work schedules make seeing a movie hard.
Posted in Shelfies Posted 6 years ago
Hey, very cool! I miss having shelves! When I finally get moved into my own space again, I want a shelf for all my Pokemon crap including the old games that don't really work anymore. They could still work as decoration.
Posted in What's your moon looking like? Posted 6 years ago
Cool idea for a thread! I'll have to take a look at mine tonight and get back to you!
Posted in Slow cooker can't reduce my chicken stock Posted 6 years ago
What a fascinating situation to find yourself in.
I don't know enough about slow cookers to be any help. The only times I used them was following instructions made by my gf; I don't know how they work tbh.
Posted in I'm so bummed. Posted 6 years ago
Damn that sucks. Yeah, offering some kind of reward for it might help, especially if it's kids since $10 is still a decent chunk of money when you're a youth lol.
Posted in Hi! Wanted to say hi and Posted 6 years ago
Hey that's so great that it finally got done and you had someone on your side. It's always wonderful when people like that really care about their job and the people they serve. Wishing you a speedy and painless recovery! Hope you get to go home soon!
Posted in So my mom Posted 6 years ago
Hey, very cool that she got an interview! Wishing her luck!
Posted in The Surge: Commons Update! Posted 6 years ago
Facial haaaaair!!!! Yes!!!!!!! Thank you, artists! (And coders who uploaded them and got them working for us! And everyone else! I don't know how this site works!)
Posted in I Finally got my ohms! Posted 6 years ago
Ahahahaa, that's awesome! Your avi's off to a good start, looks like! Can't wait to see the finished thing!
I'd love to donate a few more times before the month's up, these items are great! but i'm supposed to be saving up to move to a new state so we'll see
Posted in "A small shadow crosses your path... Posted 6 years ago
Yoooooooooooooooooo!!! Awesome! Love it!