Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
Have fun with it, seriously.
About high time Pandar gets such compliments, she could use some and she shouldn't let the Aphy-blooded ladies get 'all the glories' to themselves to start with.
It'll take me a bit to get started, but for now I'm doing stuff from the PoVs of the antagonists on one side of the post, and the other, the folks who'd wanna flirt with Pandar because she's worth it.
Yeah, I'll hold you to that regarding Discord and I'm looking forward to it. :3
Have fun with it, seriously.
About high time Pandar gets such compliments, she could use some and she shouldn't let the Aphy-blooded ladies get 'all the glories' to themselves to start with.
It'll take me a bit to get started, but for now I'm doing stuff from the PoVs of the antagonists on one side of the post, and the other, the folks who'd wanna flirt with Pandar because she's worth it.
Yeah, I'll hold you to that regarding Discord and I'm looking forward to it. :3

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ooo that is a nice site :O
I will definitely be testing it out with random things for a bit xD
True true.
I got my post out, so if I don't get one out today due to work/whatever at least now I won't feel too bad. haha.
And I don't really use discord unfortunately. ;( Otherwise I would, I really only ever use it if I'm doing something in ffxiv, otherwise it's always closed on my computer haha.
I will definitely be testing it out with random things for a bit xD
True true.
I got my post out, so if I don't get one out today due to work/whatever at least now I won't feel too bad. haha.
And I don't really use discord unfortunately. ;( Otherwise I would, I really only ever use it if I'm doing something in ffxiv, otherwise it's always closed on my computer haha.
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It's a glorious site, seriously I tried it, you can't go wrong with it.
Can't wait for Pandar to get compliments over her looks and body. ^.-
I gotta think of a response.
But yeah, if we're gonna do Discord let's agree to save most of it for in case ToS for Voltra gets risked otherwise, I don't play FF XIV but it's more to do with it hasn't happened to me rather than love or hate, so eh...
But yeah, if you go on Discord feel free to send me a friends' request, in the meantime I'm doing a response as soon as possible, really.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I haven't seen/heard of arakawa under the bridge, but from a quick youtube preview it looks interesting. :O /adds to list of things to watch/
This is very true.
I saw them/your characters look interesting! :D So yeah just post them to the thread and I'll start us probably tomorrow or Saturday since I'm starting to get sleepy now haha. And I just remembered we have a meeting Saturday morning so I won't be up late tomorrow I don't think orz
This is very true.
I saw them/your characters look interesting! :D So yeah just post them to the thread and I'll start us probably tomorrow or Saturday since I'm starting to get sleepy now haha. And I just remembered we have a meeting Saturday morning so I won't be up late tomorrow I don't think orz
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I use Saucenao when I wanna look up which images your PC's using, but I just know that Miyuki Sawashiro's in it but not voicing whom Pandar looks like, that's for sure.
If Pandar don't draw 'the right enough kinds' of Aphy-blooded attention, something's amiss, really.
I just did that at the thread if you don't mind looking, also if you checked out your inbox, wanna talk by Discord if at all possible?
Answer a yes or a no at the inbox for that question, please.

Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1
Posted 5 years ago
Name: Kyle R. Perry
Age: 28 years old
Relation to which God/Goddess: 'Ah, good-old Grandpa Ares, there's this one time he boned my grandma at mom's side a long time ago, funny story really,'
Type of werewolf: 'My mom's a Classic Werewolf, albeit one of the strongest in her generation according to some folks, and barring the Loup-garou types definitely one of the top contenders, period according to them,'
P.S: 'All hail great mother Lupa, as the Clan would've encouraged,'
'Don't ask why I'd dress up like that,'
Combat Specialty: 'Let's see, I dealt with Close-Quarters combat with or without bladed weapons, I could handle shotguns but If I gotta use Tae Kwon Do, I'm gonna use it to counter whatever anyone throws at me up-close, my family's sword could conduct high-end electricity if I focus on it, but I've not mastered that thing yet, working on that, though but at least it can bypass enemy Magical defenses if it hits,'
Magic-Type: 'Because of that sword I could do electrical attacks, it's not as refined as what Zeus-blooded electric users tend to do, but it's there, apparently my blood has healing properties but I can't promise you I'll hold still to let others extract it, though,' -Latent Storm type with affinities for healing.
Name: Cherie Tundra
Age: 18 years old
Relation to which God/Goddess: Aphrodite is a grandmother of hers through one of her parents, Cherie's not clearing up which one, though.
Type of werewolf: None
Combat Specialty: She deals in Covert operations, can shapeshift her physical body to different forms, and deals in Combined Cosmology-type Hybrid Magic, and for close-quarters to mid-ranged fighting, she carries a Whip-sword with her at all times, and naturally she can camouflage herself to her surroundings or even turn invisible at will if need be.
(Cherie's weapon of choice)
Magic-type: Elementalist, leans heavily on Fire though but when using any other element, she's gonna aim to internalize Wind-type Magic for Fight-or-Flight regards, really.
Age: 28 years old
Relation to which God/Goddess: 'Ah, good-old Grandpa Ares, there's this one time he boned my grandma at mom's side a long time ago, funny story really,'
Type of werewolf: 'My mom's a Classic Werewolf, albeit one of the strongest in her generation according to some folks, and barring the Loup-garou types definitely one of the top contenders, period according to them,'
P.S: 'All hail great mother Lupa, as the Clan would've encouraged,'

Combat Specialty: 'Let's see, I dealt with Close-Quarters combat with or without bladed weapons, I could handle shotguns but If I gotta use Tae Kwon Do, I'm gonna use it to counter whatever anyone throws at me up-close, my family's sword could conduct high-end electricity if I focus on it, but I've not mastered that thing yet, working on that, though but at least it can bypass enemy Magical defenses if it hits,'
Magic-Type: 'Because of that sword I could do electrical attacks, it's not as refined as what Zeus-blooded electric users tend to do, but it's there, apparently my blood has healing properties but I can't promise you I'll hold still to let others extract it, though,' -Latent Storm type with affinities for healing.
Name: Cherie Tundra
Age: 18 years old
Relation to which God/Goddess: Aphrodite is a grandmother of hers through one of her parents, Cherie's not clearing up which one, though.
Type of werewolf: None

Combat Specialty: She deals in Covert operations, can shapeshift her physical body to different forms, and deals in Combined Cosmology-type Hybrid Magic, and for close-quarters to mid-ranged fighting, she carries a Whip-sword with her at all times, and naturally she can camouflage herself to her surroundings or even turn invisible at will if need be.

(Cherie's weapon of choice)
Magic-type: Elementalist, leans heavily on Fire though but when using any other element, she's gonna aim to internalize Wind-type Magic for Fight-or-Flight regards, really.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Pandar looks like someone from Arakawa Under the Bridge eh?
Interesting, wonder whom it is though.
But yeah, you should see Miku Izayoi's bikini pics sometimes. ;)
The main reason we're talking numbers, is because we're talking the women carrying EITHER one's Godly blood up in here.
Everything else regarding the details is secondary, but yeah, Pandar drawing on-lookers to her's a thing.
My profiles are at the inboxes, but you can wing a start before another combat skirmish breaks out if you like, once I get the profiles up and running really.
Interesting, wonder whom it is though.
But yeah, you should see Miku Izayoi's bikini pics sometimes. ;)
The main reason we're talking numbers, is because we're talking the women carrying EITHER one's Godly blood up in here.
Everything else regarding the details is secondary, but yeah, Pandar drawing on-lookers to her's a thing.
My profiles are at the inboxes, but you can wing a start before another combat skirmish breaks out if you like, once I get the profiles up and running really.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Miku's also a well-endowed woman, as you clearly see through her pics. :P
Guess Pandar's in good company, really.
The women with Apollo's blood = numerically 'the second-hottest' and they get away with it.
Once that's out of the way, then it'll be checking by the PM inboxes and then we can check by the profiles accordingly. :wink:
Guess Pandar's in good company, really.
The women with Apollo's blood = numerically 'the second-hottest' and they get away with it.
Once that's out of the way, then it'll be checking by the PM inboxes and then we can check by the profiles accordingly. :wink:

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Fair enough, but also seriously, Miku Izayoi actually leans more to other women, funny fact really. :3
Call it cliche, but the women with Apollo's blood can be hot, not as hot as women with Aphy's blood can be but it's more of a 'numbers' thing than anything else, between Godly beings it's another matter but details details.
It's even more fun when it's rewarding, really.
Call it cliche, but the women with Apollo's blood can be hot, not as hot as women with Aphy's blood can be but it's more of a 'numbers' thing than anything else, between Godly beings it's another matter but details details.
It's even more fun when it's rewarding, really.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Quickie-question, ever watched Date-a-Live before and looked up Miku Izayoi in particular?
Yes this helps a lot when you recall that Apollo deals in Music as well as Light, Healing, Archery and Boxing, although Miku deals with Music and sound mainly.
Also at least there's honesty involved in the mix, and that's good.
But yeah, profile-making is awesome.
Yes this helps a lot when you recall that Apollo deals in Music as well as Light, Healing, Archery and Boxing, although Miku deals with Music and sound mainly.
Also at least there's honesty involved in the mix, and that's good.
But yeah, profile-making is awesome.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: That's good to know, really.
Looking like we're almost done with profile regards.
Also hope you're replying to your messages by the inbox.
Looking like we're almost done with profile regards.
Also hope you're replying to your messages by the inbox.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I can't say I blame you on that.
About time we knock this into 12th gear pretty soon.
Also you go on Discord sometime?
About time we knock this into 12th gear pretty soon.
Also you go on Discord sometime?

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Best to go when specials are at it, for now.
And thanks so much, but at least you get my drift.
Let's see if we can't get some profiles up and running to be ready to post up, by the time tomorrow happens.
And thanks so much, but at least you get my drift.
Let's see if we can't get some profiles up and running to be ready to post up, by the time tomorrow happens.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
The only flaw in it was we didn't get to eat at IHOP this year, oh well it could've been worse.
Speaking of which did you make the profile skeleton?
And I'd rather you start the RP once I get the profiles running, really.
The only flaw in it was we didn't get to eat at IHOP this year, oh well it could've been worse.
Speaking of which did you make the profile skeleton?
And I'd rather you start the RP once I get the profiles running, really.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ooooo i see i see
Ahaha yes references are good. B) And I have not/I haven't watched akame ga kill.
Ahaha yes references are good. B) And I have not/I haven't watched akame ga kill.
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You took a bit to get back, enjoyed your evening?
And hold on I'm gonna get the references:

For 'the M' in the MxF side in question.
As for 'the F' on the FxF side at my corner, you stay tuned:

I hope that will do, the latter needs more 'OC' images in the long run, I know.
At least 'the M' has one, it's on the top half of the first tag.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@lupaprinceromulus: What are the machines for?
Washing and drying a lot of clothes in short time frames.