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@alicethemadhatter: Just checking to be sure.
@aisukohi: Coughing fits, but tomorrow's gonna be a long day, let's hope it's a fun day of a monday.
@aisukohi: Pleased to see you've arrived, as well.
Posted in Hello! I'm new here. Posted 5 years ago
@Micki chiba: Don't worry lol. I'm still getting used to the site too, but at least it's very similar (in interface) to other avi sites I've been on. Let us know if you have any questions!
@Lupaprinceromulus: Since you extended the invitation, I'll pop in. :)

The more, the merrier as they say.
Posted in Hello! I'm new here. Posted 5 years ago
Micki Chiba:
Welcome! I just joined yesterday, and I can tell you it's been great here so far!
Thank you.. I'm gonna have get used to this site.

Yo welcome aboard over there, And feel free to drop by the Lupa Clan and say hello, it's your friendly neighborhood Werewolf Prince up in here.

Well, it started with house inspections going on for 1-2+ weeks and counting, and then we had to deal with a lot of clothes, still following so far?

Long story folks, I've been busy at my side.
@alicethemadhatter: The more, the merrier.
@snakeweaver: Yo what's up?

Nothing just checking in on you.

Thanks, I'm as alive as ever, but yeah also this thread could use more bumps.
@alicethemadhatter: It's sure been a while around here, what's up?
@lina: Well, we can talk more about Pillow fort if you're up to hear more about it.
@lina: Ever thought of Pillowfort?
@lina: You know where to look?
@lina: All the more reason why if possible, we gotta figure out how to draw more artists in on-site in the meantime.
@lina: Hence why while I know the ones we still have are good,
we need to see about getting more of them gathered here too.