Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: No, afraid not, but at least the new machines just got in.
Now it's just a matter of time to adjust to how to use them without breaking them after going 1-2+ years without machines that work, and we should be good.
Now it's just a matter of time to adjust to how to use them without breaking them after going 1-2+ years without machines that work, and we should be good.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: Long-term health hazards, really.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: Beats me, but the workers were going ill for weeks on end.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
@LupaPrinceRomulus: will do! I work today but after I get home I’ll have time to properly read and stuff. :)
Also just in case the mention didn’t work (just because I noticed this in another thread when someone mentioned me and it didn’t show up)
Here’s the thread. :)
Also just in case the mention didn’t work (just because I noticed this in another thread when someone mentioned me and it didn’t show up)
Here’s the thread. :)
დ დ დ დ დ
They have likable b00bs, erhm also uh... >////>'
Guess I should go find some image references and stuff, do you watch Re:Creators or Akame Ga Kill by chance?
It's cool if you only read the latter in the latter's case though, but that's more to do with the Anime diverging from the manga in AgK's case, and more for the worse than the better overall.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@snakeweaver: Good to know, so 5 days from now, thanks.
@aisukohi: I don't like that idea at all at a time like this, no lies.
@aisukohi: I don't like that idea at all at a time like this, no lies.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Here's hoping it goes well, lemme know if you find anything you like, okay?

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: That's okay, you're learning, surprisingly speaking Jim Butcher puts more thought into modern-day myths
beyond 'the basic stuff' than given props for.
The Loup-Garou types are one of the 4 main types, sub-types would be more like 'getting this genetically as part of some bloodline curse', to put it in examples.
That said, Lycaeon was a Proto-Loup Garou, and he was as JACKA$$ as they can get.
If you read on the 4 main types, you'd know their weaknesses too.
And besides, Sir Marrok of the Round Table's not a Loup-garou type either, this type or that type would be more like it, but he's not some kind of raging jacka$$ like Lycaeon is, oh no.
Yeah, you have Marrok's blood or are like him with certain clothes-centric weaknesses, you're no Loup-garou type usually.
There's more too, but yeah, details like these are big deals.
But also you see any under the services of Crom Cruach?
8-9 times out of 10, TO TARTARUS WITH THESE GUYS!!!
I'd rather take my odds with those serving The Morrigan, at least they won't demand newborn infant deaths as their blood prices.
Speaking of which, more on what I mean, with Egypt not very behind, yeah according to some folks Ireland and Egypt used to be rivals in many ways.
Werewolf sub-type varieties are on that list like the Magic-users for both their groups back then.
beyond 'the basic stuff' than given props for.
The Loup-Garou types are one of the 4 main types, sub-types would be more like 'getting this genetically as part of some bloodline curse', to put it in examples.
That said, Lycaeon was a Proto-Loup Garou, and he was as JACKA$$ as they can get.
If you read on the 4 main types, you'd know their weaknesses too.
And besides, Sir Marrok of the Round Table's not a Loup-garou type either, this type or that type would be more like it, but he's not some kind of raging jacka$$ like Lycaeon is, oh no.
Yeah, you have Marrok's blood or are like him with certain clothes-centric weaknesses, you're no Loup-garou type usually.
There's more too, but yeah, details like these are big deals.
But also you see any under the services of Crom Cruach?
8-9 times out of 10, TO TARTARUS WITH THESE GUYS!!!
I'd rather take my odds with those serving The Morrigan, at least they won't demand newborn infant deaths as their blood prices.
Speaking of which, more on what I mean, with Egypt not very behind, yeah according to some folks Ireland and Egypt used to be rivals in many ways.
Werewolf sub-type varieties are on that list like the Magic-users for both their groups back then.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
@LupaPrinceRomulus: o uo So we will be using those types of werewolves for our rp? I'll read through them and decide which ones will fit my characters then. x3
Also random questions regarding profiles: are we using an image for appearance, and if so anime or rl? (this shows how long ago I actually rp'd lol), and what age are we wanting? teens or older? c:
Oooo M sounds interesting. :D
Also random questions regarding profiles: are we using an image for appearance, and if so anime or rl? (this shows how long ago I actually rp'd lol), and what age are we wanting? teens or older? c:
Oooo M sounds interesting. :D
დ დ დ დ დ
We're allowed to use those types and the sub-types they'd fall under, some research for which sub-types should go to which type's best though.
'Anime' or 'Anime-ish' by all means.
And MxF, definitely older, FxF 'could' be late teen-ish if 17-20's more your alleyway, really.
It's a messed-up note that's not 'fun,' and were she a Loup-Garou type, it'd be another story really.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I do!
Okay! o uo I'll figure out what I want to do/try and get profiles together and what not. I guess when I finally get them together I can create the thread and ping you? c

Okay! o uo I'll figure out what I want to do/try and get profiles together and what not. I guess when I finally get them together I can create the thread and ping you? c
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Thanks, yo another thing before I forget:
Taking some nods from this awesome series over in here.
But yeah another thing, Plot-wise get this for the MxF side, 'the M's' corner though.
No, 'the M's' mommy isn't a Loup-Garou type, she's not like Lycaeon(AKA the one 'known' Loup-Garou prototype who COULD make more Werewolves the way the general public knows them to get made.) she's just a daughter of Ares who happens to be a Werewolf, really.
Also she's dead.
Also she's dead.
Just thought you should get a heads-up, is all.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Now you understand!!!! 
Mom's side for 'the M' is heads-up, here.
Either patron(s) if any or blood relations, and watch the bloodline distances in the latter case too.
'The F' in my side of the F x F relations has Aphy as her grandma, really.
I'll save who gets to make the profile for WHEN I see a profile skeleton to do profiles with, but you first but I'll get image references shortly, no worries.

Mom's side for 'the M' is heads-up, here.
Either patron(s) if any or blood relations, and watch the bloodline distances in the latter case too.
'The F' in my side of the F x F relations has Aphy as her grandma, really.
I'll save who gets to make the profile for WHEN I see a profile skeleton to do profiles with, but you first but I'll get image references shortly, no worries.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I haven't! Though I just did a quick youtube search and I have to say their music videos are interesting to say the least. xD
What kind of info would you like on the profiles? Name/age/clan/anything else I'm missing? >>
Did you want to be the boy or the girl in the mxf one? c:
What kind of info would you like on the profiles? Name/age/clan/anything else I'm missing? >>
Did you want to be the boy or the girl in the mxf one? c:
დ დ დ დ დ
'Drink' is a glorious track by Alestorm, and when talking about 'booze-borrowing,' this track is awesome.
Also, the 'M' in the MxF side please.
Species-related talks help a lot, and also expect 'the M' in the relationship to be a Legacy of Ares in this case due to reasons.
As for FxF regards if you've read on The Son of Neptune, expect me to go with a Legacy of Aphrodite in this case, but yeah, no sib-on-sib/half-sib stuff between our folks please.
'Blood-relation bunnying's' inevitable in cases like these, but sib-on-sib/half-sib-on-half-sib shouldn't have to be, if you get my drift.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
This will be fun, but wait you ever listen to Alestorm: the band before?
Yeah, doing profiles would be a worthwhile idea, seriously.
Yeah, MxF and FxF are the pairing types intended, no worries. :P
This will be fun, but wait you ever listen to Alestorm: the band before?
Yeah, doing profiles would be a worthwhile idea, seriously.
Yeah, MxF and FxF are the pairing types intended, no worries. :P

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: By all means, THAT should be included in there too.
Bonus points if it means quite a resume of clans would be all for 'borrowing' corrupt corporate booze, if you get my drift on 'borrowing' really. ;)
*Alestorm music intensifies*
Bonus points if it means quite a resume of clans would be all for 'borrowing' corrupt corporate booze, if you get my drift on 'borrowing' really. ;)
*Alestorm music intensifies*

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I named 2 of the obvious, 1 clan each for 2 of the respective factions.
Far from the only ones, but by far 'the best-known' around these parts.
The Lupa clan's main patron be Lupa, the mother she-wolf who cared for Rome's 2 founders.
But they never forgot about a God of Aggressive War, Bloodlust and Courage either for obvious reasons.
The clan of Anubis may work with folks from the House of Life, but Anubis is their Godly caretaker for a reason.
Far from the only ones, but by far 'the best-known' around these parts.
The Lupa clan's main patron be Lupa, the mother she-wolf who cared for Rome's 2 founders.
But they never forgot about a God of Aggressive War, Bloodlust and Courage either for obvious reasons.
The clan of Anubis may work with folks from the House of Life, but Anubis is their Godly caretaker for a reason.