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Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: yeah true. i just grind it all. it gives me something to do other than art XDD
its a lot of work but i tend to either do art or nothing at all. so it challenges me a bit so i think that's why i don't mind to not pay for it.

Yeah the star wars pack for me is not very interesting.
i usually buy packs just based off on if i like the items and what features i like.
I only have bowling night and city living so far lol.

tho may buy seasons or cats and dogs eventually for my next pack.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: my brain is just using all it's power not to use money just because my brain
will feel like im gambling XDD

Ah yes good old sims. I Also pay for sims packs but i haven't bought very money cause i am broke LOL
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Shark: it helps that it's kind of my only job i can do.
so i feel i cannot stop XDD

even 1 minute doodles is still drawing.
i am just stuck with my work because my tech is bad.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: i keep getting catalyst weapons. that is all I get LOL.
i only got a really nice claymore.
all my other claymore users like Razor and Chongyun being neglected for not having good enough weapons.

Tho I really do want to use Benette. tho i just keep getting the nice 4 star books for catalyst users

for real. it's not too hard right now. But if Beidou was not my highest character I would be failing even harder.
Bosses are just quite difficult right now for me lol.

my friend tho found out after world level 5 you can actually lower your world level by 1 per 24 hours.

yeah same. Might take a while but i definitely think it's possible.
before the new 4 stars i had almost all the 4-stars besides Sucrose.

@star2000shadow: yeah same. I do not do very well handling more than one issue at a time.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@star2000shadow: just small problems tend to eventually get bigger
and i don't realize when something just really gets under my skin basically.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: I think my least favorite are sword users XD i just do not enjoy them as much lol.

Yeah them Anemo characters i am lacking.
will throw everything to getting Sucrose LOL. And it'll also help me with drawing her as well.
Just so i can understand what she is like.

yeah. talents just get more and more expensive as well as ascensions and then weapon ascensions too.
i also ran out of like those leveling up books too.
I just ran out of all my materials LOL

@star2000shadow: i don't really bottle up as much. i just don't really understand fully
if things bother me too much.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: Venti seems so useful. Tho i am so bad at archers. think my laptop just lags a lot with them.
and yet trying hard to get the newest archer character.

I did get one of the newer Anemo characters Named Sayu. just because she was smoll and uses claymore.
i usually prefer claymore users over any other type of weapon.

Oooo nice! I think Qiqi was my pity roll. probably. she was first 5 star. tho i grinded for 2 weeks straight just to get Ayaka.
I desperately wanted her LOL.

Well only Beidou so far is to almost 90. and then Yanfei as well. she's at 80 right now.
but it's just so expensive to get anyone to 90 LOL and also leveling her talents at the same time as well. all my mora just be disappearing because of getting Beidou to 90. but i want her to hit a bit harder than she is right now lol.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: Yeah i got her through Spiral Abyss.
But i absolutely need Sucrose as well. Just because i lack anemo characters XDD
and her design is really quite lovely!

My friend recently got Mona and man i was so jealous LOL.
she is such a great character.

Yeah it can be hard to grind for materials. I collect everything everywhere but i never have the stuff for Barbara usually LOL.
right now i've been trying to get Beidou to level 90 and oof...that has been hard..even more so when i hit world level 6 and made everything quite hard again XD and then im gonna be going to world level 7 after 2 more AR levels Lol

tho i usually play genshin if i just am not feeling in the art mood. or avoiding art XDD
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Shark: i took like...2 months off art since i got quite depressed.
but i've been doing some challenges here and there which has helped me slide back into art.

sometimes just doodling or drawing whatever helps get back into it slowly.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: Yeah true. Tho Xiangling and Sucrose are also on banner.
So potentially you can get an anemo or Pyro and that could help.

Ah, Diluc right??
im still hoping to eventually get Keqing or Mona.
My first five star a got Qiqi and then one of the newer characters named Ayaka.

yeah it can be very tedious. Tho it doesn't seem like the events will be very difficult.
sometimes i can't participate in certain events just because i have a very...bad laptop. that even on the lowest settings possible
it won't load things properly.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Shark: I'm alright, debating to work on some art or just to relax lol.
think im slightly indecisive lol XD

good to hear you are well

@rei ann: I'm sure they will since i saw some previews.
But after updates you usually get 300-600 gems for free.

It's very interesting. there is a lot to do, a lot of new enemies too.
I really love the OST tho and the quests are very fun.
A lot of side quests gave out a lot of gems too. So it's really fun!

There is one part of Inazuma where you can get affected by electro and i do not like that much LOL


@star2000shadow: i might've been neglecting feelings again XD
i always neglect certain feelings of worry and not great stuff has been going on past 2 months.
so that's probably it.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: They have some fun goodies coming so i definitely recommend it!
And they also are adding fishing to the game XDD i'm not sure if it's just for events.
but heard they will be giving out a lot of gems because of the 1st anniversary of Genshin. so they'll be a lot to do.

Awesome! I'm glad i am not the only one XDD

It is! voltra is a wonderful community and has such great quality items.
also super cute emojis LOL
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@star2000shadow: hopefully the tension wasn't anything serious.

Thank you i appreciate it.
i probably will try to draw or listen to something relaxing just to calm myself down.
dont know why today my anxiety is acting up.

@Rei Ann: Yeah the gacha can be a bit tedious.
Tho i am so excited for Sara and Sucrose as she is one of the 4 stars i haven't gotten but want to.
but luckily they are dropping a ton of events so free to play users can roll a couple of times.

I am a free to play user so it can be a struggle for the gacha game xD

That's awesome, glad to hear you're enjoying it.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Rei Ann: Genshin Impact.
I don't play too many games but i've been on a genshin kick lately

Ah nice. are you enjoying the event so far?