Moodyb's posts
Posted in Social media boring
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

i completely understand.
Art is my job as a freelancer, but my art often times is hidden thanks to the algorithim so i struggle to even find work.
Deviantart is slowly making changes.
I do like that they take art theft more seriously.
I did join bubblehouse but it is mobile based.
but it's really nice that even when i can't post often and it's nearly been a month someone still finds my work and even follows me or like my work.

i completely understand.
Art is my job as a freelancer, but my art often times is hidden thanks to the algorithim so i struggle to even find work.
Deviantart is slowly making changes.
I do like that they take art theft more seriously.
I did join bubblehouse but it is mobile based.
but it's really nice that even when i can't post often and it's nearly been a month someone still finds my work and even follows me or like my work.

Posted in It's finally getting cold~
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@squishy sloth: we had one where i live a couple years ago, and it took ages to actually get rid of.
it just kept burning.
and now there is like a scar kind of from where it was.
i don't live super near CA. but we get smoke from practically everywhere.
it's also hard when our windows are cheap and falling apart but nothing seems like it will fix them
cause stubborn land lady won't lift a finger lol

@squishy sloth: we had one where i live a couple years ago, and it took ages to actually get rid of.
it just kept burning.
and now there is like a scar kind of from where it was.
i don't live super near CA. but we get smoke from practically everywhere.
it's also hard when our windows are cheap and falling apart but nothing seems like it will fix them
cause stubborn land lady won't lift a finger lol

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Hydrangea: I just prefer jasmine rice above all lol.
I will probably never eat whole wheat or brown rice.
do not like the taste lol

@Hydrangea: I just prefer jasmine rice above all lol.
I will probably never eat whole wheat or brown rice.
do not like the taste lol

Posted in It's finally getting cold~
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@squishy sloth: sometimes the fires just don't go out that easy.
that's the problem. some fires just are really stubborn.

@squishy sloth: sometimes the fires just don't go out that easy.
that's the problem. some fires just are really stubborn.

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Hydrangea: i usually prefer white rice.
i am not huge on whole wheat or brown rice.
but jasmine rice is my favorite and goes with so many dishes.

@Hydrangea: i usually prefer white rice.
i am not huge on whole wheat or brown rice.
but jasmine rice is my favorite and goes with so many dishes.

Posted in It's finally getting cold~
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@squishy sloth: it was horrendous.
and where i live fires happen a lot. Not super bad like CA.
but sometimes the smoke from their fires come into my state so then we cannot open the window.

@squishy sloth: it was horrendous.
and where i live fires happen a lot. Not super bad like CA.
but sometimes the smoke from their fires come into my state so then we cannot open the window.

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Hydrangea: just chicken tenders with jasmine rice.

@Hydrangea: just chicken tenders with jasmine rice.

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Hydrangea: im doing pretty good.
a little tired but good otherwise.
cooking dinner atm.

@Hydrangea: im doing pretty good.
a little tired but good otherwise.
cooking dinner atm.

Posted in Freelance Job Opportunity
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Totalanimefan: yeah as art is my absolute only job. as much as i wish i could do it for free i rarely have work but need work to replace things.
i never know if i should contact her or how as my phone cannot text and cant get a new one anytime soon.

@Totalanimefan: yeah as art is my absolute only job. as much as i wish i could do it for free i rarely have work but need work to replace things.

i never know if i should contact her or how as my phone cannot text and cant get a new one anytime soon.

Posted in Freelance Job Opportunity
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Totalanimefan: i just hope i wont be working on it for free since im literally broke.
but i have a few good ideas for it.

@Totalanimefan: i just hope i wont be working on it for free since im literally broke.
but i have a few good ideas for it.

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Kory: i was pretty proud of all i did yesterday.
so today is a well deserved rest day.
I will probably progress in my art today as best as I can. I have a lot of work to do LOL
Thank you so much! I really liked how the face turned out.
Tho her hair is a struggle. i'm not too good at painting hair but i am learning slowly.
I struggle with certain aspects of both. With drawing, my anatomy isn't too good. Mostly hands.
And with painting, i struggle painting hair and clothes and sometimes the anatomy.
i eventually plan to buy some books to help assist me in learning.

@Kory: i was pretty proud of all i did yesterday.
so today is a well deserved rest day.
I will probably progress in my art today as best as I can. I have a lot of work to do LOL
Thank you so much! I really liked how the face turned out.
Tho her hair is a struggle. i'm not too good at painting hair but i am learning slowly.
I struggle with certain aspects of both. With drawing, my anatomy isn't too good. Mostly hands.
And with painting, i struggle painting hair and clothes and sometimes the anatomy.
i eventually plan to buy some books to help assist me in learning.

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Kory: I also did a lot of things yesterday so i thought "it's okay to sleep in today"
I ended up cooking dinner, being very productive in my art, and i even fixed up my terms of service for commission work.
so I was really proud of what I did yesterday after weeks of unable to do anything but play genshin
Thank you
Yeah I want to be a bit more experimental with my work and learn more things.
I will definitely color it. I usually have two different styles of coloring. One style is a work in progress kind as it involves just learning
how to paint. I only painted one time, as normally deadlines make me unable to paint since i spend ages on the sketch
But i want to try to paint this piece.
My painting looks similar to this [X]
but hoping to make it a little more complete. tho i also have to complete this piece as well.
*very behind in art*

@Kory: I also did a lot of things yesterday so i thought "it's okay to sleep in today"
I ended up cooking dinner, being very productive in my art, and i even fixed up my terms of service for commission work.
so I was really proud of what I did yesterday after weeks of unable to do anything but play genshin

Thank you

I will definitely color it. I usually have two different styles of coloring. One style is a work in progress kind as it involves just learning
how to paint. I only painted one time, as normally deadlines make me unable to paint since i spend ages on the sketch

But i want to try to paint this piece.
My painting looks similar to this [X]
but hoping to make it a little more complete. tho i also have to complete this piece as well.
*very behind in art*

Posted in Freelance Job Opportunity
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

So my cousin's wife is makng a website for her blog, which is about food and going to have recipes on it.
And she wants me to draw the logo for her. Which I am very excited about.
Normally, I don't really do website logos as it's not my expertise, as I usually draw portraits, or people in general.
[For Context, I work as a freelance digital artist, so my job is just commissions from other people.
I'm still in the very beginning of my career so it's not often I get job offers].
But because I know what her blog is about I do have a vague idea of what to do.
I'm just hoping i will get paid for it.
But it's exciting none the less as she is a good friend of mine.
So i don't think she'd not pay me. But my rates for logo will be low just because it's not what im mostly familiar with.
But i'm still very excited.
tho since IG is gonna be down for a week I can't really discuss with her anything. as I don't have a phone to text at the moment.
But just wanted to share some good news with everyone.

So my cousin's wife is makng a website for her blog, which is about food and going to have recipes on it.
And she wants me to draw the logo for her. Which I am very excited about.
Normally, I don't really do website logos as it's not my expertise, as I usually draw portraits, or people in general.
[For Context, I work as a freelance digital artist, so my job is just commissions from other people.
I'm still in the very beginning of my career so it's not often I get job offers].
But because I know what her blog is about I do have a vague idea of what to do.
I'm just hoping i will get paid for it.

But it's exciting none the less as she is a good friend of mine.
So i don't think she'd not pay me. But my rates for logo will be low just because it's not what im mostly familiar with.
But i'm still very excited.
tho since IG is gonna be down for a week I can't really discuss with her anything. as I don't have a phone to text at the moment.

But just wanted to share some good news with everyone.

Posted in Anniversary Party
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Kory: that's okay!
and yeah. tho i slept in today LOL my sleep pattern is a mess.
i should probably make an alarm to wind down at night.
I ended up drawing a sketch for a prompt list.
Not inktober tho lol.
but this is the sketch so far. I am not real sure where it's going tho.
I still have much to progress with. But i wanted to do big hair. I usually just do straight long hair
so i wanted to add a bit more variation in my work.

@Kory: that's okay!
and yeah. tho i slept in today LOL my sleep pattern is a mess.
i should probably make an alarm to wind down at night.
I ended up drawing a sketch for a prompt list.
Not inktober tho lol.
but this is the sketch so far. I am not real sure where it's going tho.
I still have much to progress with. But i wanted to do big hair. I usually just do straight long hair
so i wanted to add a bit more variation in my work.