Moodyb's posts
Posted in Shark's Hangout
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Shark: im not sure. i'm not really good at a lot of things.
i mostly draw girls with long hair. but would like to improve in other areas. especially painting.
So i mostly enjoy drawing hair.

@Shark: im not sure. i'm not really good at a lot of things.
i mostly draw girls with long hair. but would like to improve in other areas. especially painting.
So i mostly enjoy drawing hair.

Posted in depression and hopelessness
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Totalanimefan: I thought i could find some recipes for our crock pot or air fryer
but my sister's diet is so hard to work around due to PMDD+lactose, and having other stomach issues
so i don't know at all what she can eat until we take her to this one doctor out of town what will see what issues she has and how to deal with them just by taking pictures of her eye i think?
Everyone is pretty much on 3 completely different diets. I can eat almost anything due to my iron stomach.
Just not squash or cilantro.
but my dad is quite a picky eater as well and can't have things with gravy or things made with real milk.
there is a lot i have no idea what to do so i am basically being thrown into the fire without any help from anyone. my sister has cooked most of our lives after my mom was unable to since i was 14. and so i literally don't know what im doing.
we usually eat pasta quite frequently, but other than that i'm not sure.
my sister can't have garlic, cheese, corn, and a lot of other stuff.

@Totalanimefan: I thought i could find some recipes for our crock pot or air fryer
but my sister's diet is so hard to work around due to PMDD+lactose, and having other stomach issues
so i don't know at all what she can eat until we take her to this one doctor out of town what will see what issues she has and how to deal with them just by taking pictures of her eye i think?
Everyone is pretty much on 3 completely different diets. I can eat almost anything due to my iron stomach.
Just not squash or cilantro.
but my dad is quite a picky eater as well and can't have things with gravy or things made with real milk.
there is a lot i have no idea what to do so i am basically being thrown into the fire without any help from anyone. my sister has cooked most of our lives after my mom was unable to since i was 14. and so i literally don't know what im doing.
we usually eat pasta quite frequently, but other than that i'm not sure.
my sister can't have garlic, cheese, corn, and a lot of other stuff.

Posted in Shark's Hangout
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Shark: I've been between studies of portraits
and a new chibi style but it seems depression is too stronk today for art lolol

@Shark: I've been between studies of portraits
and a new chibi style but it seems depression is too stronk today for art lolol

Posted in depression and hopelessness
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

As of late, last couple of weeks i had to take over the main cooking duty in my household, due to my sister's panic and anxiety disorder getting increasingly worse, i took over so she could get some time to rest and relax. But now feels like even tho I am doing a lot, I am still getting lectured about needing to start earlier. Even tho usually I don't know what will be happening for dinner because sometimes my sister will feel up to cooking. Tho it's rare these days. I usually wait until she wakes up to tell me what I need to do because i don't normally know what to do as again I'm not normally the main person who cooks. And she sleeps sometimes until 6:30pm, due to her insomnia. And i also get lectured on how i need to get up earlier, and do this or that, etc.
Not to mention it's already hard to do most of the cooking because with my ADHD i struggle a lot with getting myself to do things. Especially cooking and overall chores. and it feels like i have to do everything with no assistance. And my dad is always quite negative. Which i understand why because we are broke, jobless, and lost my mother last year in September and it's still a grieving process.
But with the constant negativity, having to hear everyone's issues, never voicing my own, doing the chores and mainly doing all the cooking, it feels pointless to bother continuing to do things i like. I am very passionate about art, i love it, it's been my coping mechanism since i was a child, and I work[kinda] as a freelance artist. but with everything I have to do now, it feels like i shouldn't bother to peruse my dreams of being a freelance artist anymore.
Just kinda at a loss of what to do because it's not like i can ask for help. My dad can't cook, my sister can barely handle cooking anymore, my dad does the dishes but complains that i should do that as well. regardless that my adhd has limitations on how much i can do in a whole day.

As of late, last couple of weeks i had to take over the main cooking duty in my household, due to my sister's panic and anxiety disorder getting increasingly worse, i took over so she could get some time to rest and relax. But now feels like even tho I am doing a lot, I am still getting lectured about needing to start earlier. Even tho usually I don't know what will be happening for dinner because sometimes my sister will feel up to cooking. Tho it's rare these days. I usually wait until she wakes up to tell me what I need to do because i don't normally know what to do as again I'm not normally the main person who cooks. And she sleeps sometimes until 6:30pm, due to her insomnia. And i also get lectured on how i need to get up earlier, and do this or that, etc.
Not to mention it's already hard to do most of the cooking because with my ADHD i struggle a lot with getting myself to do things. Especially cooking and overall chores. and it feels like i have to do everything with no assistance. And my dad is always quite negative. Which i understand why because we are broke, jobless, and lost my mother last year in September and it's still a grieving process.
But with the constant negativity, having to hear everyone's issues, never voicing my own, doing the chores and mainly doing all the cooking, it feels pointless to bother continuing to do things i like. I am very passionate about art, i love it, it's been my coping mechanism since i was a child, and I work[kinda] as a freelance artist. but with everything I have to do now, it feels like i shouldn't bother to peruse my dreams of being a freelance artist anymore.
Just kinda at a loss of what to do because it's not like i can ask for help. My dad can't cook, my sister can barely handle cooking anymore, my dad does the dishes but complains that i should do that as well. regardless that my adhd has limitations on how much i can do in a whole day.

Posted in Shark's Hangout
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Shark: it's going alright.
mostly just trying to get myself to do some art lol.

@Shark: it's going alright.
mostly just trying to get myself to do some art lol.

Posted in Shark's Hangout
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

hello, greetings all

hello, greetings all

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: definitely. so a small break on it and doing smaller projects
is a good idea and then i can return to normal work without feeling drained.

@Wildfire: definitely. so a small break on it and doing smaller projects
is a good idea and then i can return to normal work without feeling drained.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: i think it's a good idea
to take a small break from my harder and larger art pieces
cause i get stuck on it a lot cause sometimes it's just a little exhausting lolol.

@Wildfire: i think it's a good idea
to take a small break from my harder and larger art pieces
cause i get stuck on it a lot cause sometimes it's just a little exhausting lolol.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: me too.
and i can make this style to do some of my own adoptables and see how that goes.
i do think it's a very cute style.

@Wildfire: me too.
and i can make this style to do some of my own adoptables and see how that goes.
i do think it's a very cute style.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: hopefully it'll help me to break down bodies a bit faster
and work on my shapes since i struggle with anatomy and shapes the most.
I am gonna try to draw all my OCs as practice.
Yeah hopefully. there hasn't been any noise as i am aware of.
but i've been so exhausted lately im probably just not hearing it lolol

@Wildfire: hopefully it'll help me to break down bodies a bit faster
and work on my shapes since i struggle with anatomy and shapes the most.
I am gonna try to draw all my OCs as practice.
Yeah hopefully. there hasn't been any noise as i am aware of.
but i've been so exhausted lately im probably just not hearing it lolol

Posted in Moody's Sketchbook|Updated: 8/10/22
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

Finally brought myself to update my gallery and my latest creations and what I am currently working on.

Finally brought myself to update my gallery and my latest creations and what I am currently working on.

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Feral: lololol especially with garlic bread.
i love the garlic bread.

@Feral: lololol especially with garlic bread.
i love the garlic bread.

Posted in Hallo! I'm Back (?- maybe LOL)
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Artemis: me too honestly lol.
i get very side tracked from threads very often.
but hope you enjoy your stay here and hopefully you are able to stay for a while.

@Artemis: me too honestly lol.
i get very side tracked from threads very often.
but hope you enjoy your stay here and hopefully you are able to stay for a while.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: i hope so. it hasn't been too loud that i've woken up from it.
but my sister who suffers from insomnia said they've been still working on it.
yeah. eventually someone's gotta be interested.
but will work on a few areas of my art that i feel could use
more work. definitely clothing and coloring.
but i am happy with this cute doodle i did of my alien OC.
although i forgot her sleeves...
decided my cute style could also help my normal drawing style too.
and an easier option for drawing that doesn't have to be so stressful lol

@Wildfire: i hope so. it hasn't been too loud that i've woken up from it.
but my sister who suffers from insomnia said they've been still working on it.
yeah. eventually someone's gotta be interested.
but will work on a few areas of my art that i feel could use
more work. definitely clothing and coloring.
but i am happy with this cute doodle i did of my alien OC.
although i forgot her sleeves...
decided my cute style could also help my normal drawing style too.
and an easier option for drawing that doesn't have to be so stressful lol