Moodyb's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: Sure!
It's not super different. But it's a bit..simplier.
My normal drawings look like this
I add a ton of details to the hair.
So the newer style there is less lines for the hair so when i color it, it won't be as confusing if that makes sense?
[Freebie Sketch]
This is the freebie sketch.
I'm still fixing her anatomy tho i am happy i managed to break down the anatomy pretty quickly.

@Wildfire: Sure!
It's not super different. But it's a bit..simplier.
My normal drawings look like this
I add a ton of details to the hair.
So the newer style there is less lines for the hair so when i color it, it won't be as confusing if that makes sense?
[Freebie Sketch]
This is the freebie sketch.
I'm still fixing her anatomy tho i am happy i managed to break down the anatomy pretty quickly.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: Yes me too!
And im figuring out a new way to sketch and very happy with how one of the sketches is going.
and everyone is super friendly.
so i appreciate that so much.
and helps me with my main work too.

@Wildfire: Yes me too!
And im figuring out a new way to sketch and very happy with how one of the sketches is going.
and everyone is super friendly.
so i appreciate that so much.

and helps me with my main work too.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: im trying at least lol.
and have some really fun free art to get finished over on gaia.
using free art as my own.practicing ground for improvement.

@Wildfire: im trying at least lol.
and have some really fun free art to get finished over on gaia.
using free art as my own.practicing ground for improvement.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: yeah lol
a very odd bunch but important lol
i will also be getting my booster on monday.
yeah, i wasnt too happy wirh the original piece or the colors so decided to turn it into a value study and made it grayscale and i think that works a lot better lol
i had watched the speed paint vids i had of this piece as i was editing the footage for another mini speedpaint reel[and contemplated on putting it maybe on youtube if i get the courage], but hated that i took her arm pose out lol.
so gonna add it back in lol

@Wildfire: yeah lol
a very odd bunch but important lol
i will also be getting my booster on monday.
yeah, i wasnt too happy wirh the original piece or the colors so decided to turn it into a value study and made it grayscale and i think that works a lot better lol
i had watched the speed paint vids i had of this piece as i was editing the footage for another mini speedpaint reel[and contemplated on putting it maybe on youtube if i get the courage], but hated that i took her arm pose out lol.
so gonna add it back in lol

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: haha good point.
No one looks forward to it LOL.
I remember my mom used to get noticed for it ALL the time lol.
she always hated it lol.
tho in another news i am reworking an old piece again and i finally fixed her house.
so im proud of that lol.

@Wildfire: haha good point.
No one looks forward to it LOL.
I remember my mom used to get noticed for it ALL the time lol.
she always hated it lol.
tho in another news i am reworking an old piece again and i finally fixed her house.
so im proud of that lol.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: that's what im hoping for.
in my experience i am usually dismissed or something cause when im an anxious mess
it's like people see this scared child i swear.
i got lost at my first vaccine and nurses were especially nice to me LOL
cause my phone does not work for texting and has no data[its only for internet]
i couldn't contact my elder sister to ask her.
but im sure they will not call im hoping that'll be the case lol.
leaving my comfort zone is very scary for me. XD

@Wildfire: that's what im hoping for.
in my experience i am usually dismissed or something cause when im an anxious mess
it's like people see this scared child i swear.
i got lost at my first vaccine and nurses were especially nice to me LOL
cause my phone does not work for texting and has no data[its only for internet]
i couldn't contact my elder sister to ask her.
but im sure they will not call im hoping that'll be the case lol.
leaving my comfort zone is very scary for me. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: yeah. The actual date is March 4th but i need to call on March 3rd.
but it's very stressful i can't focus on much art lol.
i started doing some freebies but may take me a while to finish them all until this is over and done with LOL.
i just do not want to do jury duty for...3 days. XD

@Wildfire: yeah. The actual date is March 4th but i need to call on March 3rd.
but it's very stressful i can't focus on much art lol.
i started doing some freebies but may take me a while to finish them all until this is over and done with LOL.
i just do not want to do jury duty for...3 days. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: this is my first one...and gotta say...i do not like someone who has severe anxiety.
yeah i hope not. I'm like so anxious until march 3rd.
Tho am glad i have to call after 5pm...not 8am or anything lol.
but my family plans to listen to the call all together
because when anxiety inducing events happening i block all sound out lolol.
so we'll do it as a family so that's very encouraging.

@Wildfire: this is my first one...and gotta say...i do not like someone who has severe anxiety.

yeah i hope not. I'm like so anxious until march 3rd.
Tho am glad i have to call after 5pm...not 8am or anything lol.
but my family plans to listen to the call all together
because when anxiety inducing events happening i block all sound out lolol.
so we'll do it as a family so that's very encouraging.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: hope so. but won't know anything for a few days
maybe a week.
too much anxiety related stuff lol.
im just hoping i will not need to do the whole jury duty thing. Bad timing LOL.
but im super happy i got my new cloth mask!
ordered it from etsy as it's based on my fave game and receiving that package was so wholesome.

@Wildfire: hope so. but won't know anything for a few days
maybe a week.
too much anxiety related stuff lol.
im just hoping i will not need to do the whole jury duty thing. Bad timing LOL.
but im super happy i got my new cloth mask!
ordered it from etsy as it's based on my fave game and receiving that package was so wholesome.

Posted in Anime Conventions
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Kent: yeah lol. tho makes me nervous cause i am the person who never
would want to leave her table lol.
tho my friend wants to help and wants to know what it's like.
when it happens will definitely let you know!

@Kent: yeah lol. tho makes me nervous cause i am the person who never
would want to leave her table lol.
tho my friend wants to help and wants to know what it's like.
when it happens will definitely let you know!

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: yeah i hope so too.
she is the only part of my family who honestly checks up on my family tbh.
and makes sure we're alright.
so she is very much like a second mom to me from how much she took care of us
with everything past 12 years.
so i hope nothing serious is going on with her.

@Wildfire: yeah i hope so too.
she is the only part of my family who honestly checks up on my family tbh.
and makes sure we're alright.
so she is very much like a second mom to me from how much she took care of us
with everything past 12 years.
so i hope nothing serious is going on with her.

Posted in Anime Conventions
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

i have never been to one, but i'd like to one day try to get a table
and sell prints of my artwork.

i have never been to one, but i'd like to one day try to get a table
and sell prints of my artwork.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: yeah she is an amazing friend.
We also play games together which is super fun!
yeah. he just needs to learn to relax. and my grandma does think a lot of his attitude just
stems from how he was raised and such.
But i still don't think it's any excuse to stress out your wife to the point she had a heart attack
from the stress.
she has some tests she's doing this week their doing just to be sure this wasn't caused
by something even more serious.
tho we won't know the results for a few days.

@Wildfire: yeah she is an amazing friend.
We also play games together which is super fun!
yeah. he just needs to learn to relax. and my grandma does think a lot of his attitude just
stems from how he was raised and such.
But i still don't think it's any excuse to stress out your wife to the point she had a heart attack
from the stress.
she has some tests she's doing this week their doing just to be sure this wasn't caused
by something even more serious.
tho we won't know the results for a few days.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: it really is. So im always kinda researching how to do a better job at marketing.
tho it helps i recently found out i can link my shop in my Instagram stories.
so once i make new stickers i'll be doing that.
my friend's always say they had 0 luck with IG and advertisement. so i think I should stick to maybe doing it by twitter
or some other site.
though i have some great ideas for stickers.
Well my friend and I have a collab adoptables that we do together.
so in a way she markets for me that way.
and she shares my work through ig stories. that may not seem like much but you would not believe how one story
improves my work being seen. She's like the only person sharing my work XDD
But she also advertises my commissions on her commission journal on Deviantart. so she is definitely helping me so much.
it's all about finding the right people.
It was a minor heart attack. It was a few days ago. She had completely blacked out.
her husband had stressed her out. he always wants to move, and he is always just...making things so hard
on my grandmother and he is so sure moving to the next two town's over will suddenly make him feel better of his ailments. Even tho
it really won't. he is missing part of a lung, no bladdar, etc. and he just assumes moving to the kind of rich area will make him suddenly be cured.
so he has been pressuring my grandmother so hard to sell the house, move there, etc. but she doesn't want to because my grandmother
is honestly like a second mother to me.

@Wildfire: it really is. So im always kinda researching how to do a better job at marketing.
tho it helps i recently found out i can link my shop in my Instagram stories.
so once i make new stickers i'll be doing that.
my friend's always say they had 0 luck with IG and advertisement. so i think I should stick to maybe doing it by twitter
or some other site.
though i have some great ideas for stickers.
Well my friend and I have a collab adoptables that we do together.
so in a way she markets for me that way.
and she shares my work through ig stories. that may not seem like much but you would not believe how one story
improves my work being seen. She's like the only person sharing my work XDD
But she also advertises my commissions on her commission journal on Deviantart. so she is definitely helping me so much.
it's all about finding the right people.
It was a minor heart attack. It was a few days ago. She had completely blacked out.
her husband had stressed her out. he always wants to move, and he is always just...making things so hard
on my grandmother and he is so sure moving to the next two town's over will suddenly make him feel better of his ailments. Even tho
it really won't. he is missing part of a lung, no bladdar, etc. and he just assumes moving to the kind of rich area will make him suddenly be cured.
so he has been pressuring my grandmother so hard to sell the house, move there, etc. but she doesn't want to because my grandmother
is honestly like a second mother to me.