Moodyb's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: haha yeah same.
i even got my stream figured out. i stream art mostly because it helps me get work done when a lot of days
i just feel like a slacker lol.
Deviantart has a forum section where people offer jobs. essentially commissions. Like "i have a budget for $60 and want a portrait of my girlfriend.
Looking for anime style" etc.
i applied for roughly...4 or 5.
so i'm hoping someone gets back to me.
but my shop has gotten more visits just from applying jobs i think.

@Wildfire: haha yeah same.
i even got my stream figured out. i stream art mostly because it helps me get work done when a lot of days
i just feel like a slacker lol.
Deviantart has a forum section where people offer jobs. essentially commissions. Like "i have a budget for $60 and want a portrait of my girlfriend.
Looking for anime style" etc.
i applied for roughly...4 or 5.
so i'm hoping someone gets back to me.
but my shop has gotten more visits just from applying jobs i think.

Posted in please check here first, I added more!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@The bride: hello! I'd love to buy the Botanist for 20k in volts if no one has bought it yet.
I have over 250k so if 20k is not enough, I can go higher.

@The bride: hello! I'd love to buy the Botanist for 20k in volts if no one has bought it yet.
I have over 250k so if 20k is not enough, I can go higher.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: i was surprised it worked because this laptop has 16GB on it.
but i forgot a friend gave me sai a while back.
so that didn't take much room at all. My usual program Clip studio paint would probably take
a lot more space. so i am fine with using a less fancy and more basic program.
and Now applying to jobs over on DeviantArt so i am hoping for the best lol.
only problem tho is having to keep both laptops opened because my wireless earphones don't
show up on my Blue laptop's bluetooth devices.
but it's an adjustment i'll get used to over time im sure.
but blue laptop definitely you can see the difference when i draw like my asus is just so bad
meanwhile my HP is really nice. if that makes any sense lolol.

@Wildfire: i was surprised it worked because this laptop has 16GB on it.
but i forgot a friend gave me sai a while back.
so that didn't take much room at all. My usual program Clip studio paint would probably take
a lot more space. so i am fine with using a less fancy and more basic program.
and Now applying to jobs over on DeviantArt so i am hoping for the best lol.
only problem tho is having to keep both laptops opened because my wireless earphones don't
show up on my Blue laptop's bluetooth devices.
but it's an adjustment i'll get used to over time im sure.
but blue laptop definitely you can see the difference when i draw like my asus is just so bad
meanwhile my HP is really nice. if that makes any sense lolol.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: the cool thing is i can use Sai on my spare laptop.
but on my asus it does not work.
So im at least happy for that.
I still need to change all of my old files to PSD's but all are at least backed up.
Tho now running out of space for my USB lololol.
but i am testing how well it draws on my spare and i will never go back to asus when i do get a new computer.
it's way better for my work.
i may just use my asus for stress relief of gaming and my usual stuff. But the spare is where all my artwork will be done.
it's not too terrible.
but i'm gonna need to find the model of my battery for my laptop so i can eventually buy it.
for now just gonna be dealing with 2 half broken down laptops LOL.
but hey at least it works.
and yeah definitely right it's better than losing everything.
I had some sticker ideas so i will try to draw them out today.

@Wildfire: the cool thing is i can use Sai on my spare laptop.
but on my asus it does not work.
So im at least happy for that.
I still need to change all of my old files to PSD's but all are at least backed up.
Tho now running out of space for my USB lololol.
but i am testing how well it draws on my spare and i will never go back to asus when i do get a new computer.
it's way better for my work.
i may just use my asus for stress relief of gaming and my usual stuff. But the spare is where all my artwork will be done.
it's not too terrible.
but i'm gonna need to find the model of my battery for my laptop so i can eventually buy it.
for now just gonna be dealing with 2 half broken down laptops LOL.
but hey at least it works.
and yeah definitely right it's better than losing everything.
I had some sticker ideas so i will try to draw them out today.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: And i've run into yet another main laptop has decided restarting is a bad idea.
meaning, it takes hours to load...and not an exaggeration at all.
It took me until about...8pm for it to actually i can no longer restart my laptop without
having the fear i'll lose everything.
so laptop is now suddenly trying to be on it's last legs.
I backed up everything but now i have to use a more limiting laptop with smaller space, and my usb is nearly maxed from backing up
my stream vids and overall all art lol.
so that was...anxiety inducing lol.
Yeah. I really want to make art that inspires people no matter where they are in life to enjoy my work and spark something in them as well.
I want to be better at my story telling in my art and eventually make a small book of my favorite art works. and maybe make a little story next to
the art pieces in the book too.

@Wildfire: And i've run into yet another main laptop has decided restarting is a bad idea.
meaning, it takes hours to load...and not an exaggeration at all.
It took me until about...8pm for it to actually i can no longer restart my laptop without
having the fear i'll lose everything.
so laptop is now suddenly trying to be on it's last legs.
I backed up everything but now i have to use a more limiting laptop with smaller space, and my usb is nearly maxed from backing up
my stream vids and overall all art lol.
so that was...anxiety inducing lol.
Yeah. I really want to make art that inspires people no matter where they are in life to enjoy my work and spark something in them as well.
I want to be better at my story telling in my art and eventually make a small book of my favorite art works. and maybe make a little story next to
the art pieces in the book too.

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: i must do it...FOR YOU.
Now i kinda wanna draw Diluc LOL

@Anarchist Beauty: i must do it...FOR YOU.
Now i kinda wanna draw Diluc LOL

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: one day i'll see pretty graphics when i can replace my awful laptop lol
lol yeah. i should work on making him strong boi lol

@Anarchist Beauty: one day i'll see pretty graphics when i can replace my awful laptop lol
lol yeah. i should work on making him strong boi lol

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: haha. the items are great here.
i usually dont have money to donate so i just see who is selling what XD
my friend plays on ps4 i think.
i only have laptop as choice. graphics look so bad on my laptop lolol.
Zhong Li. my friend got him. i am devastated i couldnt lol but i at least got xiao and now will save up for Raiden Shogun
Diluc is wonderful. i hope you get him.
I got him a while back. now i hope i get Mona soon. i got Jean recently. but i didn't level her only because im lacking swords

@Anarchist Beauty: haha. the items are great here.
i usually dont have money to donate so i just see who is selling what XD
my friend plays on ps4 i think.
i only have laptop as choice. graphics look so bad on my laptop lolol.
Zhong Li. my friend got him. i am devastated i couldnt lol but i at least got xiao and now will save up for Raiden Shogun
Diluc is wonderful. i hope you get him.
I got him a while back. now i hope i get Mona soon. i got Jean recently. but i didn't level her only because im lacking swords

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: haha. i just hoard and never spend lolol.
my friend has been doing that with me.
i really like co op.
my laptop is on the slow side but she us super understanding.
i was trying to get latest character rerun but i will need to wait for another rerun of him lol

@Anarchist Beauty: haha. i just hoard and never spend lolol.
my friend has been doing that with me.
i really like co op.
my laptop is on the slow side but she us super understanding.
i was trying to get latest character rerun but i will need to wait for another rerun of him lol

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: haha true. i probably should spend more tbh.
i got like volts
Lol noice!
I don't watch too many movies but i sure as hecc play a lot of genshin impact
that makes sense.
i rarely buy things. im not really sure why lol

@Anarchist Beauty: haha true. i probably should spend more tbh.
i got like volts
Lol noice!
I don't watch too many movies but i sure as hecc play a lot of genshin impact
that makes sense.
i rarely buy things. im not really sure why lol

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: lololol. pure random thoughts at 3am? sure why not.
Lol yeah. i always feel stuck when i choose the same layering technique
of certain items. so then i think i just get bored lol.
normally choose two crate item poses and work around them.
probably should try find some new items to buy.
been a hot minute since i did so.

@Anarchist Beauty: lololol. pure random thoughts at 3am? sure why not.
Lol yeah. i always feel stuck when i choose the same layering technique
of certain items. so then i think i just get bored lol.
normally choose two crate item poses and work around them.
probably should try find some new items to buy.
been a hot minute since i did so.

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: ohh i see. i would never know what to post. XD
haha. i think it's mostly my forgetfulness...
and unsure what colors for another avi to make.
lacking the inspiration for a new avatar lol

@Anarchist Beauty: ohh i see. i would never know what to post. XD
haha. i think it's mostly my forgetfulness...
and unsure what colors for another avi to make.
lacking the inspiration for a new avatar lol

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Anarchist Beauty: Ohhh i see. i didn't even know we had a spam forum XDD
Thank you XD i should change's been...many months now lmao

@Anarchist Beauty: Ohhh i see. i didn't even know we had a spam forum XDD
Thank you XD i should change's been...many months now lmao

Posted in This bothers me!
Posted 3 years ago
『 Moody Says. . .』

so many posts...i could never. :vanora_shock:
also your avi is so cute!!

so many posts...i could never. :vanora_shock:
also your avi is so cute!!