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@Wildfire: Very true, I stay away from extremely white sneakers since I've never been good at keeping those clean TwT

How's your day going?
Posted in Hobbies! What do YOU do for funsies? Posted 3 years ago

@Cooperationiskey: I heard about that brand, I admit that they look like really good notebooks but I typically go for cheaper notebooks (most of mines are from the dollar store ) Do they have those spiral notebooks? I typically go for those since in my experience of being left-handed, I find those notebooks a lot easier to flip the pages over lmao. I remember my mother doing scrapbooking when I was younger but never really got into it. Honestly, I really have no clue what it's for hahaha...

Awe I love terrariums~
I've watch a few videos on youtube before but at least those brushes got some use of it xD I used to do that too! Heck I take it back, I still do that now. I'm not very used using my drawing tablet yet so there are times I just prefer taking the shortcut. I switch it up once in a while.

I do hope you do get some of your books ship back to you, but those books sounds interesting to read :3 It reminded of the book I once had when I was younger that is a guide to find small animals and insects if you ever venture out of the woods. I love that book, because every creature inside of that book was hand drawn and not photograph and it was just pleasing to look at. I remember sketching some of the animals and insect in that book, but hilariously I never used it as a guide when I was out on the woods. I'm not even sure I still have it now, I do remember still having it on my last move lol.

Definitely! And I'm no 90's kid (most of these came out around that time I think) more like a 90's baby but I believe I'm not the only one in my age group. I remember seeing them often on libraries before. I've had a small collection of them except on Nancy Drew. Which reminded I did see a huuge set of Nancy Drew books on my local thrift store before and I forever regret not buying it TAT

I didn't have space to buy books around that time sigh... But yes thrift stores are the way to go for older books~

@Wildfire: Lmao I see, I never clean my shoes too... I just let it get filty

@Wildfire: I see, I guess is just me lol. My family eats dinner fairly late. And yep... is it really unusual to clean your shoes? To be honest this is the first for my mom, she never does this before lmao.

@Wildfire: Lmao I find it odd too, but mom just decided this morning to do it and I just let her be. My shoes will be nice and clean so why complain? xD

Well I'm done with my chores for today so... I'm atm deciding what to draw next. I want to do some old art trends online but I'm still pretty indecisive. So at the moment I'm just here chilling.

Wow, I'm not sure is the huge time difference, but your having dinner early? Is like 4 pm here still. But it sounds like a delicious dinner :3
Posted in Hobbies! What do YOU do for funsies? Posted 3 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: Oh I was tempted to throw away some of my journals when I was going through my stuff but couldn't. It has a sentimental value to it. Even if I can't read through all of them but is interesting to see how I used to see everything before... My world was small back then that's for sure. Plus I'm not a fan of hoarding since I live with one, but with my sketchbooks and journals is the only items I can't able to throw away. I find it easier typing on my phone since I can bring it anywhere and is just easily accessible but writing on paper? It never gets old plus I love notebooks and is a bit of a notebook junkie lmao.

Lmao I'm the same! I just recently got some new set of watercolour tubes last year and I did used it for awhile... but since I got my tablet last christmas, I've been more into digital since. Now I really need some new set of brushes though since I had mines for years and is very worn out now lmao. Then I may consider going back into watercolour again lol.

Ooh! Those are very nice! But I want to get a decently large bookshelves in the future since I kind of want to collect some books. And I'm much into older books like Goosebumps, Babysitters Club and Nancy Drew books. I grew up with those and I honestly will be nice to collect them all somehow.

@Wildfire: I've been doing alright :3
I feel like going out today but since all my shoes are drying outside after my mom had cleaned them. I'm stuck home for today lol.

How are you doing?

@Wildfire: Same goes for you :3

@Wildfire: Oh shit, I forgot is Father's Day tomorrow x.x
Now I have no clue what to do for my dad then... I have a similar thing going on too but nothing is solid yet. My brother wants to go out and hangout and also gets some boba with me today but if that doesn't go through, I'm just going to walk at my local park nearby and gets some exercise and fresh air. Since is finally sunny and warm after a week of rain and chilly weather =A=

@Wildfire: Yeah sort of... I've been waking up in the middle of the night often lately and often on early mornings (between 5-7 am)
But I don't sleep in later than my usual, which is still late. Had a good 8 hours of sleep though so I feel just fine right now.

Yep, I get what you mean but since things are slowly going back to normal and people are working outside again (not sure where you live) Hopefully both our sleep schedules will go back somewhat normal.

Do you got any plans for today?

@Wildfire: Awe, I know the feeling well, I tend to crash hard when afternoon hits for me when I'm like that.
I woke up early because I sleep in early last night like around nine-ish, which is very unusual for me. I have a terrible sleeping schedule also.
Posted in Hobbies! What do YOU do for funsies? Posted 3 years ago

My hobbies is mostly drawing and writing. I own a journal now and decided to write as many journals as I can while I'm still alive. I went through my stuff recently and realized that I own five journals now (including my new one), dated since I was a pre-teen and I dare not to read those, they're kinda cringy lmao. But it made me realized how I miss writing on paper rather than on my phone, which I've been doing for awhile. I'm pretty consistent of it and have been writing daily and I'll write anything on it, even the boring day to day stuff. I sometimes write poems, dream journals and random short stories but never have the patience to write a novel. I failed miserably a couple of times with that but I've been also practicing my cursive because I've been never good a it. And I'm slowly improving~

I used to do traditional art, like watercolour, coloured pencils or plain ink artworks but since I got my new tablet last Christmas, I've been doing digital art again. I've had a few experiences with it before. But I'm itching to do watercolour lately so I'm thinking what I want to paint at the moment. I also post my stuff on Instagram, Amino and Tumblr. My Deviant Art account is practically dead at this point. But I'm not very consistent with my social media accounts to begin with lmao...

I also been re-reading one of my old books again and since I've thrown a lot of stuff away, I want to get back into reading again and desperately need to buy a bookshelf. Is nice to just chill with a good book once in a while, it helps me to get off here and be not on my laptop too often :3

Good morning everyone~
I supposed everyone is still a sleep? I woke up early this morning =w=

I hope everyone has a chill Saturday~

@Wildfire: I'm done ^^ And end it well with some pb and j sandwhich. I'm just chilling watching yt videos for now!