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Posted in I need to vent this out. Posted 3 years ago

There are times I feel like an open doormat for this family. I understand I'm the one who's at home most of the time and I don't mind doing most of the chores and responsibilities at home. But too often no one really lends a helping hand which makes me feel under-appreciated and frustrated.

My mom just too busy with her friends most of the time and she doesn't help out often at home. I'm beginning to realize she only cleans and helps out when it's absolutely necessary like when someone is coming over here. My brother is just a slob and doesn't know how to clean up his own mess. My dad is just tired all of the time which is understandable he works and he cooks for us.

I don't want to put my family in a bad light because they are truly not that bad but it would just mean so much for me if they do the dishes once in a while or help out with the laundry. Is that wrong? I always have this feeling that I'm not taken seriously because I don't work and I get it. I feel like a liability to my family and helping out at home is my way of making up for it. Because I still got personal issues I need to deal with.

I guess in the end I do feel like I'm not being heard. I guess part of that is my fault but I do my best to speak my mind but well...yeah.

@Another Movie Addict: Ah I can't handle those... =w=
But I've been hearing stories and such

@Wildfire: It usually really cool down around October here. But hoping September will be forgiving TwT)/

@Another movie addict: Ah I love those, especially the character analysis vids.

@Another Movie Addict: That's good then just take it easy for awhile and get plenty of rest.
I hope you'll feel better soon!

@Wildfire: I wish that's the case but is going to be humid this week... I hope it really cools down after.

@Another Movie Addict: You can make it through this!
Are you already vaccinated per chance?

@Wildfire: I'm not so sure. We usually have long periods of humid weather every year here.
Like mid to nearly the end of summer season is like heat warnings after heat warnings until it cools down again.

But it did rain significantly a lot this year than usual

@Wildfire: besides dying from this heat I'm doing fine. Just chilling while watching a stream.
Posted in Purp's Avatar Gallery Posted 3 years ago

This one is very cute.
I forgot about the unicorn plushie for awhile and I'm happy I finally create an avi out of it~

@Wildfire: Lol how do you deal this all year.
I feel like being baked alive
Posted in I think I'm melting... Posted 3 years ago

@Anarchist Beauty: Yeah... I hope it rains tomorrow.
Posted in I think I'm melting... Posted 3 years ago

@Anarchist Beauty: I literally slammed my phone to my bed earlier because I had to leave my fan and go get something....

I was really cranky.... and to top it all off my tub of ice cream mysteriously melted... Idk why. I'm waiting for it to be frozen again.

This is torture... Today is torture (つД<)・゚。

Posted in I think I'm melting... Posted 3 years ago

I'm extremely melting also. Is kind of tampering my mood  (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)