Xanthan's posts
Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere
Posted 5 years ago

And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

bump bump bump bump bump bump
bump bump bump bump
bump bump

Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere
Posted 5 years ago

And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

bump bump bump bump bump bump
bump bump bump bump
bump bump

Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere
Posted 5 years ago

And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

i am a little rusty but i think there are a few more bumps left in me

Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere
Posted 5 years ago

And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

[center][size=14]are we bumping here this evening?

Posted in Bumps and Spams Everywhere
Posted 5 years ago

And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

been quite some time since i got out stretched the legs and BUMPED[center][size=14]

Posted in whats ur sign
Posted 5 years ago

And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@Mousy: sun sign is your inner self, who you are
moon sign is how you are emotionally and how you react to others
rising or ascendent is your outward self, the self you project to others, appearance etc

Posted in This place is kinda neat
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@LupaPrinceRomulus: try that out. check your trades :)

Posted in What's your opinion of what a healthy relationship looks like in the beginning?
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@vessel: that is good advice as well. Going with someone you are already friends with because let's be honest, everybody lies. Especially when they are wanting to present their best self. Sadly, what ends up happening is broken promises, miscommunication, and ulterior motives which may or may not make sense to you. You are so right that many people out there just like to toy with emotions.
as for what defines a healthy relationships. There should be equal give and take. you should be strong with and for one another. spend more time picking one another up vs tearing each other down. Respect is a minimum. Do not waste someone's time or let them waste yours. If they cannot show up on time, or communicate when they may be running late or needing to cancel.....nix em, imo. I think some of the healthiest relationships I have seen lately in my line of work have come from two imperfect people who see one another as they are, not what they could be or might be or are headed towards. They meet each other where they are at and they start there and they walk side by side and are willing to do the work essentially. They build not break.

Posted in whats ur sign
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈

ASC is Leo
Taurus and Sag dominate my chart as does 4/5 houses and the 10/11 houses.

Posted in This place is kinda neat
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@LupaPrinceRomulus: how many volts you need ? I could probably help you out.

Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@0v7: I replied to the email. Thank you so very much for explaining what you did for the most part. I do believe that with some time I can copy and paste my way to new creativity lol If i have any questions however, I will definitely be messaging you again. :)
@GodsandPunks: I think that is just truly badass. I love to see creativity in the works. To watch people, the innovators, the operators, the designers, and just soak in their process. The truth is, right now I am in no position to begin any art classes. So I stick to my written words, and admire the visual and auditory artists. I guess that would be musicians. hahaha and look at my words failing me.
I am so very excited for you and your game system. The fact that you also like anime.......I mean how do you feel about love at first post? jk. My special friend would definitely have a lot to say about that ijs :p when can I catch a sneak peak of this game? do you have like a top idk 3, 5, or 10 anime? I generally tell people I haven't watched much anime, but then I begin to rattle titles off and I shock myself by what all I have seen.
I sent you a friend request on discord. and I will like you to my poem posts on here. I have only put out a couple. but as an artist, I can be sensitive about my stuff.
Poetry Piece One
Poetry Piece Two

Posted in [B] Groom of Death & Chrysaora Witch
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@Amortentia: honestly i am not sure what the exchange is tbh. I'll send you a message.

Posted in This place is kinda neat
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Right! I made a new friend. Thanks for extending an invitation to them. I love all this diversity. What are you up to today btw?

Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu
Posted 5 years ago
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈
@0v7: my morning has been superb thank you. and thank you for popping in and sharing. I received your email, i just haven't had time to reply just yet.
@GodsandPunks: That sounds like fun. I am curious to know more about this table top game. Where are yall at with it? And as for opening up to a larger group for feedback. There is hella vulnerability there. You are sharing your creative work, hard work, and part of your soul if you will and the truth is, you knew you wouldn't end up pleasing 100% of the people. I can only imagine the anxiety of having a whole game and characters etc be put out there and scrutinized. I quake at times when I post my poetry. I am so glad you stopped by and said hey. I would love to chat about a comic or web based childrens series. Maybe tackling some sort of important social concept?