Xnovax's posts
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi offered his cousin a small smirk as he spoke. He too noticed the blonde haired girl leave the club room, but didn't pay it much mind. The girls had started coming in so his attention went to them fawning over his smaller cousin.
Tamaki also put on his princely act to please his customers.
Alice kept walking for a minute, getting some distance between herself and the third music room. She was too wrapped up in her thoughts to really hear the older twin call her until she realized he had followed her. She stopped and turned around to look at him with watery eyes. "So, the reason for asking me to join was a ploy to keep my away from my mother? I'm sorry if i'm hurting anyone, but so help me I hate when people tip-toe around me." She said, managing to keep voice somewhat calm, but her French accent was still lacing with her words. "I don't care if your Shadiw-King meant well, that's not how you talk to someone you want to help. I know you and your brother worry about me, and I'm practically lying to Tamaki every time I'm around him, but I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Especially not my best friends." She was mostly venting, but she was a little upset with the twins for not just coming out and telling her why she was being invited to join the club. With venting came a draw back though, she was already worked up and voicing that only agitated an arrhythmia.
Tamaki also put on his princely act to please his customers.
Alice kept walking for a minute, getting some distance between herself and the third music room. She was too wrapped up in her thoughts to really hear the older twin call her until she realized he had followed her. She stopped and turned around to look at him with watery eyes. "So, the reason for asking me to join was a ploy to keep my away from my mother? I'm sorry if i'm hurting anyone, but so help me I hate when people tip-toe around me." She said, managing to keep voice somewhat calm, but her French accent was still lacing with her words. "I don't care if your Shadiw-King meant well, that's not how you talk to someone you want to help. I know you and your brother worry about me, and I'm practically lying to Tamaki every time I'm around him, but I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Especially not my best friends." She was mostly venting, but she was a little upset with the twins for not just coming out and telling her why she was being invited to join the club. With venting came a draw back though, she was already worked up and voicing that only agitated an arrhythmia.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago
Nathan smiled some when she accepted his offer. Natalie blinked and tilted her head. "Quite a while ago.." She said with a playfully hum. She blinked and her blue eyes lit up at the offer of going and exploring the human world tomorrow. Natalie smiled, and nodded. "I can live with that." She said cheerfully. Nathan sighed quietly. Once again he'd be covering for her at the castle, or tagging along with the girls to keep them, mainly his sister, out of trouble.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen chuckled and kissed her cheek after she explained herself. He listened to her footsteps and fore a brief moment, he saw her thermal outline. Maybe because of the warm food, or the tea, but either way it didn't last long. Once she had set down the bowl, his tea and got him a fork, he carefully blew on the food before taking a bite from the fork. As he expected, it was delicious! "It's as good as always." He complimented kindly. Her cooking was always good.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
@Boss Rimi: it's okay, I was mainly just bumping it lol
I still to reply to blood in roses, but I'll get on it tonight <3 and oran is yours as well :3 if you're up for it <3
Maddie nodded lightly to his comment as she watched the kitten eat. Then she rose her eyes to Clint when he mentioned her probably getting sick. She'd be fine after she had a shower.. All the years she lived in the streets she didn't ever get sixk, so she was doubtful about getting sick now. "While you're doing that, I'm gonna go take a shower." She said before getting up and wandering down the hall to her room and closed the door. She picked out a dry pair of clothes and then went into the bathroom , turning on the water and undressing, she stepped into the warm shower, closed the curtain, and just let the water run over her.
I still to reply to blood in roses, but I'll get on it tonight <3 and oran is yours as well :3 if you're up for it <3
Maddie nodded lightly to his comment as she watched the kitten eat. Then she rose her eyes to Clint when he mentioned her probably getting sick. She'd be fine after she had a shower.. All the years she lived in the streets she didn't ever get sixk, so she was doubtful about getting sick now. "While you're doing that, I'm gonna go take a shower." She said before getting up and wandering down the hall to her room and closed the door. She picked out a dry pair of clothes and then went into the bathroom , turning on the water and undressing, she stepped into the warm shower, closed the curtain, and just let the water run over her.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago
Andrew chuckled some as she became serious, like she often did when he was being difficult. Like now. He sighed quietly in defeat and shared a smirk with her. "Alright, alright. I'll be a good sick captain and rest while the first mate takes charge." He murmured quietly.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago
Natalie tried her best to catch up to Sirene, but the other mermaid was faster than her. She frowned at her friends words when she stopped her. Nathan caught up to them and placed a hand of his sister's shoulders, before she could speak. "At least he's safe. C'mon, let's go home now before anything else happens." He spoke, then glanced at Sirene. "Want to come over for dinner?" He asked, offering really.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
@Boss Rimi: *poke* :p

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
The kitten watched him curiously as Clint got up and stopped chewing on Maddie's fingers. He hoped down from her lap, dragging the blanket with him, and scampered towards Clint, mewing curiously. Once the bowls of food and milk were set down, the small kitten sniffed at the cut up bologna before slowly started to eat it. Maddie wrapped the blanket around herself more so since she lap was vacant.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago
Andrew have her a sheepish smile when she felt him, then lightly pushed him back down on the bed. "Del.." He murmured, gently holding her hand. "At least tell me we're getting close to the docks."

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago
Cross was happy to fill in for the first mate, also worried about the captain. He would be surprised if the young captain had gotten sick. It was common for new members or crew captains to get sick of they weren't used to sailing, and h is stunt earlier wouldn't help..
Andrew slowly sat up when he heard the knock. "You don't have to knock, Del." He said casually. "I'm fine.. No need for that face. "
Andrew slowly sat up when he heard the knock. "You don't have to knock, Del." He said casually. "I'm fine.. No need for that face. "

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago
Andrew woke up around the time the sun started going down, and he wasn't feeling too great. His head was pounding and he had a hard time getting up, so he just laid there. He wondered if they had docked or if Cordelia was alright on the deck with Cross.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi noticed the emotions that lingered unnoticed through the song, and noticed how many of the girls were in awe. Women were clearly jealous, but moved as well. Takashi offered his cousin a small nod when he spoke. "Just make sure you brush your teeth an extra time." He said. He was really proud of Mitsukuni today.
Tamaki blinked and glanced between the two briefly, as they were quiet. Alice slowly stood and pushed some of her hair behind an ear. "Can we talk, somewhere else? Less embarrassing?" She murmured quietly. Kyoya nodded lightly and went to lead her to the back of the host club, where the members often changed into it out of a costume. When the door closed, Alice sighed and glanced at the dark haired male. "First, I'd like to know what is going on. I just recently joined your school, and already you're trying to recruit me? I know all about your talent of digging around and finding information on people.. and I doubt you're asking me purely because of my piano playing." She said to him with a bit of her French accent coming through. Kyoya smirked lightly and adjusted his glasses. She was a quick one, that was for sure. "Ms. Winters, I assure you I am only looking out for the members and customers of this club. " He said, acting on his business man persona.
Alice folded her arms. She could be stubborn too. "I won't give my answer until you tell me what you're angle is, Shadow-King." He simply remained quiet and she turned to leave. "It's clear you have a few friends here in the club who worry about you, and your health. We can help you, but only if you're a member. This club is a family, and I don't want to see anyone get hurt." He spoke. She paused. So, he knew as well.. And he was just trying protect his 'family'. Alice left without another word, and not just the back room. She left the host club and headed down the hall.
Tamaki was dumbfounded. Why had she left? What happened in the back room? Well, he'd figure it out after the club was over.
Tamaki blinked and glanced between the two briefly, as they were quiet. Alice slowly stood and pushed some of her hair behind an ear. "Can we talk, somewhere else? Less embarrassing?" She murmured quietly. Kyoya nodded lightly and went to lead her to the back of the host club, where the members often changed into it out of a costume. When the door closed, Alice sighed and glanced at the dark haired male. "First, I'd like to know what is going on. I just recently joined your school, and already you're trying to recruit me? I know all about your talent of digging around and finding information on people.. and I doubt you're asking me purely because of my piano playing." She said to him with a bit of her French accent coming through. Kyoya smirked lightly and adjusted his glasses. She was a quick one, that was for sure. "Ms. Winters, I assure you I am only looking out for the members and customers of this club. " He said, acting on his business man persona.
Alice folded her arms. She could be stubborn too. "I won't give my answer until you tell me what you're angle is, Shadow-King." He simply remained quiet and she turned to leave. "It's clear you have a few friends here in the club who worry about you, and your health. We can help you, but only if you're a member. This club is a family, and I don't want to see anyone get hurt." He spoke. She paused. So, he knew as well.. And he was just trying protect his 'family'. Alice left without another word, and not just the back room. She left the host club and headed down the hall.
Tamaki was dumbfounded. Why had she left? What happened in the back room? Well, he'd figure it out after the club was over.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi chuckled quietly as he watched the smaller boy eye the slice of cake. "If you like it, the rest of the cake is yours as well." He said casually, only wanting him to try it first. He watched his cousin a moment longer,smiling as his large amber eyes proved that he liked the chocolate strawberry cake. However, when the duo began playing the piano his attention drifted. Everyone had heard their king play at least once, but this time he was playing with a fellow student. She
Tamaki was absolutely and completely absorbed into the song as he and Alice played together. Alice had her eyes closed so she could focus more on the song and less on all the students watching them. It was her way of tuning out the world. The other things that mattered right now was herself, Tamaki, and the piano. The song soon came to its end and Alice slowly opened her lavender eyes. Tamaki was speechless, and smiling. "You've gotten better..and by their expressions, everyone here enjoyed the performance as much as I did." He said to her. Alice blushed and smiled a little.
Kyoya stood from his table and approached the two. "Wonderful." He said. Alice blinked and glanced at him, as did Tamaki. "Your skills really do rival those of Tamaki. I'm sure you've already been asked this but, how would you like to perform here as much as you'd like, as a host member?" He asked quietly as to not cause a fuss. The other girls didn't need to hear his invitation.
Tamaki was absolutely and completely absorbed into the song as he and Alice played together. Alice had her eyes closed so she could focus more on the song and less on all the students watching them. It was her way of tuning out the world. The other things that mattered right now was herself, Tamaki, and the piano. The song soon came to its end and Alice slowly opened her lavender eyes. Tamaki was speechless, and smiling. "You've gotten better..and by their expressions, everyone here enjoyed the performance as much as I did." He said to her. Alice blushed and smiled a little.
Kyoya stood from his table and approached the two. "Wonderful." He said. Alice blinked and glanced at him, as did Tamaki. "Your skills really do rival those of Tamaki. I'm sure you've already been asked this but, how would you like to perform here as much as you'd like, as a host member?" He asked quietly as to not cause a fuss. The other girls didn't need to hear his invitation.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie nodded lightly when he spoke. After a while, the kitten had dried off and was peacefully sleeping in Maddie's lap, still wrapped up in the blanket. Maddie had dried off as well with the help of the blanket, and was feeling pretty tired from the events of today. She wasn't even hungry. It had been somewhat quiet between Maddie and Clint, but she couldn't think of anything to say. When the kitten woke, it mewed and started trying to naw on her fingers, gaining her attention. What did you feed a kitten as little as this one? MIlk, yogurt, or something soft? As much as she liked cats, she'd never had one.