Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie's eyes widen as Clint spoke to her while wearing that smile of his. He didn't think she had changed in all those years? Even after some of the things she had told him? About her personality shifts and everything else? She sighed quietly and shook her head some. This guy.. She finished her breakfast as he excused himself to get his rain coat. She drank her milk, then got up and took her dishes to the sink, rinsing them off before setting them down in the sink. Her thoughts fell to kitten they found the other day. She really, truly, hoped that woman wouldn't anything to the little ball of fluff. The more she thought about it, the more she worried and tried to shake off the worry at the same time. That woman..was a lot of things..but how'd they know if she would actually hurt him or not? She then zoned out for a moment as if having one of her 'visions', and by the end of it, she ran to the bathroom in her room, closed the door rather hard and locked it.
The nightmare she had seen.. She had to try and stop it! But how? Stopping a vision from coming true, wasn't something she often tried..

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen lifted his head when he heard her voice, and tilted his head. She sounded nervous.. Was everything alright? Instead of asking, he simply nodded to her questioned and sipped from the tea. "It's helping..and I've found it's not as strong once its cooled." He said, pausing when he felt her hand on his forehead. His breath caught a bit when he managed to get a good whiff of her sweet scent. He shrank back a little and lowered his head. "Kaneko.. I..need to hunt.." He murmured quietly, keeping his eyes low as if staring at the cup of tea in his lap. It wasn't bad.. But he definitely couldn't afford to wait until tomorrow, even if he starting to feel better. He didn't want to face day two without hunting.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
((yaaay, she found the photo~ :D ))
Allen continued to sleep soundly for a few hours and when he woke, it was around the time the sun started to set. It wasn't late, maybe close to dinner time? The sun went down earlier up in the mountains due to time zones and all that good stuff, in the winter at least. He himself didn't know what time it was, only that he was awake again and hungry, in both meanings of the word. He hadn't really eaten much that day..and he needed to hunt all at the same time. So, he slowly began to sit up and after a few minutes. he carefully found the cup of tea and sippd from it. Hot or cold, it was still strong..just not as strong.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago
Cross smirked lightly as he watched Cordelia take her leave, and head up the deck where the captain was standing.
Andrew blinked when he felt the pat, and quickly glanced at his first mate as if somewhat surprised. He hadn't really been in his right mind since diving into the ocean, but it was probably normal. After all, he hadn't stopped to rest since getting away from the storm. "..Are you sure?" He asked her, just as concerned for her as she was for him. "You're okay?" He asked.
Andrew blinked when he felt the pat, and quickly glanced at his first mate as if somewhat surprised. He hadn't really been in his right mind since diving into the ocean, but it was probably normal. After all, he hadn't stopped to rest since getting away from the storm. "..Are you sure?" He asked her, just as concerned for her as she was for him. "You're okay?" He asked.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi smiled some and shook his head at her answer. It wasn't a boring answer. It told him a little something about her, hearing that she wanted to be a History teacher. It gave her character, really. "History happens to be one of my more favorable subjects." He said casually, wearing a small smirk as they walked to class. When they arrived, he took his usual seat and once again focused on the class.
Somewhere between lunch ending and before class ended, Alice shyly walked into the classroom and handed the teacher a note since everyone happened to be doing some book work while the teacher did their own thing.She then made her way back towards her seat and followed the work that was written on the board in front of the classroom.
Somewhere between lunch ending and before class ended, Alice shyly walked into the classroom and handed the teacher a note since everyone happened to be doing some book work while the teacher did their own thing.She then made her way back towards her seat and followed the work that was written on the board in front of the classroom.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie honestly smiled when he seemed to like the idea of watching the movie with her. She continued to eat her breakfast. She smirked when he mentioned the books again and shook her head. "I'm sure I'll like whichever one I pick up." She poked at him, noticing how he was checking the time, but she didn't bring it up. It'd be time for him leave for work soon and she'd be off in her room reading, or taking a nap until he got home. That's how it had been going recently anyway. Maybe it would change today though.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen quietly listened to her words, and followed her back to the bedroom like a child getting over a cold, when they really don't have the engery to do much. So, without arguing he allowed her to lead him and and curled up on the bed once he felt the softness of the flitted sheet beneath him. He was tired.. and it didn't take him too long to fall asleep, listening to her footsteps as she left the room to tend to other things. He'd sleep quite sometime before waking.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie chuckled as he went along with her teasing, and cut another piece from her breakfast and happily ate it. She'd save the milk for after she finished eating. Maddie blinked and nodded when he mentioned not knowing if he'd be getting home early or not, and smirked some. "Well if you do, we can watch the second Transformers." She said with a hopefully look on her face. Maddie shrugged at his question. "I don't know yet.. I'll have to look at the titles again." She answered casually.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen listened quietly to her words, not able to really keep his milky eyes open properly. If allowed to, he could fall asleep right here, but he was sure Kaneko would lead him back to the bedroom. He nodded lightly at her suggestion and slowly lifted his head. She was right, about both. He was really troubled by this, but he needed to get better. Then he could look into it, if it was still troubling him.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen slowly followed her over to the couch as she led him, and say down. He lowered his gaze as she spoke, nodding lightly. "It could just be the fever..or the tea.. But I don't really remember my childhood so maybe.. " He sighed quietly and lowered his head until his forehead was gently leaning against her shoulder and He was somewhat slouching. "This place just feels familiar.. somehow.." He murmured softly .

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
She nodded lightly. "I would actually, if I didn't have so many other books to read." She teased, taking a bite of her breakfast. Maddie smirked some as he spoke, and blushed when a thought occurred to her. Ghost friend and main character actually kind of reminded her of them, in a lot of ways. They were friends for a long time, since childhood, then something happened and they were separated only to find each other again years later. Only, it was the girl doing everything she could to help the boy instead of it being the other way around. Oh jeez! Why did her mind even go there?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
True, there were the animals around them.. But not what he came out here for. Allen thought about her question as she began to lead him back to the hut. How would she react to him seeing visions? He knew where believe him, but.. What if she grew worried? He shook his head lightly and lifted his head some. "This air has helped me cool off a bit.." He answered calmly, knowing it wouldn't last long enough to bring relief. It was enough though, for now.
Once they were back inside, he leaned against the wall briefly and decided to tell her what was bothering him. "I'm blind.. Yet I've been seeing visions recently.. Ever since the fever came.. A boy who looks like me, and two adults.. I was following the boy when I came to the living room, and I thought going outside would make me see him again.."
Once they were back inside, he leaned against the wall briefly and decided to tell her what was bothering him. "I'm blind.. Yet I've been seeing visions recently.. Ever since the fever came.. A boy who looks like me, and two adults.. I was following the boy when I came to the living room, and I thought going outside would make me see him again.."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"My thoughts?" She couldn't help repeating the words quietly. He wanted to know what she thought about the book .. How did she even describe her thoughts? Or where did she start? She did shake her head lightly when he asked if she'd read it in a few years. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't wait that long to read it again." She replied with a grin. "I really enjoyed it. It had a mixture of my favorite genres and they were out together really well. I mean, I wouldn't have guessed that her classmate was actually a werewolf and even though they had a thing between them, she was dead set on helping her ghost friend." Maddie explained to him rather easily for someone who think of what to say at first. She blushed, now feeling like she was rambling.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen sighed softly after a moment longer and lowered his head. "There's nothing here.." He murmured, feeling rather down in spirits. He placed a hand on his head, but not because of any pain. He just didn't understand what was going on. He lowered his hand and gave Kaneko's hand a light squeeze. "Come, let's go back inside before you catch cold." He said quietly, offering her an apologetic smile. He felt bad for bringing her out here now. Only to find nothing.