Xnovax's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen listened, hearing the joy in her voice as she spoke. Whatever she was making, he was sure it'd be delicious. He easily followed her when she took his hand and led him through the house. Then she mentioned having made tea and rose an eyebrow. "Normal tea I hope. If rather not try to drink the strong herbal tea with dinner.. " He murmured quietly, only to smile as if letting her know he was only teasing. He sat down at the table and patiently waited.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
I'm trying really hard not to have Takashi go after her ;~; i don't think he'd chose a girl over his cousin- but i honestly want to hug Mia right now x3
Takashi spotted Mia getting in the car from the window and lowered his head. Walking up to Mitsukuni, he offered the boy a small smirk. "I found a chocolate cake with strawberry icing and toppings. Try it before you say you don'y like it." He said to the smaller boy, cutting a piece and putting it on a plate, then putting it one the table before sitting down as well. They had just met Mia..so why was she on his mind so much?
Tamaki was baffled by Alice's sudden change of character. Maybe she really had changed over the years. Kyoya was curious, and lifted his gaze to watch the two. Alice pouted when Tamaki seemed to hesitate. "Oh please, Tamaki? I haven't gotten to play with you since you left France.. and I'm too nervous to play by myself." She said innocently. Tamaki only smiled. How could say no to his childhood friend. He nodded and Alice smiled brightly. She sat next to Tamaki on the bench and he began to play half of the piano, and Alice joined him once she caught on to what he was playing. It was a song best preformed as a duet, but they only had one piano currently so they made due.
Song link ;3

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
She felt a little better after hearing him speak, and lifted her head a little. Not much though. She shook her head lightly at his question, in a way of showing she didn't know. "I don't know.. Maybe we can try to give him something after he dries off?" She suggested quietly. There was really no telling. He didn't look hungry, but she didn't exactly look for a food or water bowl while at the church. The main concern was getting him dried off though. Maybe afterwards she'd take a nice warm shower before going to bed.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie kept her head down as he spoke, and quietly followed him inside. He was right, and she had been reckless but he didn't know what she had seen. It sent a shiver down her spine along with being cold. Once he had gone off to get some blankets, and then came back, she say down like he had said and gratefully pulled the blanket closer to herself. The kitten started to purr as it nuzzled against the warm blanket. "I couldn't just..do nothing. All I wanted was to get him before she could hurt him.. The things I saw her do.. I had to do something to stop it from happening."

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi had to keep focused on finding a chocolate strawberry cake for his cousin, but his mind kept wondering about Mia. Was she avoiding him because of what Mistukuni said? Or his change in behavior? He shook his head and sighed quietly when he found what he was looking for. He put the cake on a tray, and moved it to a cart. He then made some tea and put it on the cart as well, before returning to the Mitsukuni's table.
Alice blinked a couple of times when Kaoru hugged her,and she hugged back, then he let go and began conversing with his brother. What was going on with them today? And why were they suddenly asking her to join the club? What did her parents have to do with it?? She glanced at Kaoru when he spoke and nodded lightly. Of course she had questions! She just didn't know how to ask them.. "Alice, my delicate flower!" Was she really going to join them? He wouldn't bring it up. Tamaki was heard as he approached her and pulled her into his arms. Alice blushed and shyly hugged him as well. "Didn't think I was coming back?" She teased. He pouted and released her. "Well.."
Alice smiled a little. "It's gonna more than this to scare me away. I'm not the same scared little girl.." Tamaki beamed with joy and picked her up . "Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!" Alice was happy once he set her down again and she pulled him over to the piano. "Happt enough to play with me? " She asked curiously. Tamaki blinked.
Alice blinked a couple of times when Kaoru hugged her,and she hugged back, then he let go and began conversing with his brother. What was going on with them today? And why were they suddenly asking her to join the club? What did her parents have to do with it?? She glanced at Kaoru when he spoke and nodded lightly. Of course she had questions! She just didn't know how to ask them.. "Alice, my delicate flower!" Was she really going to join them? He wouldn't bring it up. Tamaki was heard as he approached her and pulled her into his arms. Alice blushed and shyly hugged him as well. "Didn't think I was coming back?" She teased. He pouted and released her. "Well.."
Alice smiled a little. "It's gonna more than this to scare me away. I'm not the same scared little girl.." Tamaki beamed with joy and picked her up . "Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!" Alice was happy once he set her down again and she pulled him over to the piano. "Happt enough to play with me? " She asked curiously. Tamaki blinked.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen wasn't surprised in the least when Kaneko voiced her concern for him, and shook his head lightly. He rubbed the back of his head. "I'm alright, Kaneko, really. It's just a new place so I'm going to have to adjust." He answered sheepishly , offering her a small childish smirk. Allen sniffed lightly and smiled. "Dinner smells delicious, as always." He complimented.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Chocolate strawberries actually sounded pretty good..and since little Mitsukuni was having a hard time deciding on either a strawberry cake, or a chocolate cake, maybe he'd surprise the smaller boy.. What if he didn't like it though? Was there even a cake he didn't like? He was curious now. Takashi offered Mitsukuni a small smile. "Wait here." He said, before walking off to find his cousin a chocolate strawberry cake.
Alice lightly but the inside of her cheek. As sweet as the offer was.. Playing in front of just them wouldn't help much.. It was worth a try though, right? She'd think It over. She really just wanted to ask Hikaru to 'kidnap' her so she could stay at their place instead of going homr, but of course, she had brought something else instead. Alice quietly followed him into the room.
Alice lightly but the inside of her cheek. As sweet as the offer was.. Playing in front of just them wouldn't help much.. It was worth a try though, right? She'd think It over. She really just wanted to ask Hikaru to 'kidnap' her so she could stay at their place instead of going homr, but of course, she had brought something else instead. Alice quietly followed him into the room.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago
Andrew offered her a small smile and lightly placed a hand on her cheek. "I'd go to the ends of the earth for you, Del." Whether he meant it romantically or not, he'd let her play with for a while. He cared for her very much, even if it he wasn't being romantic. She was his best friend. Nothing would ever keep him from running to her, if she needed him. He nodded lightly and pointed to the compass nailed down near the wheel. "I trust you to steer her until I get back, just keep the ship sailing Northeast until you see a dock. Unless, you know, rocks or something come up.. but I'm sure Cross will keep an eye out for you." He told her, before kissing her cheek and giving a light wave before heading below deck to rest a bit.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen was quick to find his prey, not wanting to worry Kaneko anymore than he needed to. Not that he liked worrying her at all.. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he tried to focus on his hunt. He found his prey, but he still needed to catch it, so he took chase once the small animal scurried off. He just about had his hands on it when he stumbled over something he couldn't see, which normally wouldn't happen, but he was sick and out of sorts after all. Allen slowly stood and focused on finding something else since he lost track of his 'current' prey. He tried, and failed, several times before finally catching something and was able to feed.
By the time he got back, dinner would probably be done and Allen was steaming a little. Sure, it'd get easier as he would adjust but.. He had some dirt on him for different reasons and his hair was kind of messed up, but he wasn't hurt. It took him a little bit of time before finding the hut, with the help of Kaneko's cooking coming through the chimney. He could smell it a mile away.
By the time he got back, dinner would probably be done and Allen was steaming a little. Sure, it'd get easier as he would adjust but.. He had some dirt on him for different reasons and his hair was kind of messed up, but he wasn't hurt. It took him a little bit of time before finding the hut, with the help of Kaneko's cooking coming through the chimney. He could smell it a mile away.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie bit the inside of her cheek. She was expecting this from him, or worse, right? She knew he'd be upset with her.. She shook her head when he questioned her, keeping her head low. "No, I wasn't followed..." She murmured quietly. How could she explain her actions? Why did she feel the need tom anyway? Because, Clint was important to her and she didn't want to lose that friendship. She didn't have time to explain before he left for work.. When the engine died, and Clint had opened her door, she held the kitten in her arms and got out of the car before walking towards the front door. She felt awful- but she didn't regret saving it. Not for a moment. "i didn't have time to tell you.. When I came out of the bathroom you had already left.." She murmured quietly, only once he was close enough to hear her, "I didn't know what else to do.."

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi glanced up at his smaller cousin and offered him a small smile. He was proud of him for being so attentive during class. Part of him wondered what they would be doing in the club today, the other part of him wondered what Mia was up to. He really liked talking with her. Pushing the thoughts aside, he continued down the hall until the large doors came into view. He opened the doors and walked inside. Kyoya glanced up at the duo briefly, then went back to his computer. Tamaki was sitting on one of the couches.
Takashi set Mitsukuni down on one of the chairs at a table. "What kind of cake do you want?" He asked casually. They had some time before the club actually started.
Alice quietly followed Hikaru to the club room, thinking about the offer. Could she even play the piano in front of everyone? That was also a concerning thought. Playing for her friends was one thing..but a whole room of people? Her mother though. Speaking of which.. "Hey, Hikaru.." She spoke quietly, keeping her eyes low. "Do you think, I could do it? I mean... I'm not good with people.. and I don't have a lot of skills.. I've never tried playing the piano in front of anyone other than my friends, my parents, or my teacher.."
Takashi set Mitsukuni down on one of the chairs at a table. "What kind of cake do you want?" He asked casually. They had some time before the club actually started.
Alice quietly followed Hikaru to the club room, thinking about the offer. Could she even play the piano in front of everyone? That was also a concerning thought. Playing for her friends was one thing..but a whole room of people? Her mother though. Speaking of which.. "Hey, Hikaru.." She spoke quietly, keeping her eyes low. "Do you think, I could do it? I mean... I'm not good with people.. and I don't have a lot of skills.. I've never tried playing the piano in front of anyone other than my friends, my parents, or my teacher.."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Feeling much like a child being scorned, she lowered her head and hurried over to the car, and slipped inside the car. She set the shivering kitten onto her lap and closed the door. She carefully put on her seatbelt before moving her arm from covering the kitten, so she show Clint. "I.. I had a vision.. Aurelie was going to hurt him. She's a devil woman.. " She said quietly, lowering her head as the kitten mewed quietly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smiled at her words, and affection. Of course she would. He wouldn't put it past her, he knew better. He stood still as she dressed him, and easily followed her as she began to lead him to the front door. He gave her hand a light squeeze. "Thank you, for caring so much." He said quietly before kissing her warm cheek. Allen opened the door and went outside, welcoming the cold air.Allen stood still a moment, taking in the scents and sounds of the smaller animals that were out, then took off in the direction of one of them. He wouldn't go far, just far enough to hunt, and not get lost.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie had her arms loosely folded together as she held the kitten securely, making sure not to squish him. She was thinking about what to tell Clint if he made it home before her. Oh, hell. She paused at hearing an all too familiar nickname and glanced at the man who called it. Busted.. "Um.. I can explain?" She called wearily as more of a half-question. Well, what now? Meet at the house or...? She began to wonder.