Xnovax's posts
Posted in Final Act: Land of Fun & Death!
Posted 6 years ago
anybody know if they're adding to this thread, or making a new one? O.o

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen waited until he could hear her footsteps approaching the bedroom before sitting up again, and lightly pat the bedside table. "Then set it down for a minute." He said casually, bringing his hand up to cover his eyes. "I was thinking about trying something..to help." He said quietly. "If I have any herbs left, I could try taking the wrapping and soaking it in a mixture. Or make something like eyedrops.." He voiced, waiting to hear her response. If not, then well, he'd have to do some exploring after his fever went away.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie slept for at least a couple of hours before waking again. She noticed the blankets now covering her when she sat up and couldn't help the warmth she felt in her cheeks. Even if he was nothing more than a brother to her, he still managed to touch a soft spot once in while. She got up and went to take a nice hot shower to clear her head. She hadn't had a 'nightmare' but it was definitely weird. She took fifteen minutes in the shower, then dried off and got dressed in her second pair of pjs. She went into the laundry room and tossed her clothes into the basket, then glanced at the washing machine. How hard could it be? Shaking her head, she decided to wait until Clint got home so he could actually show her how to work the washer, then went into the kitchen and looked through the fridge. After a few minutes, she pulled out the cheese and some lunch meat, and made a sandwich.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi sat back in the couch some to relax a bit. He wasn't going anywhere without his cousin, even if it made him late. Mitsukuni always came first.
Tamaki glanced between the two as if just hearing what he said when the dark haired male came in. Then he looked at Kyoya, who nodded casually. "They're fine, I assure you. Just dealing with an urgent family matter." He explained, glancing at the two of them. "Anyway- shouldn't we be getting to class?" He wondered aloud, just as calmly as ever.
Alice blinked and glanced at Hikaru when he spoke. He.. He was serious, wasn't he? Then Kaoru spoke in agreement and Alice sighed quietly. These boys really would do anything for her, wouldn't they? She lightly folded her arms around her chest. "How are you planning on contacting him?" She asked curiously, not knowing much about their methods or who Kyoya was, other than what she was told yesterday. It didn't take long for her mother's voice to be heard even though the walls of her room. Hikaru was closest, and she gently grabbed the end of his school jacket as her heart rate began to climb. The nurse quickly came back into the room and closed the door behind her. "Don't worry alright? This is a private hospital, and if you don't want to see her, you don't have to." She explained with a sweet smile. Alice still had a hold of Hikaru's jacket.
Tamaki glanced between the two as if just hearing what he said when the dark haired male came in. Then he looked at Kyoya, who nodded casually. "They're fine, I assure you. Just dealing with an urgent family matter." He explained, glancing at the two of them. "Anyway- shouldn't we be getting to class?" He wondered aloud, just as calmly as ever.
Alice blinked and glanced at Hikaru when he spoke. He.. He was serious, wasn't he? Then Kaoru spoke in agreement and Alice sighed quietly. These boys really would do anything for her, wouldn't they? She lightly folded her arms around her chest. "How are you planning on contacting him?" She asked curiously, not knowing much about their methods or who Kyoya was, other than what she was told yesterday. It didn't take long for her mother's voice to be heard even though the walls of her room. Hikaru was closest, and she gently grabbed the end of his school jacket as her heart rate began to climb. The nurse quickly came back into the room and closed the door behind her. "Don't worry alright? This is a private hospital, and if you don't want to see her, you don't have to." She explained with a sweet smile. Alice still had a hold of Hikaru's jacket.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
((gawd they're so cute! x3))
Allen nodded lightly to her words and did just that. Until he felt her kiss his cheek and forehead, then listened to her leave the bedroom. He somewhat buried his face into his pillow and wrapped his arms around the sides of the pillow. Even when had a fever, she still managed to make his cheeks burn! He did start to doze off before his eyes started up again, causing him to tighten his hold around he pillow and bite back a hiss. An idea struck him during this short amount of time she he slowly let go of the pillow before sitting up. What if he took and soaked the bandages he used for his eyes, in a mixture of his herbs? Did he even have any herbs left in his bag? Either way, it was worth a try, right? First he needed to figure out what herbs he had left, if any. He'd mention it to Kaneko when she came back, and laid back down for the time being.
Allen nodded lightly to her words and did just that. Until he felt her kiss his cheek and forehead, then listened to her leave the bedroom. He somewhat buried his face into his pillow and wrapped his arms around the sides of the pillow. Even when had a fever, she still managed to make his cheeks burn! He did start to doze off before his eyes started up again, causing him to tighten his hold around he pillow and bite back a hiss. An idea struck him during this short amount of time she he slowly let go of the pillow before sitting up. What if he took and soaked the bandages he used for his eyes, in a mixture of his herbs? Did he even have any herbs left in his bag? Either way, it was worth a try, right? First he needed to figure out what herbs he had left, if any. He'd mention it to Kaneko when she came back, and laid back down for the time being.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie rose an eyebrow as he spoke, but decided not to press. It wasn't her business, unless he wanted to talk about it. Which clearly he didn't, and she couldn't blame him. Now he was trying to cheer her up and she nodded. "Alright, but you better not forget the popcorn." She poked at him, just to show she was alright and not as bummed as she sounded. She was just tired. After he wrote down his number and break times on said notepad, she yawned some and nodded before getting up from the table. "Yeah, alright, just be careful. I don't trust that woman.." She murmured quietly as he left. Maddie sighed under her breath and headed back to her room to lay down on her bed, didn't even bother covering up. She just laid there for a few mnutes before falling asleep.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi kept his facial expression calm even though he was worried about his cousin . It didn't sound like he got.much sleep at all. He nodded when the smaller boy spoke. "It's alright. Get some rest before class." He assured him.
Just as Tamaki had thought about what Haruhi had said, in came Kyoya as calm as ever, causing the blonde make all but leap from his chair. "Kyoya! Why didn't you call me?" He poured dramatically. Kyoya simply adjusted his glasses. "Something came up involving the twins. They'll be late as well." He explained.
Alice didn't feel much better afteewards. Even with their words, she still felt terrible. She shook her head lightly and stifled a sniffle. "Derek, my step-father, wanted me to have the operation, but he's not my legal guardian so he can't sign without my mother.. He'd have to come down from France, divorce my mother and take her to court for custody rights. He'd pretty much have to get.me out of my.mother's hands, and he'd need help to do it or mother could rob him blind." Alice explained.
Just as Tamaki had thought about what Haruhi had said, in came Kyoya as calm as ever, causing the blonde make all but leap from his chair. "Kyoya! Why didn't you call me?" He poured dramatically. Kyoya simply adjusted his glasses. "Something came up involving the twins. They'll be late as well." He explained.
Alice didn't feel much better afteewards. Even with their words, she still felt terrible. She shook her head lightly and stifled a sniffle. "Derek, my step-father, wanted me to have the operation, but he's not my legal guardian so he can't sign without my mother.. He'd have to come down from France, divorce my mother and take her to court for custody rights. He'd pretty much have to get.me out of my.mother's hands, and he'd need help to do it or mother could rob him blind." Alice explained.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen couldn't help the smile that formed across his lips when she spoke. It was nice to know she didn't regret that night either, or anything after. "I'll stay here with you for as long as you'll allow me to, my love." He said to her gently, closing his eyes. He shook his head lightly at her question. "Not sleeping, just going to lay down for a bit." He answered casually. Something to drink was tempting, but not what he currently wanted. Well, rather what his body wanted. He pushed the thought aside and wondered about that peppermint tea she made earlier. It did help him relax some. "Could you make some of that peppermint tea?" He asked innocently.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie sighed quietly and sat back in the chair and watched his body language. Clearly, he wasn't happy about the news and she lowers her gaze down to the table. His half ass joke gained no expression or gesture from Maddie as she thought quietly to herself. Wasn't 'Jess' the name she heard over the phone last night? Oh, great.. So pushing him to go out with his friends might've been a bad idea after all. After a moment she glanced at him with a sheepishly smirk and she ran her fingers through her long black hair. "If this has anything to do with last night.. I'm sorry I pushed you into going.." She said quietly. She was starting to feel a tad tired after that reading, which only sorta made since. It was early yes, but that had nothing to do with it. She simply pushed it aside and showed no signs of it. She could lay down after Clint left for work.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi sighed quietly as he watched his small cousin cling to the stuffed rabbit, and sat down at the other end of the couch. If he fell asleep, he'd wake him when the first bell went off. "Mitsukuni, did you sleep alright?" He asked curiously.
Tamaki stopped his pacing and glanced at Haruhi with wide eyes as she spoke. That was possible.. and though the twins often skipped coming to the club first thing, Kyoya usually did. Where was he? Traffic? He sat down in a chair with a sigh. "YAou're probably right. Kyoya usually gets here before me though, and I haven't heard anything!" He pouted.
Alice avoided glancing at either twin and gentle placed a hand over her chest. "Dont.. Don't be mad at him.. I made him promise not to tell anyone. I didn't even tell him, he just sorta found out.. It was an accident." She murmured quietly, her chest tightening with guilt as the younger twin spoke. "I was born sick.. and every year it's only gotten worse.." She started to explain quietly, keeping her pale lavender eyes focused on the bed sheets covering her. "It.. It started with having an arrhythmia once in while when I got too excited.. Then it evolved as I got older, due to the lack of medical attention because of mother.. I've needed a pacemaker for a while now, but without mother's consent, or my step-father coming down and taking matters into his own hands.. I can't get one.." Tears came to the girl's eyes and she bit her lip as it began to quiver slightly. Now wasn't the time to be crying. Did she even have any right to? "Hikaru knows, my mother, my step-father, and now you. Well, apparently this Kyoya-senpai has figured it out as well.. But.. No one else knows, not even Tamaki." She explained quietly. "Kaoru.. I told you, I've been a terrible friend to you."
Tamaki stopped his pacing and glanced at Haruhi with wide eyes as she spoke. That was possible.. and though the twins often skipped coming to the club first thing, Kyoya usually did. Where was he? Traffic? He sat down in a chair with a sigh. "YAou're probably right. Kyoya usually gets here before me though, and I haven't heard anything!" He pouted.
Alice avoided glancing at either twin and gentle placed a hand over her chest. "Dont.. Don't be mad at him.. I made him promise not to tell anyone. I didn't even tell him, he just sorta found out.. It was an accident." She murmured quietly, her chest tightening with guilt as the younger twin spoke. "I was born sick.. and every year it's only gotten worse.." She started to explain quietly, keeping her pale lavender eyes focused on the bed sheets covering her. "It.. It started with having an arrhythmia once in while when I got too excited.. Then it evolved as I got older, due to the lack of medical attention because of mother.. I've needed a pacemaker for a while now, but without mother's consent, or my step-father coming down and taking matters into his own hands.. I can't get one.." Tears came to the girl's eyes and she bit her lip as it began to quiver slightly. Now wasn't the time to be crying. Did she even have any right to? "Hikaru knows, my mother, my step-father, and now you. Well, apparently this Kyoya-senpai has figured it out as well.. But.. No one else knows, not even Tamaki." She explained quietly. "Kaoru.. I told you, I've been a terrible friend to you."

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen offered her a warm smile when she finally spoke, and moved his hands to loosely wrap his arms around her slender figure. "Not at all.." He assured her. She wasn't being silly. This was normal behavior for any innocent human that had been thrown into the world with vampires. Even if they had been there all along. "You're scared and weary, and I understand that." He said to her comfortingly. "I'm not sorry I talked to you that night in the park.. However, I am sorry there isn't much I can do to ease your mind.." Allen said quietly, slowly pulling back and easing down onto the bed to lay down.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie nodded knowingly when he spoke. She already knew that, it wasn't hard to read him. "I don't know how in-depth I can go, but I'll tell you what I can." She said to him with withing a small smirk. After he finished washing the dishes and set them on the rack, he came to sit with her at the table once more. She had a feeling it had to with something that happened last night, but she didn't mind. If she could help keep him out of trouble and keep him safe, she was all for it. Well.. That's what she told herself. Maddie gently placed a hand under his, and began tracing the lines of his hand with a finger. Closing her eyes and finding her focus. She was looking for something that could happen to him at work, anything. It didn't take long for a woman to be seen getting out of a rather nice car, in front of the shop he worked in, and looking for him. This woman didn't look half bad, but clearly she was looking for trouble, and Clint didn't look like he actually wanted to talk with her. What the hell? Keeping her focus, she peered a bit deeper into the vision. Maddie wanted to know how far this would go. After a short bit, the woman left him alone and went back to her car, but once Clint left work, the woman now in the car tried following him home and that's where the vision ended.
Maddie opened her eyes and lowered her gaze after placing her hands back onto the table. "So.. Nothing bad happens today, but there was a woman trying to talk to you at work. She was tall, pale skinned, had long brown hair and blue eyes, and drove a red convertible. She'll leave..but..She'll try to follow you when you leave. I don't know how far though, the vision cut off." She explained. She'd never had a vision cut out like that, but it couldn't be good.
Maddie opened her eyes and lowered her gaze after placing her hands back onto the table. "So.. Nothing bad happens today, but there was a woman trying to talk to you at work. She was tall, pale skinned, had long brown hair and blue eyes, and drove a red convertible. She'll leave..but..She'll try to follow you when you leave. I don't know how far though, the vision cut off." She explained. She'd never had a vision cut out like that, but it couldn't be good.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen slowly picked up the tray from his lap and carefully set it down on the bed next to him before lightly cupping Kaneko's cool face. Maybe he was being silly, but he doubted that was the only thing she was worried about. Allen lightly leaned rested his warm forehead against hers, his milky eyes seemingly looking right into her brown ones. "Kaneko.. I won't ever hurt you, not ever, understand? I love you." He would be quicker to take his own life before that happened, but he'd keep it to himself. Kaneko was his life. No one would take that from him, not even himself.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi followed Haurhi, feeling his cousin's weight shift slightly as the smaller boy began to doze off on his shoulders. When they arrived synthetic club room, the lights were on. Takashi reached and casually opened the doors before them. Tamaki could be seen pacing around the empty club room and talking quietly to himself. He hasn't heard from his best friend or the devious duo, and he was growing concerned. Takashi went over to the sound and carefully set Mitsukuni down on the couch.
Alice tilted her head. Kyoya? Ah, the guy who held the club together. Well it was nice of him to call her friends.. Wait a minute. No, no it wasn't. At the mention of her mother, she glanced at them briefly then lowered her gaze. Her mother probably went to work like any other day, but Kaoru was right. No use getting into that conversation. "I feel better than when I got here.." She murmured softly . "But I won't be leaving today unless mother dearest picks me up." She murmured quietly . Alice sighed some and glanced at the twins. She explained what happened when she got home, and how she went to park for some fresh air. Then woke up here. "I'm sick.. and I don't have much time left.." She maybe had a couple of years without a pacemaker.
Alice tilted her head. Kyoya? Ah, the guy who held the club together. Well it was nice of him to call her friends.. Wait a minute. No, no it wasn't. At the mention of her mother, she glanced at them briefly then lowered her gaze. Her mother probably went to work like any other day, but Kaoru was right. No use getting into that conversation. "I feel better than when I got here.." She murmured softly . "But I won't be leaving today unless mother dearest picks me up." She murmured quietly . Alice sighed some and glanced at the twins. She explained what happened when she got home, and how she went to park for some fresh air. Then woke up here. "I'm sick.. and I don't have much time left.." She maybe had a couple of years without a pacemaker.