Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie felt her cheeks heat slightly with his compliment. Well, she took it as a compliment anyway. Clint always knew how to make her feel better when she felt like being a bother. "If I don't, who will?" She teased harmlessly. Of course she cared! He was probably the only one she cared about at this point, since she really didn't care about herself. Maddie grinned when he agreed to bring his coat before leaving, only to blink when he asked about the book. It took a minute to remember, but her smirk returned. "Oh yeah, the book.. I finished it last night." She said to him quite proudly. Breakfast smelled good like it always did since she started staying here.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smirked lightly when she debated whether a sweater alone would keep her warm. He waited patiently and gave her hand a light squeeze when he felt her warm skin against his and nodded his head lightly. He then went and opened the door for them and led her outside. The cold air hitting his sensitive and unnaturally warm skin made him want to turn and go back inside, but didn't. It felt good against his eyes though, for a moment. Allen smelled some smaller animals nearby but nothing that would pose as a threat. Slowly, and calmly, after Kaneko had locked the door behind them, he began to lead her away from the house, but made sure not to wander too far before stopping and lifting his head. Nothing. No vision of the boy or the other people he had seen. What the hell?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi sat quietly as Mia seemingly pondered his cousin's question. A small smirk came to his thin lips when she answered, and couldn't help nodding his head lightly. Some teachers were quite the story-makers depending on where they went to teach, and what kind of students they went to teach. "What kind of teacher?" He asked curiously. There were many different kinds of teachers.
Kyoya and Tamaki ate their lunch in silence. Tamaki made a mental note to confront the dark haired male after school, maybe stop by his house if he had to. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was Kyoya acting like everything was okay when it wasn't.
After lunch everyone went back to their designated classrooms.
Alice was finally released from the hospital by her mother, who took her to school despite the doctor's words. She needed rest. Well, in a way this was better. Her mother would probably go back to work and Alice didn't need to be alone. As long as she took it easy, she'd be fine..right? Needless to say, the car ride was short but not so sweet. She listened to her mother rant without saying anything and by the time the reached the school gate she just wanted to hide in the gardens until someone found her. But, she thought better of it and walked inside the large building.
Kyoya and Tamaki ate their lunch in silence. Tamaki made a mental note to confront the dark haired male after school, maybe stop by his house if he had to. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was Kyoya acting like everything was okay when it wasn't.
After lunch everyone went back to their designated classrooms.
Alice was finally released from the hospital by her mother, who took her to school despite the doctor's words. She needed rest. Well, in a way this was better. Her mother would probably go back to work and Alice didn't need to be alone. As long as she took it easy, she'd be fine..right? Needless to say, the car ride was short but not so sweet. She listened to her mother rant without saying anything and by the time the reached the school gate she just wanted to hide in the gardens until someone found her. But, she thought better of it and walked inside the large building.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shook her head lightly. The movie had nothing to do with it, she knew better. "Nope." She said casually, hiding a smirk. "But you're right, and I'm probably worrying too much." She said, glancing at him briefly. He said he wouldn't be going into the woods any time soon, and she believed him. "Um.. Take a rain coat with you to work, or an umbrella. The sky calls for rain later." She said, trying to think about something else. Whatever he was making smelled really good. Of course, it didn't matter what he made, so far everything smelled good and tasted just as good. She also hoped he wouldn't ask her about how she really slept, because then he'd figure out she had a nightmare and that's why she didn't get much sleep. Then she'd want to tell him even though it wouldn't do any good.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
yeah it just kind of hit me ^^' this is when my Oc's start acting on their own and i'm forced to go with it xD
her finding pictures would be nice. maybe she finds them while cleaning the house? O.o
her finding pictures would be nice. maybe she finds them while cleaning the house? O.o
Allen smiled some when she voiced her concern of letting him go alone. It was sweet, and he kind of understood. He really didn't like it when she went anywhere without him. Of course, he thought he was just being possessive. It was nice to hear she felt the same way, whether he was ill or not. "Are you wearing a jacket?" He asked curiously, wanting to check before they went outside together. He'd be alright, but he didn't want to risk her getting sick because of him. Or at all really.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie rose another eyebrow as she listened. He was talking with someone in the woods, but he didn't see anyone? and the place he was in was unknown.. That was very wierd. Maybe someone would try to lure him into the woods, using his job as a topic to lure him? 'Ot maybe it's just a random ass dream..' Her thoughts murmured. Maddie shook her head and glanced at him. "Wow, random." She said, then lower her gaze to the table. "Maybe it doesn't mean anything, and it was just a weird dream. Nothing more." She suggested, somewhat to herself but loud enough for him to hear her. "Just.. Be careful.." She said quietly as she began to trace circles on the table top.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen could hear the worry in her voice, and he loved her more for it. She probably wanted him in bed, but knew it'd do him a little bit of good to be up and around a bit. The cold air wouldn't make him anymore sick than he already was, that was one vampire thing he didn't mind. Getting sick wasn't the same as humans did, and there were other things to worry about. But.. He needed to know if it was the fever talking or if this place meant something to him when he was a human. He listened to the sound of her feet moving about and gently took her hand when she spoke. "If you'd like." He said quietly.
(so i've been thinking.. they're up north somewhere, and allen grew up in the north even though he doesn't remember.. what would think of the likely hood of them living in the same cabin now, that he lived in when he was much younger? O.o)

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shook her head lightly and smirked some. "I'll be alright." She said to him casually. She raised a curious eyebrow. "A weird dream? Care to share it while you're making breakfast?" She asked curiously before walking out of her room and headed to the kitchen, where she sat down at the table and waited patiently. Maybe she could help him figure out what the dream was about, if anything at all.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen nodded lightly to her question and offered her a small smile. "Believe me, it's helping a bit more than it appears." He said quietly. Allen kept 'looking' in the direction of the front door. Somehow, that image of the boy felt like a message. Whether he was hallucinating or not, and it bothered him. "I need my coat, so I can go outside. Just for a minute to check something." He said to her quietly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
(I think Allen had too much tea.. ^^')
Allen was quiet for a moment until he heard Kaneko. He lightly leaned against the chair he had sat in the other day and placed a hand on his head. "Yeah.. Couldn't sleep.." He voice apologetically in case he had started her. "I thought I sensed something. But there's no one here but us." He voiced quietly.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie blinked and turned around to glance at Clint. "Morning." She murmured quietly before walking towards her door frame, nodding lightly. "Enough to survive on, I guess." She said as an attempt to tease, but she just wasn't in a teasing mood. "How about you?" She asked hesitantly. She'd need to tell him or would rain later, before he left so he could take a rain coat or an umbrella, and that she finished her book.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie eventually fell asleep at who knows when, the book resting on the side of the bed carefully. She had finished it, sort of, as long as she remembered when she woke again. She didn't sleep great though, due to her infamous nightmares and such. The woke a few different times, only an hour or two apart before giving up and sitting upright on her bed. It was early.. The sun was just starting to rise when she glanced out the window. Why did she even bother trying to sleep most nights? She glanced at her reflection and sighed, really hoping Clint was having a better night than she was.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen slept for a couple of hours, waking from a strange dream. He didn't even feel like he was awake.. Part of him was still dreaming. He still had a fever, so maybe he was just hallucinating or something, but he slowly sat up anyway since he was unable to reason with if he were awake or still asleep. He was blind, so why was he seeing things anyway? Even if they were merely images. The image of a small boy lead him from the bedroom into the next room were two more images were seen only by him. He had seen them before, in a different dream. A woman and a man who the young boy approached only to hurry outside happily. Dazed and very confused, Allen paused by the chair. His head raised in the direction of the front door. Was there something outside he needed to see?

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie blinked a few times when Clint suddenly ruffled her hair and flushed some before quickly fixing her hair. "Well.. Goodnight." She voiced sort of shyly, not exactly expecting him to do that. "The movie was awesome, by the way." She stated more casually, then left the room and headed to her own room where she plopped down on the soft bed and curled up. Almost immediately forgetting about reading and just laid there for a few minutes, until she saw the book. Maddie sat up and picked up the book, opened it to the current chapter she was on and started reading.