Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie truly enjoyed this time, and even the beginning of the movie had her interest peaked. Probably because she knew the comics though, thanks to the hospitality of the local library. She could tell by glancing at him that he was thinking the same thing as she was as far as this might want and that made her happy, and she happily munched on a handful of popcorn as she watched the movie.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen brought the pillow closer to him, smushing it some. He could smell the tea, but he was more focused on willing the pain away. He listened to Kaneko's footsteps leave the bedroom, and hearing dishes clatter lightly in the sink. It made him want to cringe in his current state. He tried tuning everything else out for the moment, so he hadn't heard Kaneko when she came back. Allen felt her fingers in his hair and slowly began to relax at her comforting touch. "As much as it pains me to admit it.. I was expecting this a lot sooner.." He said, as he willed the pain away as much as he could.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi sat quietly while talked, taking notice to his cousin's uneasiness. He sighed quietly at his muttering and lightly placed a hand on the boy's head. He hid a small smile at his sudden possessivness and glanced at Mia. "Mori is fine, it's just my last name abbreviated." Takashi said calmly, honestly just hoping the boy would allow her to address him by first name eventually. It was actually nice being called by his first name by someone else. "..and I did. He was falling asleep already."
Tamaki nodded to her, then went and bought two lunches. One for himself, and one for Kyoya. As if he would let his best friend skip lunch! He then walked with her to the Host club.
Kyoya sat quietly while the two explained their crises and sighed quietly under his breath. "Think about what you're asking me to do.. Hikaru, Kaoru. What kind of host club would we be of we went and played favorite with one girl?" He asked them calmly, even though he had already thought this through. "It'd be one thing if she was a member." Kyoya hinted, adjusting his glasses. "You've known her quite some time, yes? Does she have any skills or talents that could benefit our club?" He asked casually. He knew she played the piano, and that could definitely be a benefit. If the twins had caught on.
Tamaki nodded to her, then went and bought two lunches. One for himself, and one for Kyoya. As if he would let his best friend skip lunch! He then walked with her to the Host club.
Kyoya sat quietly while the two explained their crises and sighed quietly under his breath. "Think about what you're asking me to do.. Hikaru, Kaoru. What kind of host club would we be of we went and played favorite with one girl?" He asked them calmly, even though he had already thought this through. "It'd be one thing if she was a member." Kyoya hinted, adjusting his glasses. "You've known her quite some time, yes? Does she have any skills or talents that could benefit our club?" He asked casually. He knew she played the piano, and that could definitely be a benefit. If the twins had caught on.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi quietly listened to the two as they conversed, and nodded lightly in agreement with his cousin. It was quite curious as to how the smaller boy are so many sweets, and didn't ever get sick. Honestly though, he was just happy that Mitsukuni was happy.
Tamaki was dumbfounded as the twins suddenly came up with a reason to seek out Kyoya, a lone, and glanced at Haruhi when she spoke. They definitely were, and he wanted to know what. "I think it's time we found out " He suggested with a small grin. First they and Kyoya were late arriving, then Kyoya slipped lunch, and now the twins were hurrying off to talk to him..about homework? He wasn't the brightest student, but he wasn't a complete idiot.
Kyoya sat back in the chair brieflg, just reading over some things he had found about Miranda, her first husband, their daughter, and the step-father. This was going to be difficult even for him. Somehow, he needed Alice to come back to school and join their club so he could 'freely' do as he pleased. That way it didn't look like they were playing favorites. Couldn't have that in a club involving girls.. He glanced up from the laptop when he heard the doors open and adjusted his glasses.
Tamaki was dumbfounded as the twins suddenly came up with a reason to seek out Kyoya, a lone, and glanced at Haruhi when she spoke. They definitely were, and he wanted to know what. "I think it's time we found out " He suggested with a small grin. First they and Kyoya were late arriving, then Kyoya slipped lunch, and now the twins were hurrying off to talk to him..about homework? He wasn't the brightest student, but he wasn't a complete idiot.
Kyoya sat back in the chair brieflg, just reading over some things he had found about Miranda, her first husband, their daughter, and the step-father. This was going to be difficult even for him. Somehow, he needed Alice to come back to school and join their club so he could 'freely' do as he pleased. That way it didn't look like they were playing favorites. Couldn't have that in a club involving girls.. He glanced up from the laptop when he heard the doors open and adjusted his glasses.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen lay curled up in the bed, curling up against the pillow once more as his eyes began to trouble him. They burned and it looked like he had been crying into the pillow, because now it was damp and fangs were poking out from under his upper lip some, just the tip. Or you could say It looked like he was sweating, but that clearly wasn't the case. He had a fever yes, but he wasn't sweating from it. He didn't want to move. Even when Allen heard her voice come into the bed room. "..I need a minute." He murmured quietly and weakly. He was expecting this.. Though he had hoped he had more time to prepare.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie relaxed as she carefully took the offered water, than scooted a little closer to Clint once he sat down as well. This wasn't a date, and she didn't feel that way about him. She never went to school, but whenever she went to his school to visit him, he was always there. Even with a fence between them, she climbed that fence just to be with him. He was the big brother she never had. The movie started and her attention went to the t.v screen.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie couldn't help smirking when she saw him smile, and felt accomplished once more.She shook her head lightly and looked at him. "Friends stand up for each other, isn't that what you told me?" She said, nearly calmed down to act like herself. Maddie's eyes lit up briefly when he agreed to keep movie night on and She curiously watched him get up and go get the first aid kit, then came back to fix her finger. Jess was right about one thing, she was still a child. Wasn't she? She sat still while he did so, then got up and wandered over to the couch as he went looking through his DVD collection. This would be fun, despite the events that had occurred. They would have their movie night and enjoy the rest of the evening, right? She sure hoped so.
Maddie couldn't help smirking when she saw him smile, and felt accomplished once more.She shook her head lightly and looked at him. "Friends stand up for each other, isn't that what you told me?" She said, nearly calmed down to act like herself. Maddie's eyes lit up briefly when he agreed to keep movie night on and She curiously watched him get up and go get the first aid kit, then came back to fix her finger. Jess was right about one thing, she was still a child. Wasn't she? She sat still while he did so, then got up and wandered over to the couch as he went looking through his DVD collection. This would be fun, despite the events that had occurred. They would have their movie night and enjoy the rest of the evening, right? She sure hoped so.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen mainly just sat there, relaxing He knew that sooner or later someone else would come in place of the hunter he had buried sometime after the attack. He really was trying to think about it, but that's where his mind went once he was left alone with his thoughts. During their fight, he had seen him. Even if only his 'heat signature''. He had been experiencing weird instances with his 'sight' ever since he drank from his beloved companion. What if there really was a away to bring back his eyesight? He sighed quietly and leaned back against the pillow a bit more before laying down and closing eyes.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shook her head lightly when he spoke and offered him a small smile. "Don't.. Okay? I've heard far worse, and it wouldn't have happened if I would've just stayed out of it. All I did was make it worse. She murmured. "I couldn't just stand there and let her talk to you like though.. She's totally wrong about you and she doesn't deserve to even look at you." Maddie spoke quietly. "We.. Still have popcorn.. If watching a movie still sounds possible." Yep, she was doing it again. She'd probably keep doing it to, for a while before understanding that she wasn't a total screw-up. Maddie held up her finger some. " ..I need first aid.. " She said hesitantly, wearing a sheepish smile. She was a mess, but she was different than Jess.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Don't need to be pretty to have friends, and I never said you were jealous of me. Clean your ears." She said quietly. Jealous, yes. Of her? Not so much. Maddie stepped back when the woman started moving towards her. She actually thought Jess was going to hit her for a minute, and she reeled herself back in. Well, tried to anyway. She was damaged, and trauma didn't just go away, nor did the effects of it. Maddie sank to the floor and lowered her eyes to the finger nail she had torn just minutes prior to adding fuel to this fire. She should've just kept her mouth shu, and out of sight. Clint was clearly pissed and she felt guilty, her face expression said that much. All she did was make things worse. That's all she ever did..

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
((..... Damn she's got a mouth xOx
I dare Jess to try and slap her though >:c ))
It took a lot to make Maddie this peeved about someone or something, but this woman was pushing buttons left and right. "If I'm a child, then what does make you? Since I'm guessing we're the same age." Maddie poked at her since she wanted to play this. "I'm either a lot smarter or I actually care. You're nothing but poison, and if you knew who I was you'd know I don't play well with others. I'm not his girlfriend and I wouldn't care if he had one, I certainly wouldn't be attacking him with questions about it." Maddie spoke, her voice dropping a tone or two as her anxiety began to take root. "Whatever you had in the past is done.. You can take shots at me all you like, doesn't make a difference. It just goes to show you're a jealous woman who can't let go of the past."
I dare Jess to try and slap her though >:c ))
It took a lot to make Maddie this peeved about someone or something, but this woman was pushing buttons left and right. "If I'm a child, then what does make you? Since I'm guessing we're the same age." Maddie poked at her since she wanted to play this. "I'm either a lot smarter or I actually care. You're nothing but poison, and if you knew who I was you'd know I don't play well with others. I'm not his girlfriend and I wouldn't care if he had one, I certainly wouldn't be attacking him with questions about it." Maddie spoke, her voice dropping a tone or two as her anxiety began to take root. "Whatever you had in the past is done.. You can take shots at me all you like, doesn't make a difference. It just goes to show you're a jealous woman who can't let go of the past."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie knew he'd be upset with her later, but the cards had already fallen. This was what friends did for each other, even if she didn't really know that. She did know that he had stood up for her countless time as children, this really wasn't any different. Was it? She listened woman for a moment, just gathering her scattered thoughts and keep from saying anything she might regret more later. "I'm a friend of his, who can tell that he's had enough. You have no idea how long we've known each other, so don't even go there with me. I can tell you exactly what harassment is if you'd like, and you've crossed that line. " Maddie spoke, managing stay pretty calm about it. "The rude one here is you. I was just minding my own business until you started integrating him." She voiced, having a very delicate button pushed by this Jess, bringing her parents up. "If you really knew him that well, you wouldn't be here." Maddie said with a bite.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smiled some when she finally spoke, and carefully set his cup down on the table. He still had some, he just didn't want to drink it too fast. He hadn't forgotten about the remainder of his oatmeal either. He leased back against his pillow some and nodded to her words. "Alright." He spoke casually.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Snap. Maddie had leaned against the counter some and had her hands under it like it was keeping her anchored. However, her grip tightened and her nail caught and broke. Just like the ice under her feet that was keeping her mouth shut, for his sake. To hell with this! She thought bitterly as her personality began to slip. "I'll apologize in advance for budding in, but I can only keep quiet for so long. That's just who I am." Maddie spoke as she lightly pushed off the counter and came into view for both of them to see her. "You might even tell to get out, but you know what? I think it'd be worth it." She glared at Jess dangerously. "Who the hell are you to come here and harass him? He doesn't deserve it. It's got nothing to do with you, and it's none of your business. Get it?" Maddie spoke, and sounding different from her usual self. This was the ' her' she feared. The side of her which she had no real control of.