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Posted in What's your current post count? Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Count to 1 million Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Word Association Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us! Posted 5 years ago

Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 5 years ago

9 lanturnss
Posted in Mochi's Quest Of Dream Items Posted 5 years ago

@Luneza: yer welcome ^u^
and thanks i made this avy for the event, the cropped contest. ovo

i also like your avy. ^u^
Posted in Mochi's Quest Of Dream Items Posted 5 years ago

@Luneza: i'm going to gift you the 'Ombre Ahoge Hair' cause i have like 4 of them XD
i'll send a trade once you see this so you know it's a gift.
too bad trades can't be labeled as a gift. :vanora_sweat:

Username: Zuzu
Items shown: beetle, dog, mushroom.

i think it's a larder beetle


i'm hoping this counts cause i took the photo during my hike where i got most of my first batch of scavenger hunt photos,
but it wasn't on the list at the time since it's a new addition. i took the photo cause my friend likes mushrooms.
the screenshot has the photo and my username in it since i use the same username on discord. ovo
if it doesn't count i can go searching for mushrooms around work, since i'm not home from work for 2 days.

Here's my entry:

Items worn:
beach blanket wedges - honey
beach blanket butch - eggplant
ripped rights - honey
beach babe hoops - honey
shutter shades -honey
Posted in What's your current post count? Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Continue on letter game! Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Word Disassociation Posted 5 years ago

Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 5 years ago

Smash! -starbomb
on spotify