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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@AshTheAlien: i change my avy way too much XD
just noticed this avy of mine kinda matches yours in a way,
you're an alien, and i look like a mechanic on a space ship.

i totally forgot march 4th is pie day.
i should've eaten some pie. =3=
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@AshTheAlien: oi like ye avy and poststyle ovo
Posted in Chapter 1 - Making Time For Family Posted 5 years ago

@Shadami: i counted and i drew 230 foods. i colored in steps so it wasn't too difficult.
just noticed i missed a stem on a strawberry tho and got some cookie color on a edge of a watermelon. XD

Posted in Chapter 1 - Making Time For Family Posted 5 years ago

@Ixora: thanks XD

some of it is a bit sloppy, but no way am i spending even more hours making it perfect XD
i did cheat a lil and copy-pasted the strawberry seeds lol
Posted in Chapter 1 - Making Time For Family Posted 5 years ago

@Mayor Volkan: Do I uh get bonus points for individually drawing each food? :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous Posted 5 years ago

i will be sure sending in some letters once i wake up more. >w<
Posted in VIBRANCE FESTIVAL [FAQ & SPARK NOTES] Posted 5 years ago

i just woke up and what do i see, the cutest site layout i've ever seen.
this event looks like fun and am glad i didn't miss anything since chapter 1 begins tomorow. ovo
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@Tuijp: cute avy, you're so angelic :D
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

that's a great description XD
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@Tuijp: ah be ye allergic to peanuts then? or just dislike of them.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

y'all no fighting,
have a snickers bar

"You're not you when you're hungry."
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

out of the orbs i got:
two enchanting display, skinwalker, unique frizzhawk, unique velvet boots.

oh and i just noticed this avatar of mine is my 250th one XD

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

i had 14k volts, would've been more but i spent quite a bit of the 40k volts i had making avatars last week XD
otherwise i would've had more to spend on orbs lol