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vuzu, so i guess my mule became vizu.
interesting XD
Posted in Terrible Event Freebies Posted 5 years ago

the art ye did of Apocalypse looks awesome!

i got violet ovo
i think tis suits me.

the npc quiz was fun.
Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!! Posted 5 years ago

@vengeance: looks like you're offline now, so guess i'm replying to you when you're asleep again XD

i just woke up awhile ago, from a nap, so it's evening/night now. o3o

been having some computer problems lately so i'm running updates and all that.
Posted in Moody's Spring Freebies Posted 5 years ago

i might try krita later if it's good at adding sparkles :D
i also have photoshop, and firealpaca, and gimp
and probably some other art programs i forget lol
Posted in Moody's Spring Freebies Posted 5 years ago

hiya moodybats,
oi noticed ye mentioned krita, that the art program you use?
i think i have it but never used it.
i use sai mostly o3o

today i played around with brush settings,
usually i don't venture out of the defaults too much.
but i like how the tree top i did looks. ovo

Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!! Posted 5 years ago

@vengeance: -luuuurks- :vanora_xd:
i got back an hour ago, took kid i babysit and his friend to the park.
we played soccer. ovo

how be ye day?
Posted in Chapter 6: Political Tensions Posted 5 years ago

@Mayor Volkan: my vote is with B

My entries are these:

Vintage Ocular Loupe Lenses
(Those glasses jewelers use with several lenses that are on a hinge and can be moved to stack in front of the glasses)

monocles x 4
rectangle glasses x 1
Roosevelt glasses x1
ear chain x2

Lamp Post
(background item)

Lantern x3
Magic glow x3
wills cane x2

Posted in Chapter 6: Political Tensions Posted 5 years ago

@Mayor Volkan: i'm going to vote for B
Posted in Chapter 5 - Unwelcome Guest (WORD SEARCH!) Posted 5 years ago

late i am, got distracted by movie,
but i had fun doing the word search

the puzzle inspired me to do art :D

Posted in Terrible Event Freebies Posted 5 years ago

@Count Trashula: your new avy is great too,
and good luck drawing all those feet XD
Posted in Terrible Event Freebies Posted 5 years ago

that's beautiful.
looks like she's having a nice time making pottery.
Posted in Moody's Spring Freebies Posted 5 years ago

cool, i'll keep an eye out for future freebie threads then. o3o

also i've been thinking of doing freebies too but i am not a fast drawer,
the event would be over by the time i finish one art XD