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Posted in Terrible Event Freebies Posted 5 years ago

@Count Trashula: I'm glad you're safe and not eaten by a dog. ^u^
I also look forward to seeing how you tackle this,
it is an odd request for sure. XD

if you have trouble drawing the bodies you can just stick their heads in a flower pot. :vanora_xd:

I could only afford the one doll and both heads,
so when i eventually get the dolls i will make one of them a stand that looks like a flower pot to stick the head on. lol

btw i love your avatar.

Posted in Moody's Spring Freebies Posted 5 years ago

no worries if ya can't draw me ^u^
oi understand completely if ya run out of energy.

i am the same, i have some unfinished art i need to go do. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Terrible Event Freebies Posted 5 years ago

eight-butted unicorn is the most majestic thing i have ever seen. :vanora_xd:

How would you like to draw a moose centaur that has human feet instead of hooves,
and instead of horns, a venus flytrap or cacti?

I did this 'mock-up' on a picture of two ball jointed dolls from Doll Chateau.
Cactus boy and Venus Flytrap girl. (oc's i'm working on, just put the dolls on layaway)

here's some company photos of the dolls:

(if ya need more pics let me know)
i did this in monster girl maker app:

the face-makeup with yellow freckles i like.
oh and modern day clothes for them.

If you do draw them, i'd probably rather have art of venus flytrap,
since i don't expect ya to draw two moose centaurs XD
but who you chose to draw is up to you, i am fond of cactus boy too. ^u^

Posted in Moody's Spring Freebies Posted 5 years ago

oi like ye art, if ya feel like drawing me take a look in my avatar closet i have linked in my siggy.
since i change my avatar way too much, also i can't pick which ones i want art of :vanora_sweat:

54 lavender and 51 roses.

i can't remember the last time i ate pie.
the last pie i ate was kinda gross tho
Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous Posted 5 years ago

Thank you for your hard work delivering letters Vontell

and thanks to everyone who sent me letters. >w<
Posted in Chapter 3: Vaughn Mard'Gear Posted 5 years ago

i should've set an alarm to remind me about the event. :vanora_sweat:
i slept all day and then went to the store to get cat litter. XD

i love the pastel rainbow.
it's so cute. >w<

@mdom: oi hope ye feel better soon mdom.

good morning to ye tuijp

oi hasn't gone to bed yet :D
Posted in Chapter 2: Gadgets, Gizmos, and a Ship! Posted 5 years ago

i'm a bit late doing this but it was fun
1. gear
2. motor
3. hammer
4. pulley
5. exhaust
6. engineering
7. mechanical
8. battery
9. electric
10. automatic
11. grease
12. wrench
13. chainsaw
14. mallet
15. tool box
16. metal
17. brakes
18. chasis (chassis?)
19. rust

bonus: electrode

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous Posted 5 years ago

i have some guesses as to who sent me letters,
thanks <3
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

saint patricks day is tomorow?
i knew it was in march but kinda forgot which day.
i should go make a green avy XD