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Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 5 years ago

45, 5 more to go :D
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

poison spooky things
Posted in Count to 1 million Posted 5 years ago

two thousand seven hundred twenty eight
Posted in Word Association Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago

zuzu should be last cause Z is the last letter of the alphabet.
Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us! Posted 5 years ago


username: zuzu
items shown: squirrel

first photo is location after squirrel left, took pic of squirrel & name sign was left inside.
branches the same and you can see the shed in both.
middle pic has squirrel, he blend in with branches, zoom zoom in, and you can see him.

Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 5 years ago


big turk bar
(chocolate covered turkish delight)
Posted in would you cannibalize the AAY Posted 5 years ago

no cause looking into their eyes it's like looking into the void,
and who am i to eat the void.
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

the whatever it is on their head
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 5 years ago

30 lanturnes