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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

i got some good items from the orbs, eh hee hee >:3
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

i bought 5 orbs with volts.
am broke so can't buy ohm orbs yet =w=
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

orbs, orrrrbssss -runs off to spend all her volts-
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@Geist: ya will have a ton of items before ya know it. o3o

@tuijp: what item is that dome you're under? o .o
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

hallo there Geist :vanora_smile:
oi hath come out of lurking in this thread to tell you your avy is cool. :D
Posted in bye Posted 5 years ago

-rolls in- letting ya know the art i'm drawing for ya is going to tah awhile.
oi had wanted to complete it this weekend but i am sick with a cold.
Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 5 years ago

Almost at 250 avatars made. o .o
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 5 years ago

that was a fast sell XD

@Piaro: sure you can buy it all, and yes it is 42k all together.
i shall send a trade. ^u^
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 5 years ago

update: Currently selling Feburary items.
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@Tuijp: oi hope ye be healing up well, speedy recovery wishes for you. ^o^
02/02 is a good day for a birthday.
and looks like i do have ye marked in my calendar of friends b-days :D

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

@Nyuu: hi nyuu, cute avy.

@Tuijp: oi was about to ask about that, saw ya mention getting stitches out,
what was the surgery for if ye don't mind telling?
also happy be-lated birthday.
when was ye b-day? i probably have it noted in my birthday calendar but i don't have it with me. :vanora_sweat:

@vengeance: i'm doing ok for the most part.
visited my friend in the next city for a few days.
i'm going to try to visit her again soon next month maybe.
tho bus is so expensive now that greyhound is gone and i gotta take redarrow -3-

the talk of pizza is making me hungry but i already ate,
plus nap soon, cause it cold. i hibernate. =w=

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

good morning, how is everyone? been awhile since i've posted. ^-^;
Posted in bye Posted 5 years ago

@Sassifrass: thank you for the items >w<

that is a cute pantheon avie ovo

Posted in bye Posted 5 years ago

would i be able to get these items please?

also i could draw something for ye if ya want? ovo