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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago

hey all, guess what day it is by my avy :D
Posted in event freebies [closed] Posted 5 years ago

@Kent: finally finished drawing ya :vanora_sweat:

slowly but surely i am getting everyone else who requested art done as well. ^u^
Posted in The Surge: April Crates Have Arrived! Posted 5 years ago

oi look forward to seeing Vintage Loupe Lenses as an item. :D

oi hope ye be feeling better mdom
Posted in event freebies [closed] Posted 5 years ago

@Deaa: the april fools special is silly/funny art.
if you have a specific oc in mind when you think silly? ovo
or i can just pick someone and draw them normally.

@Hazer: one april fool's special, sure thing. :D

@Hadsvich: sure oi can draw your oc. ovo

@Another Movie Addict: like this? XD

Posted in event freebies [closed] Posted 5 years ago

@vengeance: you got the april fool's special :D

i don't know if i can draw everyone but i will try XD
luckilly i am only taking requests for today,
and with my event freebie thread within a sea of "freebie threads",
ppl might not realize my thread is an actual freebie thread :D

@Another Movie Addict: yo i made the thread lol
Posted in event freebies [closed] Posted 5 years ago

@vengeance: so an april fools special? or normal art? o3o

@Kent: cute avy. ^u^
Posted in event freebies [closed] Posted 5 years ago

update: okay it is april second, that means freebies are closed.
i'll draw everyone who requested art on april fools yesterday.
after i finish those arts i may do more freebies,
just want to finish what i have first before accepted more. ^-^

Decided to get back into drawing,
so I will draw whoever posts today, today only,
the skill of the drawing will vary.
I prefer to work using avatars as a reference.

you can also request the "april fools special."
what that is, even i don't know.

that made me laugh, every thread is 'event freebies'
makes me tempted to make a thread by that name >:3

i'm mostly on voltra too,
tho i still have a solia tab open but never go on it anymore -3-
i also have sapherna and pantheon open on a tab so i might check those two out,
maybe swing by gaia too. then i suppose also check out what tumblr is doing.
then there's the webcomics i read, they sometimes do a april fools comic.

other than that i can't think of any sites i frequent that do april fools.

fun indeed vma :D
i am looking forward to seeing what else is going to happen. XD

also i need to check out other sites to see what their april fools thing is.
on discord one server had a fun prank, i saw through it first and earned ''king of fools" as a role XD

upside down now?
sorry for the double post, things went upside down after my last post XD