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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 20:29:31 )
@MoodyB: what are you streaming or working on today? And how do you like that new tablet of yours now that you've had a couple of days to play with it? Have you gotten it all set up?

@Vixen: LOL! XD <3
Is that what you're wearing iRL - a hoop skirt and petticoats... while sitting in an office chair? I bet that doesn't work together too well! XD


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 20:32:12 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: not yet i'm not!
i think i will change into it though after i take care of something that moving around in said hoopskirt and petticoats would be troublesome to do. knee-length petticoats/skirts btw, not floor length... that would be a whole different level of problems

the hoopskirt will collapse while i sit, which is good, but.... the circumference stays because hoop skirt lol
i think i just fit in between the armrests with the largest hoop and it's not a super wide hoopskirt either xD

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 20:49:13 )
@Vixen: ...and this is why I'm in shorts and a tshirt XD I love the look, but damn! I can't be personally bothered to deal with all those levels of complications (and it's too hot here for it most of the time anyway)! I'll just admire from afar... <3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 21:06:12 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: oh yeah if it's warm... there is not a chance i'd put on a petticoat
all of my blouses for this style are also high neck and long sleeve so yeah....

I am not an actual NPC.

avatar closetshop
please @ me

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 22:30:21 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: another old project
tho tbh did not really want to work on it but since i didn't prepare anything and running out of things to work on
it was a short stream.

I haven't fully adjusted.
everything has been set up but still adjusting it since my computer just about hates everything lol.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 22:39:59 )
@Wildfire: I just went at war with the ants that found their way into my house. XD
I got no clue where they're comin' in from. =3= They Almost got to the kitchen. I found a few stray ants makin their way to the kitchen. lol. They met the vacume.
I'm tired today. I just wanna nap but cannot.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 23:19:06 )
How is everyone doing?

Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 13:41:30 )
@Vixen: Yes, petticoats and long-sleeves wouldn't work very well here :(

@MoodyB: It will take some time to completely set up your tablet the way you like it best for the way you work, but I'm sure you'll get there soon - you're always so focused on art, and I know you're excited about the tablet... even if you sound frustrated with the computer :(

@Koah: I hate ants in the kitchen. I hope you find their source soon :3
Hopefully you're feeling more awake this morning than you were yesterday afternoon

@Lina: Hi Lina! How are you?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 13:47:59 )
And Good Morning everyone. I am groggier-than-usual this morning... at least so far. I'm not sure why, though - I seem to have slept reasonably well last night - I even had dreams that I remember, but I woke fairly often, so it's a weird mix? I hope the coffee helps soon :3

Random Questions (optional, of course!):
-------------> If you could visit a planet, which one would it be?
-------------> If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
-------------> Is a hotdog a sandwich?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 14:09:34 )
@Wildfire: I woke up too early. My son crawled in with me. Then the dogs decided they needed to go out. Then I had to run down my acre lot because my ding dong youngest doggo was trying to leave the yard. I'm thinking there was a dog on the other side of the fence. [it's not much of a fence. lol]

If I got arrested what would my family and friends assume? I'm pretty country, so I guess they'd probably assume someone tried to break into my house and I defended it. cx

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 14:15:11 )
@Koah: That sounds like a very busy and rather chaotic morning! Hopefully, you'll be able to relax a little now?
My answer to that question is similar, btw - they'd assume I was defending myself or somebody else who couldn't defend themselves :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 14:22:07 )
@Wildfire: I've got my coffee brewing so I'll be better here in a minute or two. I'm not an angry person, and I'm too 'good' to steal or whatnot. If my friends and family found out I was arrested, they'd take quite a bit of time trying to figure it out. lol.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 14:39:02 )
@Koah: Ditto, although that would probably be the first conclusion they'd reach (defense). I'm glad you have some coffee going. Hopefully you'll get a chance to enjoy it and not have to chase dogs, children, or other random things... at least for a while XD :3 I just made breakfast and I'm on my second cup of coffee. I no longer feel completely like a zombie, but I don't know that I feel "human" quite yet either. :/


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 14:43:50 )
@Wildfire: I've got my first cup of coffee in hand. I have one dog left outside who'd completely survive in the wild on her own. Once she goes outside, there's not a whole lot of hope she'll listen when I tell her to come in. So I might need to herd her back into the house. I do this several times a day. e.e'
Just imagine a tall skinny chick cursing her dog and flailing her arms in a feeble attempt to sheep-herd her white husky dog inside. <- That's what my neighbors get to see on a regular basis. I'm getting better at remembering to wear pants.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 14:51:52 )
@Koah: LOL! (unlike your avatar XD ) <3 That sounds like quite the sight! I hope your neighbors have a sense of humor! :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 15:01:49 )
@Wildfire: lol! My avatar was originally getting designed to look like me in RL with the cafe' setting. But I went mega overboard. XD and ended up with this. o3o' Then once I concocted this avi, I realized I wasn't using any of the cafe setting atmosphere. So I added a latte.
I'm so sad, the neighbors with the million kids are moving. Their house is 'pending'. Bums me out because a handful of their kids were the same age as my 2.
Other than them, I haven't met my other neighbors. :T

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 15:11:41 )
@Koah: I hope you realize that I was teasing you about your avatar - it's really cute! It's amazing how sometimes putting an avatar together can kind of run away from you and take on a life of its own, huh?

That is a bummer about the neighbors moving! Is there a local park or playground or something that you could bring the kids to in order to meet other families? Or is everyone still hiding out in their houses and refusing to socialize at all where you are?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 15:28:18 )
@Wildfire: I know you were teasing. <3 :p lol, I thought it was funny. I had a rather accurate avi of myself, but it wasn't exciting enough.
We're actually dealing with quite the opposite here. There are so many people at the park, that I'm keeping my distance a little bit. I went to the city part with my kids a couple of weeks ago, there were too many people. Nobody keeping distance. People gathering in social circles, kids by the handful playing tag and whatnot. It was refreshing, and then it wasn't. XD
I'm bringing my kids to our local smaller park in a couple of days.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 15:38:49 )
@Koah: I hope you find some kids for your kids to play with... and moms for you to chat with. People need other people... it's how we're the strongest. This forced isolation is not healthy. I really hope that we can get back to (real) normal soon, world-wide... *sigh*

So what do you have planned today? - anything interesting?
I'm trying to get myself motivated to get off my butt and do a workout, but it's not happening so far. Otherwise, I should probably run to pick up a few things at the grocery store. But what am I doing now? - a jigsaw puzzle, looking at Amazon, and generally procrastinating doing anything XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/27 15:53:54 )
@Wildfire: My town is planning the county fair. =0 We'll see if that sticks. [I hope it does, I miss fairs] We just can't shut down in the next couple of months.
I agree with you. The psychological effect on self-isolation is so bad. When the pandemic started, I got so sad, particularly for a small handful of kids that I got to know at the library. They came to the library after school so they didn't have to go home right away [for reasons you can guess]. I thought about them a lot at first.
Hmmmm. I haven't put thought into what I'm doing today. I do have a friend coming over this evening, she needs me to dress up in my old business attire and give her a mock interview. She's got anxiety when it comes to interviews and thinks I might be able to help.
I've opened amazon and ebay probably 5 times in the last hour sitting here. XD
I hope you gather some motivation to get groceries.

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