— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/13 18:47:45 )
@Totalanimefan: Yeah I had another chihuahua weiner dog mix that I got when she was, about, 4 weeks old. Her mama stopped letting her feed and the people who had that liter had managed to get all the puppies weaned to wet food so I got her and named her Gunner. A little over a month ago I proceeded to get Bear and his brother Chip. However I had to get rid of Chip because he was getting aggressive towards Gunner and I had had her for, over, two years. I then had to get rid of Gunner because she started getting aggressive towards me and I'm not gonna have that happen. Plus I refused to take her to any pound so I found her a great home where she can be truly happy. Bear, on the other hand, is just to much of a cuddle bug and knows when I'm struggling with my depression/anxiety/PTSD so yeah.
@sunny: What is Perennial Premier? (20/400)
I just want friends please.