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Forums Serious Talk Confessions (Make a Confession)

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/22 23:46:12 )

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/24 20:20:45 )
That awkward moment you accidentally screw up bbcode by typing colour instead of color skdndndjd

Anyway, not really why I'm here.

Why do I keep on running. Maybe I should do it. Maybe I should go see that so-called free consellor our university has just for giggles. Haha.

Wonder how that would turn out. But apparently the thing says to call or email for an appointment but ??????????? I'd rather just appear in her doorway be like "do you have time" coz emails are sjdjdjdjfnfjfhfnc and phone calls are just hell and what would i even say snsndndndnc
Lowkey hate myself for somehow picking up the habit of keysmashing every sentence now smcmdjcjcn what have i done

sjdjdnfnfndnfjcjd I'm sorry

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/25 02:37:06 )

Donator — Puzzling Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/3 16:20:01 )

I can slowly feel the walls coming back...and it's comfortable and calming and safe...maybe they should stay up ..


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/3 16:32:55 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I rely on Amazon way too much.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/7 06:46:20 )

Hello! Tia is currently speaking:

i drink the majority of my beverages using a rock/whisky glass because i think it's edgy and cool. (.-.)

...And have a great day!

Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/7 09:50:05 )
shoutout to kiwi for being the nicest, realest, down 2 earth person on this site

@okios: is really funny how you mispelled luffer nutter as kiwi but it's okay. Since I am so down to earth I'll forgive you XDDD

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/7 17:13:41 )

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/7 21:51:17 )
My wish is your command~

oh boy i really cant post right now but i wanted to try get to a certain number of posts just as a joke oof lol wow why does my brain have to be so stupid sometimes

For a price, at least~

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/8 03:49:56 )

Donator — - Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/9 04:23:50 )
If I could just stop using drugs and alcohol, my life would be great. Truth is, I secretly feel like being sober is ridiculously overrated and if I could just live life perpetually strung out, that would be even better.

In some sense, I secretly feel a sense of contempt towards my children. I sometimes see them as nothing more than burdens. I feel guilty about that because they never asked for me to have them.

I do love them, don't get me wrong. They make me strive to be a better man. But sometimes I wish I didn't have to try to be anything.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/10 06:31:26 )

Hello! Tia is currently speaking:

i feel insecure because of my lack of social skills and whenever i see people feeling comfortable when interacting or whatever, i feel pretty shit and i know that it's not their fault but ughhhh

...And have a great day!

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/10 19:41:28 )
Yay for being pushed away when you're just trying to get someone to smile when you have no clue wtf is going on

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/12 04:53:44 )



Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/12 10:03:44 )

Hello! Tia is currently speaking:

i really should be doing my chinese essay before sunday but rn im just reading mlp fanfiction and freaking out. idk if this even counts as a confession

...And have a great day!

tbh i should really be doing my homework

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/12 16:12:01 )
My wish is your command~

me + rereading Tokyo Ghoul manga = a really bad idea
especially since
I think that was the first time a character death tore me up so badly. I think it was two weeks before I came out of it. I..cried...? I hardly ever cry but I cried over a character I thought had died....this was several years ago.... A couple of months after that.... I found out about the :RE manga existing world shattered again
I only found out about it because I'd been checking the character's wiki page...they were listed as dead before....then a month or two later I checked it and it was listed as alive...I....maybe I'm stupid for being so attached to a character but...also...after finding out they were was like...I mourned but they weren't dead...I just thought they hurt...
I mean, i know its stupid to mourn fictional characters I guess but.
Whenever I speak of Tokyo Ghoul I always have to take steps back and think everything over in my mind for several minutes before I can ever come out with something coherent
I...can't say I love Tokyo Ghoul. I doubt it'll be listed among manga I love. But I will list it among manga I've read. I don't hate it. I don't love it...I can't. It's too real to...I mean, realistic.
It's one of the mangas I've read that has affected me a lot, and not many can get to me like it does. I probably haven't stumbled across more that can do that but....I don't think I want to.
I mean....I'm....sort of glad I know about Tokyo Ghoul....but at the same time, sometimes I...
It hurts too much
But it's fictional
It hurts
How can a fictional story hurt this much? Is something wrong with me?
I...don't think I'll be able to watch the anime...all the sounds and colour would....compress everything again and...
idk what I'm saying
idk why I'm saying this here
probably makes no sense since my mind is so jumbled
I shouldn't have downloaded the app game on a whim
I shouldn't have reread the manga because of the game
Why did it come back to this?

For a price, at least~
"I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing."

Ping me for a response.

"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/16 17:48:12 )

As cute as my neighbors dog is and as much as I don't have a problem with my neighbors... I HATE THAT DOG.
I want it gone, or it's vocal cords snipped, or something.
I can not handle being woken up by the incessant barking of a dog who was never trained to SHUT UP.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/16 18:04:47 )


pls don't

Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/18 02:40:00 )
@kiwi: get your shit together GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/23 01:45:32 )

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ฺกโ‰ฆ)ใ‚žโœฉโ—„-gallery-โ–บ

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