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Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 01:26:31 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yeah. The actual date is March 4th but i need to call on March 3rd.
but it's very stressful i can't focus on much art lol.
i started doing some freebies but may take me a while to finish them all until this is over and done with LOL.

i just do not want to do jury duty for...3 days. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 01:29:36 )
@MoodyB: You will probably be told not to come in. And even if they do tell you to report in person, they may immediately dismiss you. And if that doesn't happen, (just by what you've told me about your anxiety, etc.) they probably won't choose you. Breathe. :3 <3


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 01:59:39 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: that's what im hoping for.
in my experience i am usually dismissed or something cause when im an anxious mess
it's like people see this scared child i swear.
i got lost at my first vaccine and nurses were especially nice to me LOL
cause my phone does not work for texting and has no data[its only for internet]
i couldn't contact my elder sister to ask her.

but im sure they will not call im hoping that'll be the case lol.
leaving my comfort zone is very scary for me. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 13:55:27 )
@MoodyB: I'm sure you'll get out of actually doing jury duty, if you even get to the point of actually choosing potential jurors... and there is always at least some anxiety involved for anyone who has to deal with a notice like that...I don't know anyone who wants to get a jury duty notice or gets one and looks forward to it. XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 14:02:09 )
Good morning.

My computer rebooted overnight and now I'm hoping I didn't lose anything that I had open and/or undone. I despise random reboots like that!! *grumbles at my elder son who tinkered with something last night and probably started the reboot process* XD ... just 'cuz I reboot the computer like once a month doesn't mean anything!!!

Anyway, I have some work to get done on the computer today so I should be more-or-less around while I get that stuff done. I should do some research on garden things - I need to figure out whether or not I need to thin the bush bean plants that are coming in, for example (because I think all the seeds I put in the planter germinated), and if so, what to do with the seedlings that I pull... but I don't expect to be digging around in the garden today, and maybe I'll actually clean out my "studio" so I can get back to work on some projects that have been neglected lately...

What's your day looking like?
Do you have plans for the weekend?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 16:54:29 )
Good Morning.
I didn't sleep well last night. World news and my husband's stress levels are really affecting me.
Thankfully, I'll be pretty busy today. I won't have too much time to sit and dwell on things out of my control.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 17:02:04 )
@Koah: good morning Koah. I'm sorry to hear you didn't sleep well last night. Yes, Russia's invasion is a bit worrisome, but as you said - there's nothing we can do about it right now... we can personally exert absolutely zero control over this situation. :/ I'm glad that you'll be busy today and won't have much time to think about it. What kinds of things are you doing?


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 21:42:51 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: haha good point.
No one looks forward to it LOL.
I remember my mom used to get noticed for it ALL the time lol.
she always hated it lol.

tho in another news i am reworking an old piece again and i finally fixed her house.
so im proud of that lol.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 22:10:02 )
@MoodyB: yeah, the folks that look forward to jury duty -although extremely important- seem to be few and far between.
It sounds like you've had a good productive day so far!


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 22:40:32 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yeah lol
a very odd bunch but important lol
i will also be getting my booster on monday.

yeah, i wasnt too happy wirh the original piece or the colors so decided to turn it into a value study and made it grayscale and i think that works a lot better lol

i had watched the speed paint vids i had of this piece as i was editing the footage for another mini speedpaint reel[and contemplated on putting it maybe on youtube if i get the courage], but hated that i took her arm pose out lol.
so gonna add it back in lol

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 22:52:41 )
@Wildfire: I had an o.b. appt and my son had karate. Now I'm home for a couple hours before I pick up my roommate and we go for a little bookstore adventure with my kiddos. It'll be a well-needed time out of the house for everyone. :3
did you tackle your online stuff today?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 23:00:14 )
@MoodyB: it sounds like you have a lot of forward progress going on today... Yay!

@Koah: another OB appointment? Didn't you have one just a few days ago?


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 23:08:16 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: im trying at least lol.
and have some really fun free art to get finished over on gaia.
using free art as my own.practicing ground for improvement.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/25 23:20:32 )
@Wildfire: lol yes. I'm 'high risk' and close to the due date now. Well.. I don't have a due date. lol. I've been going to the clinic about every 2 to 3 weeks with this pregnancy. Initially, I set up appts every two weeks for my own comfort reasons. Now, the clinic is spacing these appts closer together for their comfort.
I'm at a point where I don't need O.B. appts anymore. I'm thinking about canceling the rest of them. However, last time I was 30 weeks along [like right now], I had a regular O.B. appt, and my o.b. noticed I was going into labor and I had no idea I was. That was a fun day. Going about my day normally, stopped in the clinic, saw my OB, and was in a NICU 3 hours away by the end of the day.
That did not happen today, thankfully. But I was definitely anxious and reliving that experience when I was visiting with my current OB.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/26 14:24:11 )
@MoodyB: Offers of free art are a good way to improve and practice! I'm glad you're doing that on Gaia. It sounds like it's going and working well for you too, so "bonus!" XD

@Koah: Oh that must have been a nerve-wracking experience! I really hope you don't have a repeat of that one with this one.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/26 14:27:49 )

good morning

I am a little sore this morning and I don't know why - I didn't do anything physical yesterday. Maybe it's a delayed reaction from seeing my chiropractor? Hmmm... well, whatever it is, it's pretty minor, although it is noticeable. I should probably clean the house and stuff today... but right now I'm not going to think about it. I'm going to sit here and drink my coffee instead! :3 *cheers!*


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/26 15:58:50 )

★彡 @Wildfire: I'm feeling better now actually. Sore is mostly gone and yeah it was. I was squatting most of the time especially when unclogging that darn bathtub (kind of but had to bend my legs a bit)

But how's your back fairing? Can you move often now? 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/26 16:01:37 )
@Purpsy: good morning Purpsy. I'm glad you're feeling better :3
Yes, I'm doing ok today, thanks - the chiropractor helped, I think.

So what's on your agenda for the day today?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/26 16:08:30 )

★彡 @Wildfire: Nothing much, might go out on an errand later and that's it I think. I'll be honest i got mentally drained on what's going on between Russia and Ukraine. Normally news like these don't bother me to this extent but this one especially do. I have no clue why, maybe I should stay off on Reddit for awhile. 彡★


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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/26 16:24:31 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, war is a scary thing to deal with, and staying off Reddit and away from the "news" outlets is probably a good idea, especially if it's stressing you out so much.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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