Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled,"Snow angels are easy." She walked a little away from them and fell into the ground, landing on her back. She moved her arms and legs a but and then got up, showing Lyel a snow angel,"This is a snow angel." She said,"You can also make igloos and snow forts." She looked at Troy,"Making a snow fort sounds fun.''
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria's smile fell when Lyle spoke. She nodded when he spoke that it looked nice and helped them finish decorating it before putting a hat on its head. When she saw it finished, she couldn't help but smile again,"I haven't made a snowman in a long time. This was fun." She looked over at the boys,"What would you two like to do now?" She asked
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled and nodded, working on the snow man when they went inside. She was able to get s ll three sections stacked and found two twigs to use are arms. She got them sticking out of it's sides like arms as the guys came back. Aria smiled at them,"What so you guys think so far?" She asked them. It was obvious she was enjoying herself.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

Sirene smiled and snuggled against him gently, wishing to just sit with him forever. Eventually she kissed his cheek and pulled away, holding his hand gently,"We should get out there so Natalie isn't waiting forever." She said with a smile.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome had gotten up to get more soup for him when he mentioned the dance,"The dance...?" She asked,"Uhh.... Sure. What about it?" She wondered what he was wanting to talk about involving the dance.
Sayuri looked a bit nervous but nodded.
Kagome had gotten up to get more soup for him when he mentioned the dance,"The dance...?" She asked,"Uhh.... Sure. What about it?" She wondered what he was wanting to talk about involving the dance.
Sayuri looked a bit nervous but nodded.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria looked up,"Of course it does." She said, starting to roll another snowball to work on the head. She smiled and started to roll it again, helping Troy get the middle snowman section set up. She thought for a moment,"We should have grabbed a hat, a scarf, and some coal." She said,"To make a face and to dress it up."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

((Nah. Um... Sesshomaru? I'm trying to think who else we could use))
Kagome nodded, "Want more soup?" She asked him gently,"I know you still might be hungry."
Sayuri smiled and nodded,"Sorry, I don't mean to be such a huggy person." She said, blushing in embarrassment as she let him go.
Kagome nodded, "Want more soup?" She asked him gently,"I know you still might be hungry."
Sayuri smiled and nodded,"Sorry, I don't mean to be such a huggy person." She said, blushing in embarrassment as she let him go.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

She smiled,"Love you." She said softly, kissing his cheek gently. She still couldn't believe this had really happened.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

When they finished, Sirene hugged him gently, just wanting to be held for a little bit
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome smiled and helped him sit back up, making sure he was propped up alright before handing him the bowl of soup. She had made his favorite, hoping it would make him feel a little bit better. She carefully sat down next to him,"I talked to our teachers while you slept too... I told them why we weren't in class so they are giving us a bit of extra time to do the work we missed."
Sayuri smiled,"I know, but still." She said, shaking her head playfully. She couldn't help but hug him again,"I really do appreciate all your help." She said softly. It was nice knowing there was someone out there that actually seemed to care about her, apart from her father.
((No idea x.x))
Sayuri smiled,"I know, but still." She said, shaking her head playfully. She couldn't help but hug him again,"I really do appreciate all your help." She said softly. It was nice knowing there was someone out there that actually seemed to care about her, apart from her father.
((No idea x.x))
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

Sirene went in to help him. While in there alone with him, she kissed his cheek gently before starting on the dishes,"Dry them for me?" She asked him with a smile as she started to wash them. She knew it wouldn't take too long to do them if they both worked on them together.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome giggled and nodded,"I actually started making some before you woke up." She said, getting to her feet,"You relax and I'll go get you some." She kissed his forehead and left the room to head into the kitchen.
Sayuri looked over,"You sure? I don't wanna get you in any trouble." She was thankful he was willing to go with her so she wouldn't have to do it all alone.
Sayuri looked over,"You sure? I don't wanna get you in any trouble." She was thankful he was willing to go with her so she wouldn't have to do it all alone.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

Sirene nodded,"Glad you like it." She said, starting to finish up her food,"A movie sounds fun. How about before that we go that new book store in town? The one that just opened up?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago

Sango led the girl quietly through the halls "I know this is hard to adjust to..." She said softly,"But I hope you'll be able to get use to things here. I can assure you all the servants here are kind and understanding on how you feel right now."
Kagome nodded,"It's going to be really hard." She murmured,"I left everyone and everything I ever knew... I don't even know if I'm even cut out for this kind of life."
Kagome nodded,"It's going to be really hard." She murmured,"I left everyone and everything I ever knew... I don't even know if I'm even cut out for this kind of life."
but living takes true courage.