Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

She soon joined them, sitting beside them on the couch,"How is it, you two?" She asked, looking over at Nathan and then at Natalie,"Good I hope?" She smiled and started to eat as well. She was proud of how her meal had come out,"So what do you guys want to do after this?" She asked, wondering if either of them had any ideas on what they could do after dinner.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome hugged him gently,"Hey." She said softly,"How are you feeling?" She asked gently, carefully feeling his forehead. He was still warm, but not as bad as before. She let out a sigh of relief,"Would you like anything? Something to eat or drink?"
Sayuri felt bad she let time get away from her. She skipped most of her classes that day to hang out with Koga. She was walking with him from school after classes had ended,"I wont be skipping like this tomorrow." She said, looking at him,"Usually I try not to. But Gym is one I'll have to try to get changed..."
Sayuri felt bad she let time get away from her. She skipped most of her classes that day to hang out with Koga. She was walking with him from school after classes had ended,"I wont be skipping like this tomorrow." She said, looking at him,"Usually I try not to. But Gym is one I'll have to try to get changed..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome nodded quietly, unsure of what else to say.
Sango smiled at her gently,"Please...follow me..." She said, turning and leading the way into the castle. Kagome paused for a moment before following her quietly, doing her best not to start crying again. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was thankful people seemed so nice so far. She really hoped things would continue to be alright.
Sango smiled at her gently,"Please...follow me..." She said, turning and leading the way into the castle. Kagome paused for a moment before following her quietly, doing her best not to start crying again. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was thankful people seemed so nice so far. She really hoped things would continue to be alright.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled in excitement and bent down, starting to make a snowball. She set it down and started to roll it along in the snow, making it get bigger and bigger as she pushed it. She looked excited to be doing this with them and she hoped they would have a great time. Soon the snowball was the size of a large bolder. She turned to them,"Well the base is ready." She said with her smile still on her face
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Hogwarts Romance (Kimmi x Asha)
Posted 7 years ago

Julia looked up when she heard a voice speak. She noticed it was Ava,"Not at all." She said with a smile. She had classes with Ava before and thought she was really nice. She was thankful that they didn't have any fights considering their families use to hate each other. Her's didn't hate the Malfoys anymore, but she didn't know how the Malfoys felt about her family. She wasn't going to bring any of it up though, wanting a peaceful ride to school.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

Soon Sirene swam out from the kitchen, handing them each a plate loaded with yummy food."Dig in~" She said with a smile, swimming back into the kitchen and cleaning up the mess she made from cooking. She would join them after she finished up the cleaning. She also had some other groceries she needed to put away so nothing happened to them.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome had dozed off as the ride went on, suddenly waking up when she noticed how cold it had gotten. Still wrapped up in the blanket, she thanked Ginta for his help and carefully climbed out of the carriage. She looked around, taking in everything there was to see from where she stood. It was a large, sprawlling castle, and it was very pretty, she had to admit. She just hoped that things wouldn't be so bad. She looked over to the monk and demonslayer waiting for them before letting herself be lead over to them.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Hogwarts Romance (Kimmi x Asha)
Posted 7 years ago

It was a beautiful fall morning as Julia Potter hugged her parents goodbye and hurried onto the Hogwarts Express. It was her final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, her last year attending the magical school. It was bittersweet for her, as Hogwarts always felt like home. She climbed up into the train and looked for an empty compartment, managing to find one before the train was full. She pulled in her trunk and closed the door behind her, getting her trunk stowed in the overhead compartment and made sure it was restrained properly before sitting down with one of her new text books, starting to read a little to see what they would be learning this year.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

@Asha: Awesome ^^ I'll start them off on the train if your alright with that?
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome shook her head quietly, wrapping up in the blanket,"I'm alright." She said quietly,"Thank you for offering though. That's really kind of you." She was thankful the young man with her and the brother driving seemed to be nice. She was starting to feel a little better, but she was still nervous about what would be happening to her. She looked outside, watching the trees and plant life whizz passed them, quietly losing herself in thought.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

Link ^^
Link ^^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Hogwarts Romance (Kimmi x Asha)
Posted 7 years ago

Name: Julia Potter
Age: Almost 18 years old
House: Ravenclaw
Small Bio: A descendent of Harry Potter many many years after the Battle of Hogwarts. She is a very smart girl, her nose always in a book and top marks in every class. She stands up for what she feels is right, just like her ancestor always had. She tends to keep to herself however, even though she has a few close friends. She is thankful for her final year at Hogwarts, and a bit sad about it too since Hogwarts always felt like home. She was looking forward to what life would bring.[/center]
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

@Asha: Sure. I'll make the thread ^^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

@Asha: Honestly I would prefer b x g since I have a cute girl to use for this but its up to you ^^
but living takes true courage.