Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: lol
@Purpsy: lol
after I caffeinate though. I didn't get much sleep. cx

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
How's your other son doing with all this? I forgot to ask before. o;o' I imagine they're close?
The scenery is only going to get whiter. CX I lived in Denver for a year, they get snow for a day or two and it melts pretty quickly. That place has really bipolar weather. o.0
//off topic, but I FINALLy got my avi looking western gunslinger chic and I'm just.. very proud of it. XDD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
oh my gosh, -hugs- I'm totally invested and feeling this journey with you! T^T
I'm glad he missed that cold front though. That would have been a shock. 80*f to -15*f CX
Keep me updated. <3
I jinxed it earlier, right when I got all of them down, I posted that and the eldest toddler woke up crying and stayed awake. Which is unusual.
I prefer a 6 kid group, paired off and in relatively good moods over small fussy groups.
4 fussy kids is hard because one is mine and they all want one on one attention.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
My imagination is saying it'd taste like a Wendy's chocolate frosty- however, realistically.. no.
@Wildfire: I wish I could give you a hug irl. -virtual hug-
I only have 4 kids at my mom's daycare rn and all of them are fussy. All are down for naps now except for my baby.
My baby finally slept last night, he only got up twice which is record best in the last few weeks. So he's taking short cat naps today since he actually slept for most of the night. Cx
When I decided to have one more child... I totally forgot about the first two years with teething and no sleep. o_e /flails/

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
make sure you save my number too. ;p I want to make sure if there's an emergency or something I can be reached easily. -thumbs up-
@Purpsy: I've never froze milk before and now I'm sitting here wondering if and how people do that. o.o'
I actually love chocolate milk. lol. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
lol, once he's out of the house, he'll continue hearing your voice in his head. XD I'm just envisioning that part of Emporor's new groove with Kronk's good and evil shoulder self. XD
You on one side like "Wear extra socks! it's cold out!" and his young-man decision making on the other like "it can't be that cold.."
Hopefully at some point while he's out this way, I'll hear from him or take him out to coffee- although that's quite the drive from my hole in the mountain. XD
@Purpsy: lol! you were like "don't mind me, just watering the grass with.. milk. it's healthy for it."
I hated milk too! /still do.

Posted in ❀ Art for Volts - Close
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
I was going to mention, the cold here is dry, so it's bearable. I imagine Florida cold is like... wet cold air. bleh.
There's been times I go out in a t-shirt and jeans and it isn't until my nose is getting crunchy that I'm like "oh. OH. it's cold out." *nose crunchy=below freezing. It's the moisture in the nose freezing up*
@CooperationIsKey: I was one of those kids that loved veggies and hated 'junk food'. Although, ramen was like once a day [or every other day]until I hit 18 and was like "oh.. this isn't good for me." XDD
@Aisukohi: omg, I had to look up a water moccasin. They're called cottonmouths around here. o3o" You've had poor circumstances with your camping trips. I'm sorry.
BUT You have great stories to tell! lol.
I would have totally been a person with a shovel around that cottonmouth. o3o'
FREAKIN RACCOONS. I love them.. but they're totally camp-food thieves!
As a teen, I took a few friends camping. We all started a fire and got comfortable- or at least I thought we were comfy. Everyone began fighting. Two people left to go on a walk [opposite directions], and two others went to bed. That left me alone at the fire. I had my feet up and I was gripping my bag of marshmallows watching the fire dim, just wondering how I didn't see the signs of the fight. [teen angst].
Then that awful 6th sense kicked in, that paranoid feeling like something was watching me and it just kept getting darker and I felt paralyzed. We were pretty much in the center of the camp grounds, so it couldn't've been a bobcat or any big game. I finally got enough balls to put my feet down off the chair and throw a log on the fire. However, when I went to set my bag of marshmallows on the ground, little THIEVING FINGERS GRABBED IT AND RAN OFF.
damn raccoon was Sitting under my chair for however long I had that itching feeling... WAITING for me to set my marshmallows down.
It was a full bag [minus a few I ate] of those GIANT marshmallows.
*shakes fist at raccoons* but I love them.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
The crap we do as little kids.
I remember my mom yelling at me over and over to not sneak through the fence to the neighbor's garden.
I continued doing it, no one fixed the fence.
However, time came to the point we had to move and I was old enough to realize I was being a little thief. So, I voluntarily went to the neighbor's, knocked on their door and said sorry for stealing their cherry tomatoes.
They laughed and said it was fun watching me be sneaky. My mom was behind me and I got so embarrassed I teared up. My mom was embarrassed and awkwardly laughed with them. I was a little elementary kid. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@Aisukohi: festive cowgirl totally made me smile. :3 I think I was unintentionally going for that. <3
@Wildfire: looks like your son will head this way after the cold front- Lucky him. XDD
School was cancelled the last 2 days due to -25 to -30 temps in the morning. It does warm up once the sun rises though. So we're getting 8-15*F days.
@Purpsy: lol! yeah- relatable. I'm not techie. All the techie guru-ing goes to my husband. Or I'll call an IT friend and every time, he always threatens me with a bill if I didn't "turn it on and off" or "check if it's plugged in". I don't really call him anymore for tech things... <.<
@MarRath: Hey you. Welcome! :)

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
So I unboxed it, typed in the wifi password [which she knew] and tada. It was on and working. lol.
@Wildfire: My mom has 2 more weeks until she can put a bit of weight on her foot. I'll still need to help her for a bit after that but I might be able to escape once or twice a week to work my job. My sister [who is also my boss] has been bringing boxes for my mom to do for me- for my job. To keep mom busy.
I'm doing okay, I powered through a cold this week and it went straight to my head. XD lol, so now my ears are feeling clogged. /sigh
I was supposed to work, physically, at my job this weekend- BUT! we're getting a massive amount of snow. The road I use to go to work is closed while they do avalanche control. We have about... or a bit over a foot of snow since yesterday. It's still dumping. o3o
@Aisukohi: I'm doing pretty alright. Been busy with rl and taking breaks to post on voltra. How've you been? I love your avi. <3 :3

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
I found out fairly recently that I have an uncle with his gaggle of children in Florida.
My sister and mom are conspiring to eventually buy a retirement house out there. We'll see if that happens. I'm sure it will if my sister is still thinking about it. She's a 'Do-er' type personality.
I love the Western states. *hugs Wyoming and Oregon like they're my babies*

Posted in Show Off Your Recent Bakes!
Posted 2 years ago
I just make a basic chocolate chip cookie. :3 nothing too exciting.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
We've had a handful of Florida friends [who were either military or moved to the west] the last 5 years and only 1 stayed in the west. The rest missed the heat and 'good times' of Florida.
Well, I'm excited for your son's adventure and to continue talking to you and see how things go. <3
@Purpsy: omgosh! a bruised hand sucks! That hurts so bad. I'm glad you can help your mom out. :p
My mom slipped on a dust pan and broke her leg right above the ankle. -facepalm-
I'm doing my best to keep up with myself. I'm going to my friend's house Saturday nights to get a break from my mom's house and the daycare. OTL