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@Wildfire: oh my gosh, I feel your pain. The same dog that is having issues now, she picked a fight with a marmot last year, and it bit into her paw pretty bad. We had to bandage it up and tape a sock up to her... elbow. elbow?
I don't really need the space upstairs, but it is nice to know it's cleaned up if I have people visiting. Getting rid of things is a bonus. One of my un-easiness feelings is the fact my husband switched jobs so fast and we live in a smaller town.
I'm somewhat down-sizing.. in case we need to move. I don't think we will, but it would put my mind at ease that I'm not sitting on a bunch of stuff that I don't have intentions of keeping. My donation pile is taking over my dining room. lol. cx
@Wildfire: I don't blame you for not letting him drive! XD
My dog regained what she lost from her seizures. Her training for the last 3 years went out the window. So recall was gone. e.e That has sucked, but she's coming back from that. She's more 'touchy' which is weird as hell. She's my aloof dog and she's seeking comfort and reassurance from her favorite people. Part of that is probably the meds she's on to prevent seizures. I'm going to start weening her off of them soon and see if the seizures are reaccuring or not.
I'm so freakin jumpy, always expecting her to seize.
School starts soon. I'm excited for the schedules to start.
I'm trying to regain control of my house. I rearranged upstairs since my upstairs renter is only using the bedroom/kitchen/bathroom now. With his lady gone, he doesn't want the living room space and he wants us to go upstairs more often because it's too quiet. I'm getting rid of a lot, too.

@Wildfire: She went into nasty seizures for two nights. :< uhm. she seems normal today. but I am fried from the paranoia of more seizures. she went to the vet and they found nothing obviously wrong. im poooped out from this summer and these emotional rollercoasters.
@Wildfire: ooof. I thought I had things figured out and ready for a schedule. But my dog is really sick. I've been a total mess over that the last 48 hours.
@Wildfire: you accomplished your unique avi quite well. :3
Things are settling. Somewhat. School starts soon, so schedules will help me a lot overcome some of my life turmoil.
@Wildfire: your avi looks so mystical. It's fun!
Hello good morning!
Posted in [B] Tricksy Tanuki Posted 3 years ago
I'm all out of Ohms.
Is anyone willing to sell a Tricksy Tanuki to me for Volts? <3
Posted in The Surge: Summer '22 Plasma Orbs! Posted 3 years ago
I also got x3 of the trainer orbs. I'm dumb and opened all 3 before it was fixed. OTL So I got water-themed items, any chance I can get a re-do?
Posted in Pantheon Online is Shutting Down Posted 3 years ago
I'll miss Panth, although I found more people to talk to here on Voltra.
I didn't change my avi much on Panth because it took me hours to do. :c
Pin was/is an amazing site owner and definitely put the love into Panth. <3 I loved that about the site the most.
I had migrated to panth from caedon. =o
Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago
My rl bestie is already decorating her house inside and out for Halloween and it's like... 105 degrees here. XD
I'm not quite ready for summer to end. o3o
@Wildfire: lol sounds like we married similar people.
HA! you'll have to let me know if spinning around 5 times and asking the garden to grow works. lol C:

I've had a weird week. o3o" My sister and [not her kid]niece showed up and surprised me for a day. That was fun. Then the house bathroom flooded, which I managed pretty well on my own, I just need to go bleach the floor sometime soon.
And my kids have been acting out this week. :T My daughter is hitting that stage where she just wants to play girly games and doesn't want to be around her brother 24/7 anymore. He's pretty upset about it and hates that things are changing.
@Wildfire: oh my gosh, you put hard work into your garden too! I was excited with you about your new garden adventures this year. XD
It's so bizarre to me how different our garden climates are. Our area is good for potatoes, berries, and squash and grapes.
Squash is supposed to be our 'plant and forget it' food, but i tried that last year and they died once we got a hot day. /crosses fingers that the new area opened up will be good for squash.

My husband has a plan that basically overhauls the whole acre we own and re-arranges everything. But we've lived here 2 years and he hasn't done anything. His plan is expensive and he'd need to actually go out and get dirty and do the annoying jobs which he hates doing. He's not the type to do tedious things.
@Wildfire: sorry I'm sitting here whining about this stuff. bleh. My old toystore, family-owned, we sold it- I found out that shut down this month too. So all those years of hard work and fun are just a memory now. That hit pretty hard. Then one of my nieces ended up in a psych ward, so i've been keeping my phone close for my sister to have someone to talk to.
then a totally different niece told me she's pregnant.

This month has been an overload of emotional things going on. XD Hopefully August can be a little less emotionally chaotic. A lot of those things don't even directly affect me but it's my own life stress + plus those things and i end up feeling overwhelmed.
OKAY I'm done ranting/whining.

My husband basically gave the roommate and I the... yellow light to do the chicken coop how we want to do it. He had a different idea of how he wanted it done but he won't be home to stop us- so.. lol, he can't exactly tell us "no." XD We're going to repurpose a shed that's not being used and use the materials around the property to make coops and whatnot.
My husband had a more expensive plan in mind which would take years to even afford. cx

How did your garden do this summer?
@Wildfire: Self-sufficiency is a good goal, especially since we have the space to do so.
Roommie took down a fenced in area that was purely decorative from the previous owners and it opened up a beautiful spot to put a garden. It's a really well shaded area.
We had a wind storm last night and a branch came down, and barely missed the garage. =O

I'm okay, my husband left yesterday. We fought a lot while he was home for the week and a half. I'm dealing with all sorts of emotions right now and he' focused on this new job that he was hard to talk to. I do see why he's focused on the job, he's a 'fixer', like most guys. Working = money, less financial stress, which eventually means less emotional stress.
He spent time with the kids and gave me breaks, so that was good. But he and I didn't really connect or do anything together.