Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
I didn't drive my little pink car because it's not meant for the cold- at all.
Does he have triple A? XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
However, I have a sore throat this morning and I gotta keep running the daycare until I can't. >3< [now that Everyone around me is no longer sick. ] CX We'll see if I stay sick or if it's just a tickle. <.<

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
Were you able to get the doggy throw up out of your rug? :c

Posted in I made Cookies
Posted 2 years ago
good job. :3 feels good to bake sometimes.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
Which is why I go on here early with my cup of joe and chitchat.
I do get frustrated with video games. :\ I play a few, and rarely do nowadays.
I successfully got 7 kids under 2 sleeping at the same time today. I feel so good about that. One kid screamed bloody murder at naptime BUT I thought ahead and put her in my room instead of the nap room. >3< She eventually slept. :T
Now I'm going to game, take a bath, eat some sort of food and go to bed.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
Wildfire and I do that often here.

I'm not a fan of pepto. I've rarely needed it in my life though. o3o
I got to a spot in the game that made me narrow my eyes and wonder why I was playing it at nearly midnight last night. -3-

Posted in Hello there!
Posted 2 years ago
I also play stardew, I've already read ocatar a couple of times. >.> I really didn't like it the first time I read through that book series. But it grows on you. [and thanks to this, my algorithm on tiktok is straight up just... Booktok- Maas tiktoks. XD ]
I just started re-watching Jujutsu with my friend who hadn't seen it. I am not quite to season 2 myself though. :d

Posted in Mushroom.gg
Posted 2 years ago
I haven't heard of it. o3o
I had to look it up to see what it is. XD /makes me feel old. lol
I had to look it up to see what it is. XD /makes me feel old. lol

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
Good morning, I didn't get much sleep last night. Mostly my fault, my husband put a little rpg game on my pc to help me unwind and it ended up eating up several hours of my life last night. OTL Today is the 'a lot of kids' day for the daycare.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
I have extra toddlers in the daycare today and only one baby, which is mine. =o
Sorta funny how kids are born mean and you sort of need to mold them Not to be. XD
My baby was crying and like2 or 3 toddlers pushed him or yanked on him to try and get him to stop and I'm like "-sigh-, yeah. This is my life right now"
Kids are down for a nap, so I'm going to NERD out and play pc games for like.. a half hour.. maybe. I dunno. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
I don't imagine I'll be able to find affordable childcare if I want to work once I go back to my house. :T
My sister dropped off several boxes and baskets of work for me to do at home, and I couldn't move them away from the door with a full daycare. I had one mom really, really press that she loved the product at the door and would really like a new set. XD I caught the hint that she wanted me to gift her stuff from my work, but like, no. XD that's not my department. lol
I'm working with higher-end gloves for all seasons. They are nice gloves, and they are super popular out here.
Now I know not to let product linger by the door.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago

On the topic of being out this way, I'm hoping to go to my house this summer for a bit... if not- just stay there. buuuut, financially, I'm better off here for a bit. -shrugs- I know for sure, I want to go home this summer. Cx
@CooperationIsKey: so far so good this morning. I got my coffee made, and I'm still just trying to wake up a bit.
How are you doing today?

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
All of my mom's kids did the same. I went to California, my brothers went to New York and Virginia. My sister went to ... everywhere. but at 18, she went to Europe. <.<
anyway, it's that calling of 'what else is out there'. And HERE I AM... back at my mom's! lol!
There's Always going to be political turmoil. I don't imagine it'll ever stop. If it's not one thing, it's something else, ya'know? I'm taking a pretty large break from news and my husband keeps up and goes "You've heard about this _____, right?!" and I'm like "nooo... baby is more important right now." CX

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
Eggs... google says bird flu. :T hmmmmm
I understand the mood your in today. I was feeling that way quite a bit when I was in Oregon [before baby arrived]. My husband is sort of.. stuck in that mood, and has been for years now. /sigh
When I was beginning the chicken coop and looking at costs, I started digging around the yard for scrap parts to build the coop. e.e The cost of start up is high if you're not nifty. My roommate who was insisting on helping with chickens and whatnot, really wanted all the new gadgets n' things.