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Ah! Bread is wonderful though! I don't eat a whole lot of it, but I do enjoy occasional french bread and 'bird's nest' or 'sunset toast' whatever it's called when you bake an egg in the middle of a piece of bread.
@0v7: oh gosh, I'm so sorry.
My day is going well! So far so good. One of my kids was halfway done with schoolwork when I rolled out of bed this morning.
I made my pot of coffee and overall I just feel better today. I really think it's because I cleaned my environment yesterday. C:
How are you ?
@Totalanimefan: omg lol! :D
@Wildfire: You both asked me the same question.

I love having a hangout spot again~ It's been a while since I've had one to go to. <33
@Wildfire: lol. I showed her how to take notes and she just keeps looking at my example and zones into it without doing anything herself. She's such a squirrel.
@0v7: omgosh! YES I've made applesauce twice since moving in. My kids just brought me a few handfuls from the yard asking me to make more applesauce. I have to cut off the.. yucky parts of the apple.
@Wildfire: I completely understand that thought process.
I'm thankful we're not completely unpacked I found a good spot/room for kids' homeschooling. It's like a small office space attached to the main kitchen. We weren't using it yet, there's no door for privacy. So I'm able to hear my daughter's teacher. I listen for keywords like "Due Thursday," or "today's subject is". My daughter has the attention span of a goldfish.

@0v7: Our apple trees are Really Tall! Like I need an orchard ladder! of course, the infestation is near the top.
@Totalanimefan: lol //one of us// //one of us//
@Anarchist Beauty: I camped once in a town in the Mojave desert area. I can't remember where exactly. I just remember the ground was cracked from the heat.

@Wildfire: I've never tried to sell anything before. I always feel anxious thinking about it. I don't know why. Probably the time and energy you mentioned. I feel like it takes a certain type of person to sell online. My mom is good at it. She'll put in a lot of work if it means earning a few extra bucks.
My new property is beautifully set up for gardening. This would be the first time in my life that I can garden.
Gosh, I'd love to grow food! We have an apple tree here and it's Full! but infested with worms/caterpillar things. I don't even know how to get rid of that infestation.
@Anarchist Beauty: I spent 5 years in Wyoming and I totally understand. lol! tumbleweeds everywhere, dry dirt, and weird seasons. Definitely couldn't keep things alive.
@0v7: I bet it looks pretty! wooded property, I think is nice. Not so much maintenance and you generally see cute critters. I had wooded property growing up with wild blackberries. so good. and a-hole raccoons.
I feel bad, I want a food garden and I need to rip up on this well-done flowery landscape.

@Wildfire: oh my gosh! I know that feeling. When I was packing up to move, I went on a binge of making a donation pile. I also threw out several bags of toys, old kids' clothes, etc. stuff thrift stores don't want.
@0v7: I drop many shades when winter hits. I do enjoy being outside. I'm new to gardening. We just bought a house with a prim and perfect 1/2 acre of flowers and plants... and I'm like. AH.. DUNNO WHAT TO DO.

@Totalanimefan: I'm making this thread my 'go-to'. So you'll see me online more now. C:
@Wildfire: I've been on and off the computer today, getting rid of piles and putting things away. I feel a lot better. 10 outta 10 would recommend. lol.
I feel like a sim and my environment bar was low. lol! [haven't played sims in a couple of years]
@Totalanimefan: You welcomed me to Voltra. :D But yeah, I stick to events usually.

@Wildfire: oh my gosh, I haven't figured out what I'll do for dinner yet. The de-cluttering is definitely making the house environment a lot better for me.
I am your opposite, almost. I have very few freckles and I tan easily. however, my husband is pale and burns as soon as the sun light touches him. lol
Sunshine is so good for the soul! I've gone outside and stood in the sun several times today.
Oh gosh, I'm emptying bins and keep thinking, 'my mom is coming to visit- she's going to steal my bins.'
@Wildfire: I'm doing alright today. I was starting to feel a bit anxious/depressed. So I'm decluttering my house a bit. Hoping to get my head to stop feeling foggy. I think it's working. I have a lot of boxes and bins sort of stacked throughout the house. I'm nowhere near done unpacking.
How are you today?