Lucifera's posts
Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@ghost: I will definitely draw that OC for you! I will have to start on it tomorrow, though! <3
@Kairie: I gave it like, 5 months of playing with it. xD It's dead to me. RIP.
Pillows don't help, oddly enough.
And yeah, I needed the caffiene.. xD It felt so nice. The vanilla scent just made me so happy. xD Vanilla isn't even my favorite flavour tho, tbh.
@Kairie: I gave it like, 5 months of playing with it. xD It's dead to me. RIP.
Pillows don't help, oddly enough.
And yeah, I needed the caffiene.. xD It felt so nice. The vanilla scent just made me so happy. xD Vanilla isn't even my favorite flavour tho, tbh.

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Exactly.
D= I have to study at some point and for some reason coffee like this just gives me enough of a boost to get these things done whilst also allowing me to sleep. (I also have ADHD so this suppliments me when my meds wear off.)
D= I have to study at some point and for some reason coffee like this just gives me enough of a boost to get these things done whilst also allowing me to sleep. (I also have ADHD so this suppliments me when my meds wear off.)

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Indeed! I like the different options. I picked the sample one, I don't tend to use and abundance of product so small samples last me a while. But it also gives me a good idea of what I will up front purchase without investing too much into something. But the full size options will always be there. Plus the option to buy previous bags is nice too.
It does! And same... There's a lot of these boxes that might be worth it, ot might be flops. That's why the next few months, each month i will get a different one, and stick with the one I like the most.
It does! And same... There's a lot of these boxes that might be worth it, ot might be flops. That's why the next few months, each month i will get a different one, and stick with the one I like the most.

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Yeah.. it's was like over a hundred dollars tho. xD it's so stupid.
I will shares? *gives coffee*
I will shares? *gives coffee*

Posted in Irritation is on high right now...
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: LOL! this shall be doneeee!

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: I agree... Ugh. XD tbh you can buy the program outright I think from BestBuy and whatnot. Idk about other places... but yeah. I think a lot of products are popular only because they are bigger names. xD But then again, maybe there is something I'm missing and someone can prove me wrong.
Ps. I have my french vanilla instant cappacino all made up and omg... I am so happy. xD
@Alicethemadhatter: I'm so glad you like it! <3 And if ever you want another I am always ready to draw. =D Thank you so much for liking it.
Ps. I have my french vanilla instant cappacino all made up and omg... I am so happy. xD
@Alicethemadhatter: I'm so glad you like it! <3 And if ever you want another I am always ready to draw. =D Thank you so much for liking it.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: xD I like it because even more obscure [but a lot still good/affordable good] brands get introduced. for some the complaint is that it's not tarte or too faced. But the brands products end up comparable for a high price, but they are new companies. Ipsy doesn't mainly market to sensitive skin, but they have a quiz to customize it which I like.
Fab fit fun is supposed to be full-sized, but it's like 35CAD for me so it's definitely a, if I love it... But I think every other month for that bad boy. xD
@Eruca: It is.. But it is what it is, I guess? xD
And awe thank you. xD It is the best way to spend those nights. I've never been such a skincare enthusiast but I am being converted. Nothing feels better than clean, cool, not-dry face.
Fab fit fun is supposed to be full-sized, but it's like 35CAD for me so it's definitely a, if I love it... But I think every other month for that bad boy. xD
@Eruca: It is.. But it is what it is, I guess? xD
And awe thank you. xD It is the best way to spend those nights. I've never been such a skincare enthusiast but I am being converted. Nothing feels better than clean, cool, not-dry face.

Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ?
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: I plan to. I got some goodies in my shopping cart and I'm ready to order as soon as I get paid. Boom. xD

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Alicethemadhatter: Here's your completed artwork! Hopfully it looks okay~! <3

@Kairie: It does but a lot of these programs, you can make brushes for. Photoshop has just been around for a long time so it has a bigger collection. But if more people use these, and make brushes, it'd be just the same if not better. Photoshop is an interesting adventure, but imo, not for art. xD

@Kairie: It does but a lot of these programs, you can make brushes for. Photoshop has just been around for a long time so it has a bigger collection. But if more people use these, and make brushes, it'd be just the same if not better. Photoshop is an interesting adventure, but imo, not for art. xD

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: There's no real smudge tool tho. Which is strike one. And 2, this is more for phot editing, so it's meant for photo manipulation. For digital painting it has baseline things I like. But if it came down to PS or procreate, I'd hands down go procreate. And Krita for desktop. xD not only is it free but it's nice to use.
xD it's not. It's your standard, evil to all bums, metal chair. Like I'd probably live under it if I were homeless, but as a chair, it needs padding.
Badly. Bum be numb after a few hours of working. xD and the back pain...
xD it's not. It's your standard, evil to all bums, metal chair. Like I'd probably live under it if I were homeless, but as a chair, it needs padding.
Badly. Bum be numb after a few hours of working. xD and the back pain...

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Well, we're not talking about the chemical peels you go to a derm or esthetician for. These are more commercial, not a DIY, and it's not making your face peel over time. And if used properly, doesn't do any harm. =P I've used them and once you rinse it off it's done.
I signed up for ipsy... Doing this one first because it has a cheaper box option. I am going to try fab fit fun next.
I signed up for ipsy... Doing this one first because it has a cheaper box option. I am going to try fab fit fun next.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Np! In my research a lot of people say with scrubs, it's hard to tell where exfoliation becomes abraision that further damages... So chemical peels (the kin you massage and you can actually see the skin coming off and you rinse and bye bye.) are supposed to be better because it specifically binds to dead skin cells so your skin isn't being like, given little micro abraisions.
(I decided to do something crazy and order 1 sub box a month from different companies to test things out. The one I like best I will stick with.)
(I decided to do something crazy and order 1 sub box a month from different companies to test things out. The one I like best I will stick with.)

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: It is! But my uhni uses it for the 2d animation course and I wanted to toy with it a bit. It's honestly just.. xD For painting? I don't like it. Krita is far better, but it's closest desktop program to procreate. Which I love. <3
My desk chair actually broke and I'm using a folded metal chair. I think it's more that, I have gotten settled in to the sketching routine, and in my excitement, it's all I want to do. But I have to go take something to my great grandpa and then pay a bill and I'm just like... But do I have to?
My desk chair actually broke and I'm using a folded metal chair. I think it's more that, I have gotten settled in to the sketching routine, and in my excitement, it's all I want to do. But I have to go take something to my great grandpa and then pay a bill and I'm just like... But do I have to?

Posted in Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: They do tend to be! I know photoshop is supposed to be top tier but tbh I haaaaaaate it. Oml it is the bane of my existence. xD
I know... I just don't want to leave my chair. xD I'm chatting with folks+arting and just having some quiet time and it's so nice.
I know... I just don't want to leave my chair. xD I'm chatting with folks+arting and just having some quiet time and it's so nice.