Lucifera's posts
Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: xD I'f say sorry but I firmly believe in having things that make you feel pampered even if it's small. And I have found some skincare brands that don't kill my sensitive skin that are really good and affordable. And some I'd definitely splurge on. So I mean, there's always a way to pamper ourselves and I am glad to condone this. (especially since fighting again starts with skincare too, and I am almost half way to 30.)
@Eruca: It's really frustrating. I wish they'd just let us know what's going on so I can figure out if I can start taking more shifts or not at work. xD
And it does! I've never eaten beauty products tho. =O But I guess I am glad to see other folks like the idea as much as I do. I'm dying to get this and just like... Relax with masks on while I do art.
@Eruca: It's really frustrating. I wish they'd just let us know what's going on so I can figure out if I can start taking more shifts or not at work. xD
And it does! I've never eaten beauty products tho. =O But I guess I am glad to see other folks like the idea as much as I do. I'm dying to get this and just like... Relax with masks on while I do art.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Exactly! The face rollers, the masks. Especially the masks that are meant to be cooling to reduce puffiness... Those are going to be heaven in a sanitary package. xD And under eye serums... All these things at just the right temp... :viohearteyes:

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Exactly! they are the perfect little fridges so that it can keep skincare nice and cool, not only for the products that have to be kept cool... But those that also will be even more refreshing. xD They are like 48-90 on amazon. I am gonna go the cheaper end, just because I feel like it's one of those things that it works for so long then you have to replace it. So I'm gonna do that. =X and make sure they work good before putting my products in (some tend to have faulty cooling and end up hot instead. At least one I've looked at had that happen. but that was one review. xD)

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Completely off topic tbf. xD But I am honestly just happy for conversation. Trying to force myself to art rn. xD But the main difference is size. Mini fridges usually are like, still pretty large. These are small enough they can sit on a desk and not take up that much space at all. So honestly, function wise, not much difference. But size wise, big old difference.
Picture of the thing.
Picture of the thing.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Yesss I am so excited to finally be making some decent cash again, be able to collect makeup and skincare this summer. I'm planning on investing in one of those micro skincare fridges. The ones that are just big enough to hold a few serums and whatnot. They are like 50$ and I am just like... Cold serums, nice cool eye masks... It sounds so refreshing and just... ugh. xD I'm daydreaming of all of this even though I know it's going to be excessive.
(wow that got super rambly) but same. =D
(wow that got super rambly) but same. =D

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairie: Makes sense. I am enjoying how many different shifts I can pick and choose from right now. xD obviously I haven't taken any just yet because school is still running but still. =P When it's all over and done, I'll be able to pretty much arrange my own schedule. xD But yeah, I'm sad things are going down but at the same time, glad folks are conscious of health.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: There's this video meeting thing called webex we used. And we sent in photos of our finished works /works in progress and sketch pages and she screen shared them. Not the same as being in class at all tbh. Lol.
I get it, but like, unless we are going to the studio, this class should honestly just end. xD like this assignment should be the last one, period. But that's not happening I guess.
@Kairie: We have reduced hours at starbucks as well. I think I just don't mind it or find it impacts me because a lot of partners are pregnant or at risk, so they are getting catastrophe pay and EI while we pick up their shifts. =P So everyone can still get paid.
I get it, but like, unless we are going to the studio, this class should honestly just end. xD like this assignment should be the last one, period. But that's not happening I guess.
@Kairie: We have reduced hours at starbucks as well. I think I just don't mind it or find it impacts me because a lot of partners are pregnant or at risk, so they are getting catastrophe pay and EI while we pick up their shifts. =P So everyone can still get paid.

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: xD I just buy the frozen rice cakes, throw them in, let them cook. Comes out good. =P I assume it'd be the same no matter the sauce I use. ^w^ honestly it'll be trial and error and what with walmart being crazy lately, I leave shopping to my family and I just kinda cook whatever there is, so I may not have rice cakes after this next batch.
I have done a dark chocolate in curry before... Didn't taste half bad, but then again, I put some SPICE in that curry. Like my curries are always like flavourful and a bit hot. xD
I have done a dark chocolate in curry before... Didn't taste half bad, but then again, I put some SPICE in that curry. Like my curries are always like flavourful and a bit hot. xD

Posted in My budgy kicked me in the head
Posted 5 years ago
@Jolly: Aweeee! I've always wanted a budgie but they always seemed so skittish when i go see them. Lol. I love hearing about sassy, loving little birdies. <3

Posted in Place of Refuge (Lucifera&Kairie 1x1 roleplay)
Posted 5 years ago
Xander moved with her through the street, going towards their typical watering hole. They were lucky enough to be near an area with a variety of restaurants that weren't anywhere near the downtown area, after all, that was where all the problems were happening. And he wouldn't have even remotely suggested going outside if they were there. Especially at that time. "Careful what you say, they might find a way to steal some." He joked, knowing that was the last thing anyone would do. But it was a dark joke in the midst of reality.
"That may be all you do, but you still get to see and hear about it all. You are still there. even if you're not technically dealing with patients all too hands-on." He said, hoping to let her know that she carried probably as much weight as the rest of them. Even if it wasn't directly. "There is nothing we can do, other than seeing if time will fix it. Human extremists bore way to alien extremists... Now there's almost a civil war brewing. I'm more scared of what will happen if alien extremists go too extreme." He said, knowing that his kind had many advances over humans at the moment. And if pushed, they'd use those advantages. And it wouldn't be pretty.
"I'm dealing with things day by day. So far I've been blessed that none of my kin have come to any harm. And in terms of patients, I try not to connect too much. If I did, I doubt I'd be able to get out of bed. So I guess the small disconnect I have created allows me to be less emotional than most." He answered honestly.
Xander moved with her through the street, going towards their typical watering hole. They were lucky enough to be near an area with a variety of restaurants that weren't anywhere near the downtown area, after all, that was where all the problems were happening. And he wouldn't have even remotely suggested going outside if they were there. Especially at that time. "Careful what you say, they might find a way to steal some." He joked, knowing that was the last thing anyone would do. But it was a dark joke in the midst of reality.
"That may be all you do, but you still get to see and hear about it all. You are still there. even if you're not technically dealing with patients all too hands-on." He said, hoping to let her know that she carried probably as much weight as the rest of them. Even if it wasn't directly. "There is nothing we can do, other than seeing if time will fix it. Human extremists bore way to alien extremists... Now there's almost a civil war brewing. I'm more scared of what will happen if alien extremists go too extreme." He said, knowing that his kind had many advances over humans at the moment. And if pushed, they'd use those advantages. And it wouldn't be pretty.
"I'm dealing with things day by day. So far I've been blessed that none of my kin have come to any harm. And in terms of patients, I try not to connect too much. If I did, I doubt I'd be able to get out of bed. So I guess the small disconnect I have created allows me to be less emotional than most." He answered honestly.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Frossy: I wish that was the case. Our art class is barely 10 people average but we still can't attend? I paid studio and lab fees and everything so that's a minus. (typing as I am in the webex meeting for my art class which is like... Why? xD Why even continue?)

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: Yeah, my bio dad had IBS so it was either celiac or that. Either way, gluten is in the list of things to not eat so it's good that I at least got it all cut out from what I can. I can only eat certain brands of icecream still tho. xD you'd be surprised what all has gluten in it. xD even chocolate. Yikes.
@Eruca: I just recently tried them and I am addicted. xD I made some like, rice cake soup with hot dogs recently. xD My family thinks I am crazy but they are just like, the best texture ever. <3
I'd try the curry rice cake. It's actually surprisingly good as soaking up flavour if you cook them actually in the sauce you make.
@Eruca: I just recently tried them and I am addicted. xD I made some like, rice cake soup with hot dogs recently. xD My family thinks I am crazy but they are just like, the best texture ever. <3
I'd try the curry rice cake. It's actually surprisingly good as soaking up flavour if you cook them actually in the sauce you make.

Posted in Stupid COVID...
Posted 5 years ago
@Kingslowpoke: Yeah, I still technically have finals but just got a few days for profs to prepare the transition. Lots of classes are just like "here's your grade. Bye." xD
But tbh, I get it. xD Wish you could have a few days/weeks off too.
But tbh, I get it. xD Wish you could have a few days/weeks off too.

Posted in Tteokbokki?
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: It's difficult to say... I've always seemingly had horrible issues with lactose intolerancy. I would cut back on milk/get lactose free alternatives but I had issues with bleeding and whatnot. Doctors always couldn't find anything, assumed it was IBS or something. Long story short, my mom did research and (with the suggestion from my doctor) we decided to have me go 2 months no gluten. It sucked at first, but I started to notice these changes for me:
I was less swollen and achy.
Less migraines.
Less lethargic (and I mean debilitating, flu-like level of lethargy.)
No more bleeding and cramping.
I had to eat an immense amount of lactose to irritate my gut.
Long story short, my doctor explained that people with lactose sensitivity can also end up with gluten sensitivity, and they can aggravate each other. She tested me pre-diet change for Celiac, but it was negative despite having symptoms. She didn't want to put me back on normal to do a biopsy though. So ever since I just avoided and I've felt a ton better, even if it limits my dining options. And plus, I find a lot of GF stuff is actually a lot higher quality. Pure chocolate in chocolates, good ingredients in most foods. Does it always taste great? nah. Is the texture the stuff of nightmares? Yes. xD
Anyways that's longer than you probably wanted to read but... Yeah. Sorry. xD
I was less swollen and achy.
Less migraines.
Less lethargic (and I mean debilitating, flu-like level of lethargy.)
No more bleeding and cramping.
I had to eat an immense amount of lactose to irritate my gut.
Long story short, my doctor explained that people with lactose sensitivity can also end up with gluten sensitivity, and they can aggravate each other. She tested me pre-diet change for Celiac, but it was negative despite having symptoms. She didn't want to put me back on normal to do a biopsy though. So ever since I just avoided and I've felt a ton better, even if it limits my dining options. And plus, I find a lot of GF stuff is actually a lot higher quality. Pure chocolate in chocolates, good ingredients in most foods. Does it always taste great? nah. Is the texture the stuff of nightmares? Yes. xD
Anyways that's longer than you probably wanted to read but... Yeah. Sorry. xD