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Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
a dark mage
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes absolutley xDDD omg i watch an anime with this theme of dungeons and adventures ^^ its so cute ^^
i dont feel like a newbie so its fine XDDDD *stalks* O_O
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: he is like a dungoen boss. noone want to kill him, or youre to weak to defeat him
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: no its not a big deal =) and well yeah if i would put shoes on him he would definetly kill me XD
Posted in do you like halloween? Posted 5 years ago
@KairoSama: iam sure nothing will happen because he is the prime minister.....
Posted in do you like halloween? Posted 5 years ago
@KairoSama: yeah it really dosent.... i think its something with money and capitalism tbh =/
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 5 years ago
@Laufeia: yes sure i wish she would come sooner because i just love baby and children and i never ever though that could happen anytime soon that i get a baby myself ^-^do you like babies or children?
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Saeyra: yeah mittens made me everyday smile.... his expressions are always the best i often call him "mittens the motivated cat" XD

@Tsundererra: no theyre to old to get along though but thats okay they dont need to we love them both and both love us so everything is fine ^^ yeah he is a beast.... i mean lilly could kill him anytime so i think if he try to kill her it will give an bloody chicken mess
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Saeyra: awwwww thank you for liking them >w<
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 5 years ago
@Laufeia: aww i will try cbd oil as well as iam not preggo anymore!! ^^ and yeah iam almost in month 7 XD my due day is the 20 january ^^
Posted in Good movies?? Posted 5 years ago
@Bento: definetly are those great! ^^ i really like to watch disney movies from time to time ^^
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 5 years ago
@Laufeia: yeah i think headache is one of the worst pains ever! and thats nood good do you have medicine??? today my baby is laying on a nerv or something i have really bad backpain...... but thats fairly normal though xD
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Deaa: honestly for me it were a no go as a person if he would be allergic to cats (its just okay if he recently got this allergy) or hate cats or animals n gerneral because animals cats, dogs, hedgehogs are the best but this is just me as an animal (cat) addict
and its nice she visits him ^^ i bet he likes this! ^^
nooo little cat thats no good for your tummy >-<

@Tsundererra: thats okay they are original (1 year apart) siblings but since i spay and neuter them they are just idk they just dont like each other but it really is okay! and i saw el diabolo is going for lilly the other day! i would kill this rooster if he wouldnt kill me first!