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@vengeance: ven hey there are you around :D
Posted in Iam in the Train. Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: than you need to take a doggy coat on your dog =O or do you already have that??

@Priestess of Pie: i wouldnt say its cold its just chilly but nice =)) ^^ and well that sucks really bad.
Posted in Iam in the Train. Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh noo why is them cold? Did they need to be outside? My cats Start to get thic fur again
Posted in Iam in the Train. Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: yes here its the same reason the Front calls mortimer xDD i just Love this the fresh Fall air
Ehhh whats up?? Iam bored ans Willi g to Chat xD
Posted in Iam in the Train. Posted 5 years ago
So i have Time to Chat a bit :)
Here its windy today i Love this autum weather ^_^ how is everyone?
Posted in feelings for an ex boyfriend/abuser Posted 5 years ago
@Anonymous Kitten: hun this is normal i quess iam the same just not with one of my exes. Iam a victim of sexual abuse as well ans sometimes i get arroused of this too ans sometimes i just ask me the same question like why and i am normal? I think it also had something todo with your mental state at that day.
Posted in Real quick - Toilet paper Posted 5 years ago
@mizuie: omg than i would let him du as much as you can. My bf is pretty similar to this but he is hard working atm and i just have a Minijob so i do the work at Home aß much as my body let me do them. But if he leave his Job at the end of 2019 and help me with the Baby so i will let him do more at home while i have the little one
@LailaKin: i know mama doctor Jones already because i watched these as well xD kam addicted to every pregnancy theme atm because iam pregnant as some of those cases are pretty wierd to me, like yeah you had the Symptom..... why dont make a Test yourself?
@vengeance: i highly recoment this ist so much fun sometimes xD
Posted in Real quick - Toilet paper Posted 5 years ago
@mizuie: but is that enough? I just would talk to him about that he is lazy if he dont even change the roll
@vengeance: des she just stand in the kitchen and the Baby dropped on the floor.... and everyone WTF there is a baby xDD
@vengeance: heyyyy iam still Not at home whats up to you? I laughed like hell, my bf and i was watching this tv Show where women dont know that they are pregnant.... after this episode my bf was totally disturbed and i was just laughing xDDD
Posted in Real quick - Toilet paper Posted 5 years ago
@mizuie: i would kick him in the a*s...