Mokona's posts
Posted in Pulling an all-nighter because of Shivarathri
Posted 4 years ago

@Nephila: Ooh, I've heard of Ostara. That's beautiful. I love how deities and festivals are associated with changing seasons or changing planets. It feels very real; and for me paganism is partly the acceptance of the earth and physical reality as a part of spirituality instead of something to be ascended from, you know?
Shiva is the deity this festival is for, Shivarathri translated to 'Shiva's Night'. It's supposed to be the night that Shiva dances the taandav all night, shaking up the world energetically. So people stay up, fast by eating no grains (fruits and stuff like tapioca is okay). Some of them chant, some of them do yoga, and we give offerings too. I found out this Shivarathri that one of the offerings is bilva leaves (Indian bael). My father told me the story of a hunter who climbed a tree to escape from a tiger. The tiger waited and prowled under the tree and as night fell, the hunter decided he had to stay awake. He couldn't risk falling asleep and falling off the tree into the tiger's jaws. So he kept tearing off leaves and dropping them, to stay awake. There was a Shiva linga (a very simple, abstract idol) under the tree and the hunter was unwittingly dropping the bilva leaves on it all night. In the morning, the hunter attained enlightenment

Posted in Pulling an all-nighter because of Shivarathri
Posted 4 years ago

@sunny: Thank you TT I went to bed when I remembered that I have a full college day today with a meeting in the afternoon, so I couldn't just nap today. Sigh. I was so close too.
@koneko: I went to sleep close to 5 AM after I remembered all the shit I have to do today that will prevent me from just napping to make up for last night ;_;
@milkshake: I feel like last night wasn't lonesome thanks to you all

Posted in Pulling an all-nighter because of Shivarathri
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Before this, I would be at college when it happened, and before that, I was considered a child (too young to take part in fasting and staying up lol). I heard stories about what my family would do at this time but this is the first time I'm participating!

@sunny: Thank you! It's currently 3.30 A.M. here, so far so good. Also your avatar is absolutely adorbs

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Hey all! What's up?

Posted in Alice's little hangout and volt collecting!
Posted 4 years ago

I, too, have wandered in. *also waves hi*

Posted in Pulling an all-nighter because of Shivarathri
Posted 4 years ago

Apparently there's astrological reasons why it's a good idea to stay up all night on Shivarathri. Anyway, traditionally there would be festivities and things to help people collectively stay awake, but this time due to Covid there's nothing like that happening. We're all staying up on our lonesome.
And I'm here staring at my computer screen in hopes it will make me less sleepy lol. Here to chat so keep me company while I keep my eyes open

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: Really? Who did you find on avie sites who came online at the same time? I thought our timezones were totally off on Kofk.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I hope those become more accessible especially college education and public transport.

Posted in Tarot Parlour (PWYW)
Posted 4 years ago

@Edelaen: My insta is really random lol, thanks for finding it cute

It's always nice to be appreciated for the work I do, hee!

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah I really hope more positive changes come to distribute wealth more equally. Yeah, oats are great! And there are other grains, like rye, that can be included in what people eat so that it's not always white flour they're having.

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: There are RPers who get impatient if you don't come online during the same times as them or give them multiple replies in a day, so watch out lol. Be honest and choose wisely.

Posted in [OOC] Dragonlet & Whimsy
Posted 4 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: I've replied to the RP! And like you, I had great fun doing it

I used to be that girl who kept in touch with people on forum sites because I didn't have a phone until I went to college

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: A sporadic approach isn't serious or committed to daily replies, so my point still stands

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: No problem. Make sure your partners don't take RP TOO seriously. You an I are both used to a more casual approach to RP after all.