Shadami's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago

If i can avoid a phone call i will >.<

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

Traditional art? painting, drawing, charcoal, watercolor, sewing, knitting, crochet, needlework. ect? :D

Posted in Want avatar doodle arts? Make a request !
Posted 2 years ago

For anyone that likes the art in my post. These silly flobs of the past. If you would like for your posts, pop a message in chat here. I'm going to go pick up my daughter from pre-k. and then i think I want to do some doodley flob sketches if people are interested to warm up my art muscles.

Posted in ❀ CONFETTI {thought dump with me + maybe doodles}
Posted 2 years ago

I told my father. though he kind of coaxed it out of me in a not great way. I don't know if it was his only way to get me to tell him or what. Still got a lot to deal with for healing with my parents. and i've put that on the back burner with everything else going on xD
we... do not see eye to eye on things. mainly religion. and sexuality. xD
but we love each other at least cause yay family. Take care of each other. that kind of thing. I gotta run here in a moment to go get my toddler from preschool. so I'll be back later.

Posted in Let's go exploring for dem confetti
Posted 2 years ago

My coloring book ... i don't think is really going to be like many coloring books out there. and i'm super nervous and going to be self publishing on amazon. so extra nervous. and i'm just... crossing my fingers at this point.
I think my art is cartoonime Cartoon-anime its somewhere in between.

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

welllll there are a ton of different art loot boxes. but they have something different each month and its a mystery subscription thing.
THey look really fun, and would help me learn and play with and use new art supplies. and it just makes me really excited. I would love to be able to play with them if I could afford them.
there's one that is also notebook supplies like stickers and washi tape and note cards. they're all so cuuuuuute

Posted in Baffling Beasts || Creature Creation Game (Final Day!)
Posted 2 years ago

it is fascinating to watch the voting process :3

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

All my work is on the computer. and with art xD
at least... right now... Mostly because i don't have an income right now T.T I'm working on getting something set up, but its a long process with everything else going on all at once.

Posted in Out Of Realm || 4 Daily Challenges Unlocked Every 24 Hours
Posted 2 years ago

@Wildfire: i was curious about that one
hot pepper jelly cookies! :D

Posted in ❀ CONFETTI {thought dump with me + maybe doodles}
Posted 2 years ago

@Jolly: tehee.
absolutely yes.
It's beeen sooooo hard to keep it a secret from my family. I finally told my dad even though my divorce isn't completely finalized as a step towards telling my parents that I'm poly and that their religion is not for me because it has been crushing who i truly am and i'm sorry if that upsets them and they disown me or something.
I've at least told my dad "I'm not straight, and this is my soulmate" and he took that well.
But every time I'd talk about him to them I'd be like... "My.... friend from Canada. gush gush gush things i do with him" right. straight face. not dating. i'm fine. deep breath. don't swoon.

Posted in Let's go exploring for dem confetti
Posted 2 years ago

My characters are suuuuper unrealistic. My proportions aren't always right. hands are super inconsistent. and my faces get real wonky. xD but I've stopped hating it. lol.
i actually feel like drawing right now. and i'm working on sloooowly making a coloring book.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

@Wildfire: yes basically. The new life is wonderful. I'm feeling much better about lots of things and continue to heal ^^
I tend to ping just to be like "i'm replying to this person" xD bad habit probably. but yup i do it. Have fun with your IRL stuff.
I finally have sound on my computer again, so. maybe. hopefully. I can get some work done here now. But i don't wannnnt to now cause if i dive in now with less than an hour left before I have to leave i probably will get to seep in the art and not notice the time.

Posted in le spice rack
Posted 2 years ago

@Jolly: hehe. it would help for it to be in order xD
it was a fun little mini game testing my knowledge though <3
i'm actually pretty sure i have an ancient mustard sed or something in my spice cabinet. i just have not used it xD

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

i charged my headset and it seems to be working now even though its battery was fine. *rolls eyes at tech*
I'm doing a *whiiiiine* moment of i want to get an income going so that I can by art mystery loot boxes.
i mean. to.. get normal people things.